oh HELLO Offline


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A blindfold -- as in "justice is blind" or "get ready for the firing squad"?
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I'm in a chatty mood, so here is another message. Just a reminder you can wear whatever you like or nothing at all at the event. Whatever makes you most comfortable. For example, I'd be comfortable wearing jeans, but they were too hard to steal from the guy wearing them....
I think you should promise to wear the guy ... he'll lose his pants for you ... then, easy score for the jeans...ROFL
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It's said that if something happens once, it could be an accident. Happens twice: a coincidence. But if it happens three times, it's a conspiracy. This is our third Naked Yoga event. Come join the conspiracy!
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Trying out some new make-up. I may have gone a bit too far into dead-zone.
nah, looks great!! A real gothic appearance.
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Did I mention new?
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No, why? Does he have pet Aardvark too? I hope he named his Aardvark Aaardvack.
i bet you can't write a limerick about that.
Limerick? I can hardly say the damn thing just on it's own.
Misty *snickers*, yes i refer to myself in the third person...rofl
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I didn't see any jumping! :(
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No one has gone for the extra-credit bonus points and explained why the name was changed from Puck-Man. I guess it's pucking obvious...
rofl... that is for sure ... i get my "P's" and "F's" mixed up all the time :)
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Either way, you are walking in water, yes?
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Wow. I hope so. :)
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Too be honest, the fur coat has too high a collar for the down-swept part of the hair. If you can ignore that (and I usually don't), the outfit has a good look. If anyone finds a better jacket for the outfit, let me know.
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They are hoping to meet a guy with a ladder...
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DDG gets search results from, among others, it's partner Bing. If you like the results Bing provides, but also like privacy, use DDG. Startpage sends your search request as an anatomized query to Google. If you like the results Google provides, but wish to remain anonymous, use Startpage.
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Best comment ever.
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Ah, the outfit now has a name. "The Virtuous Hooker". Thx!
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Ethical issues? What ethical issues? The AviTron owner admits to having financial issues in the past. He messaged to residents on one of his grids, "I want to apologize for the abrupt way I took to do this but the servers were up for payment today. Three high-end servers and I also had to make a decision either to spend almost $300 or to pay my child support and be able to eat a little bit better.”

However, his financial problems became the problems of the grid residents. During the multitude of previous shutdowns, some residents lost the contents of their virtual wallets. They also lost their inventory, and with no OAR files provided them, they lost the work they had put into their land.

If you decide to work for the owner of AviTron to sell regions, I think many would agree that it would be ethical to warn potential customers of all this.
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The reference to Trump in the post is to point to the similar history of the owner of AviTron. It brings up some ethical issues people should consider before deciding, or not, to work selling regions in the AviTron Grid. However, someone has disputed that Trump has had a number of bankruptcies and business failures. Here are the facts:

The investment company Digital World wants to merge with TMTG, the company that owns Trump's TruthSocial.
In it's regulatory filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Digital World highlighted the bankruptcies of Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza, and Trump Castle, and the failures of Trump University, Trump Vodka, and Trump Steaks, among others.

Digital World warned investors that "A number of companies that were associated with President Trump have filed for bankruptcy. There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also become bankrupt."

It continued: "A number of companies that had license agreements with President Trump have failed. There can be no assurances that TMTG will not also fail."

The document, with these statement, can be viewed here:
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I have not seen toe-socks in OS. You mean RL?
Yes RL socks... Maybe I'll play with some textures and make some for here... :)
Wonderful! Let me know.
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Did you know that Yay spelled backwards is yaY?
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We have a naked rabbit at the event, but does that even count? I mean, do animals ever wear clothes? Come do some yoga and get enlightened on this subject and much more.
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Good guess but, sadly, wrong. You can do "Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better." There are three clues in the post. Think of another word for "crazy." Think about a song about crazy killers. And finally, the words "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" are part of the song.