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15 Jahre Dorenas World.
Freitag 17.1.2025
mit DJ Anachron

Beginn 19:00 Uhr

Ihr könnt auf uns zählen!
Ein Programm im Rahmen der Events zum Jubiläum
15 Jahre Dorenas-Welt

Ende wie immer um Mitternacht.
Hypergrid :

15 years of Dorenas World.
Friday 17.1.2025
with DJ Anachron
Starts at 7:00 p.m.
You can count on us!
A program as part of the anniversary events
15 years of Dorenas World
Ends as always at midnight.
Hypergrid: .

Hicks: it was really good... except there was Ankh... :) 2 hours ago
Just a little update.. I think so round about 80 percent of the sim is finally finished. Now comes the finishing touches and the actual winter region. Everything else is ready. And it is a winter region not a Christmas region!( But has a christmas shop!)

AlexisCarrington: Not only inside the railway station are interesting things..near the clock towers and the entrance of the sim there are cool goodies too Very well made..Please continue in this style 3 days ago

The excitement of turning a dream into reality. It begins as a spark of imagination, a vivid mental picture of a breathtaking

Blue Monday im Stardust Club.
Es wird Zeit den neuen Stardust Club einzuweihen.
Also so soll es am Montag, 13.1.2025 geschehen.
Zeiten wie immer 20 - 22 Uhr, vielleicht auch länger.
Mukke weiß ich noch nicht genau, werde es noch posten.

Taxi: (Einfach in die Mapsuche kopieren)

Ein kleines Promo Video >

La réunion mensuelle des francophones et francophiles aura lieu jeudi a 21 .00 chez Eden .
Bonne année 2025 et vive opensim.

pour commencer bonne année a tout le monde .
Ce jour 5 janvier 2025, le marché de noel ferme pour travaux.
Merci aux 42 personnes qui l'ont visité.
à bientôt

#men's #shop

2 doors have closed but a new one is ready to be opened. First of all..The whole sim is still under construction. Take it as a "sneak preview" what you can expect. But it will still take weeks till everything is ready....
Situated on a beautiful winter sim. The main attraction is The old train station that contains a wonderful styles flea-market with all kind of items . Another highlight on the sim is the unique styled Cabaret-Jazz Club. Cabaret and Jazz? Yes Cabaret alternates regulary with Jazz. As you know me, a lot to explore and for sure no 30 sec fly by sim. But remember the sim is still under construction.

Dabici132: WOW, sounds fantastic, looking forward to discover it ALl best for 2025 22 days ago

Esti Mation: happy jule! 24 days ago

Wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas from Wolf Territories Grid :)

I wish you all a merry christmas time and a happy new year. Celebrate well and above all...stay healthy!!!

LaviaLavine: Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!! 25 days ago

******** I wish all my Friends " Merry Christmas" ********

Moonrose Grid: Das wünsche ich dir auch Liebe Sylvia♥ 25 days ago

Lise: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Nice photo! 25 days ago
During Christmastime, we pause to take in the beauty and kindness of the season. The spirit of giving inspires us to help those less fortunate or to share simply out of love for humankind. Thank you for giving me your friendship and support. I cherish the laughter we share, your gift of forever smiles makes my season and year bright. Best wishes in the New Year 💗🎄💗

Monentes Jewelry
Christmas 2024
Möge diese wunderbare Zeit des Jahres von Liebe und Besinnlichkeit erfüllt sein.
Lasst uns den Frieden im Kreise der Liebsten genießen und die kleinen, kostbaren Momente mit Dankbarkeit feiern.
Gemeinsam schaffen wir Erinnerungen, die uns ein Leben lang begleiten.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch und euren Lieben ein herzliches Weihnachtsfest und ein neues Jahr voller Glück und Harmonie.
May this wonderful time of year be filled with love and contemplation.
Let us enjoy peace with our loved ones and celebrate the small, precious moments with gratitude.
Together we create memories that last a lifetime.

With this in mind, I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and a New Year full of happiness and harmony.

I wish you all a nice start into the Christmas week. :-)

Dal profondo del cuore auguriamo a tutti voi un Natale pieno di pace e speranza, vi ringraziamo per tutti i bei momenti condivisi in questo 2024 che sta per finire e ci auguriamo che il prossimo 2025 sia per tutti noi una grande opportunità per divenire la migliore versione di noi stessi.
De todo corazón les deseamos a todos una Navidad llena de paz y esperanza, gracias por todos los bellos momentos compartidos en este 2024, deseamos para todos que el próximo 2025 sea una gran oportunidad de convertirnos en la mejor versión de nosotros mismos

Marpil & Jim

Aurora Starchild: Muchisísimas felicidades a los dos guapis 27 days ago

plus que quelques jours et il neige .
Le marché est au fond.
bonne visite

Hicks: A voir absolument :p 27 days ago
John wartet auf's Christkind
Ho ho ho liebe Freunde,

es ist mal wieder so weit. am 24.12. ab 13 Uhr, wartet John mit Euch gemeinsam aufs Christkind!
Dieses mal mit einer Premiere.
"John's Rocksofa" zum ersten Mal auf "OpenRadio", dem neuen Sender für reale und virtuelle Welten.

Wie immer findet ihr ihn auf Santas Winterwunderland, der großartigen Weihnachtsregion von Rubeus Helgerud.

hop:// Winterwunderland/70/166/6185

Natürlich in "Winterbergen, an der Glühweinhütte" Big Grin

Selbstverständlich könnt Ihr auch offline zuhören. Es soll ja Leute geben, die Heiligmittag keine Zeit haben.

Auch über und Alexa.

Um 16 Uhr übernimmt dann Rubeus mit seinem musikalischen Weihnachtsteller. Er ist bis zur Bescherung, um 18 Uhr für Euch da.

John is waiting for Santa Claus
Ho ho ho dear friends,

it's that time again. On December 24th from 1 p.m., John will be waiting for Santa Claus with you!
This time with a premiere.
"John's Rocksofa" for the first time on "OpenRadio", the new station for real and virtual worlds.

As always, you can find him on Santa's Winter Wonderland, Rubeus Helgerud's great Christmas region.

hop:// Winterwunderland/70/166/6185

Of course in "Winterbergen, at the mulled wine hut" Big Grin

Of course you can also listen offline. There are people who don't have time on Christmas Day.

Also on and Alexa.

At 4 p.m. Rubeus will take over with his musical Christmas plate. He will be there for you until the presents are given out at 6 p.m.

Bonjour a toutes et tous

Kelso.Uxlay: Bonjour et bienvenue chez les francos! KU-) 28 days ago

Dabici132: Hi Jamie, I will try to visit later today and tried to figure out how I can had a panel in our Travel Agency 29 days ago
rappel, comme tous les ans le marche fermera debut janvier , merci
Good morning,
Remember, as every year the march will close in January , thank you
Guten Tag,
Erinnerung, wie jedes Jahr schließt der Marsch zu Januar , danke

Govani13: hätte gerne mal ein spaziergang genacht ..aber läst mich nicht zu ... 1 month ago
You're invited to the Winter Fair, Sunday, Dec. 15th at 12:00 noon PST (grid time).

Who will be there? What's new to see? Check it out.

Catronian Archipelago:
hop:// Archipelago/748/108/2046
(click teleporter sign at landing area)
Am Sonntag den 15. Dezember gibt es die nächste Adventslesung mit Rubeus Helgerud. Ab 20:00 Uhr gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt

Weihnachtliche Vormusik gibts wieder ab 19:30 zu hören. Schnappt Euch Glühpunsch und setzt Euch auf die Kissen ins gut beheizte Märchenzelt und hört ein wenig zu. Wir freuen uns auf Euch alle.

On Sunday, December 15th, there will be the next Advent reading with Rubeus Helgerud. From 8:00 p.m. there will be a Christmas atmosphere in the fairy tale tent at Dorena's Christmas market market

Christmas pre-music will be heard again from 7:30 p.m. Grab some mulled punch and sit on the cushions in the well-heated fairy tale tent and listen for a while. We look forward to seeing you all.
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Andremus & Alchy
Winter Wonderland => hop://
Just in time for the Christmas Parties, Vesti has released a new store called Seasons. Right now it has 10 new female outfits and 3 new male. Seasons is behind the photo studio beside Everyday InsTYle. Check it out

Essensual: one outfit has (X) on the poster, this outfit fits Xara/LaraX 1 month ago
I woke up to a message from @Ferdzee casually saying, "Oh, by the way, your grid now supports PBR." Wait, WHAT? PBR? You mean DG has PBR now? Yep! Shiny, beautiful gold—Yay! Over time, I'll be updating all my jewelry. It’ll take a while, but the future is looking golden and brilliant! Dreamgrid 5.9 is PBR! Time to update your FS viewers people :) Thank you @Ferdzee you are my Hero!! Yayy
The excitement of turning a dream into reality. It begins as a spark of imagination, a vivid mental picture of a breathtaking world—perhaps a misty mountain range, an alien landscape, or a bustling medieval city. This dream is like the first stroke of inspiration for an artist.

When you start building, the blank OpenSim region becomes your canvas, a digital palette where each prim, texture, and script is a brushstroke. The process is exhilarating as you shape the terrain, paint the sky with colors and clouds, and breathe life into your vision. You sculpt cliffs, plant forests, and carve rivers, adding details that make your world not just beautiful but immersive.

What makes OpenSim even more thrilling is its ability to provide massive land sizes without the prohibitive costs of other virtual platforms like Second Life. The expansive landscapes give creators room to explore their wildest ideas, unburdened by financial constraints. This freedom fuels creativity, allowing for sprawling builds that are limited only by the creator’s imagination.

There's also a sense of discovery as the imagined meets the possible. You experiment with elements—adjusting lighting for a perfect sunset, scripting interactive elements, or adding soundscapes that make the environment hum with life. The joy of creation is heightened when the imagined dream surpasses your expectations and becomes a place where others can explore, share, and marvel.

Building in OpenSim is not just crafting pixels; it’s the act of creation in its purest form—a thrilling dance between imagination and realization, where the limits are only bound by the extent of your dreams.

This is an excellent place to start:

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Very nice, Marianna, and really accurate. 1 month ago

Arcfury: Amazing. ... Now there it looks like you are starting to turn into a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship. :) 1 month ago

Greetings from me from the Christmas market. :-)

Winter Wonderland in Eden !
Snowballs fight, ice skating, snow bikes riding,
You can take a pic with Santa, listen to the singing dinkies band,
play greedy or whack a game Christmas, have a ride on the carousel.
And don't forget to grab some of the gifts boxes!
let's feel the magic of Christmas! :) Pangea-Grid
AMV5B - Alternate Metaverse Grid Celebrates 5 Years!

All of you are invited to our 5th Birthday celebration on the Region AMV Birthday, A Co-Creation of Ted Junior and Chris McCracken, two excellent builders and landscapers! There are a few touches by the talented Lilie Finesmith and by Cataplexia Numbers as well. We will start off with a Short Grid Address to open and the Re-Inauguration of our Grid's Mayor, The lovely Taffy Star. After the Inauguration we will celebrate at the main stage with a Live Performance by Mavenn Live & Joao Frazao!

We will have 3 more days of parties & Events, and wrap it up on December 8th. Live Performers, DJs & Storytelling, Free gifts, and Free portraits by Zelle Mist are available throughout the 4 day event!

We are so fortunate...Cliff & be able to call so many incredible people Our friends and family! Love and Light to all of you and a most gracious THANK YOU for helping to make this grid the wonderful and diverse place that it is! Birthday (235, 174, 23)

Alternate Metaverse 5th Birthday Schedule of Events

Thursday, December 5th

9:30 AM - 10:30am - Grid Address & Inauguration At Cafe' Espresso Stage
10;30am - 11:30am Mavenn Live @ The Living Stage
11:30am - 12:30pm Joao Frazao @ The Living Stage
12:30pm-1:30pm DJ Baby Miller @ The Butterfly Stage
1:30pm-2:30 DJ Naya Pinazzo @ The Butterfly Stage
4 - 6pm Maldrul Smith @ The Butterfly Stage

Friday, December 6th

10am-11am DJ DragonLadyShinobiaa Carpenoctem @ The Butterfly Stage
12noon -1pm Storytelling by Yichard Muni @ The Garden Of Journeys
2pm-3pm Dave King Live @ The Guitar Stage
3pm-4pm DJ Anys @ The Guitar Stage
4-5pm Zoree Jupiter @ The Guitar Stage
5pm - 6pm Beccca Baxton @ The Guitar Stage
6pm - 7pm DJ Maia Antarra Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage
7pm - 8pm DJ April McKenna Electronica / Trance @ The Butterfly Stage

Saturday, December 7th

9am - 10am DJ Tyler Mathews
10am -11am Mr Mikie String @ The Living Stage
11am - 12noon Clan Escotia & Clans Band Live @ The Living Stage
12noon - 1pm Ernest Moncrieff @ The Living Stage
1pm - 2pm Icky Thump Live @ The Living Stage
4pm -5pm DJ Jordan Melody @ The Butterfly Stage
5pm - 6pm DJ Chris McCracken @ The Butterfly Stage


Sunday, December 8th

10am-11am DJ Yana Dakota @ The Butterfly Stage
11am -1pm Dave King & Wintermyst Tangerae's Video Party @ The Butterfly Stage
1pm - 2pm Ian Kitsilano Live w Mr M & The All-nighters @ The Guitar Stage
2pm - 3pm Khiron Ametza Live @ The Guitar Stage

Xmas Market 2024 @ Eternal Ice

FinjaFlux: Let's have some eggnog at Bink's Xmas Market! Cheers! 2 months ago
The Dinkies Advent Calendar is now Active, Every day leading up to Christmas, a new surprise awaits for you Dinkies in the Advent Calendar. The first day had arrived, ENJOY!!!
Located at: Dinkies
(Once landing at the Resort, click on the big Christmas Market board (you can not miss seeing) and it will take you there :-))

Bink Draconia: I've grabbed the 1st gift - it is soooo cute!!! Thank you very much!!!! 2 months ago
Clock is ticking - first Advent door opens at midnight CET! Every day - until December 24, 2024 - there will be a new gift to take home. So that it doesn't become too stressful to visit the Advent calendar every day, all gifts can also be taken home at a later date.
You will find the Advent calendar pictured here inside the traffic circle directly in front of the landing point. Have fun!
* * * * *
Die Uhr läuft - um Mitternacht MEZ öffnet sich das erste Adventstürchen! Bis 24. Dezember 2024 gibt es jeden Tag ein neues Geschenk zum Mitnehmen. Damit es nicht zu stressig wird, jeden Tag den Adventskalender zu besuchen, können alle Geschenke auch nachträglich noch mitgenommen werden.
Ihr findet den abgebildeten Adventskalender innerhalb des Rondells direkt vor dem Landepunkt. Viel Spaß!

Dorena Verne: Juhuuuuuuuu. :-) 2 months ago

Touch it it lights up! Great addition to add any place take the teleport..

For our 12th year in a row...

Littlefield Grid will be running our annual WLFG Christmas Stream!
Christmas / Holiday Music 24x7!!

This stream is available to ALL!!

Merry Christmas from Littlefield Grid!!

Lynne Lundquist: Thanks so much! 2 months ago

News!! hop:// De Volcanes/157/109/3827

Hiver sur le terrain / Winter land