oh HELLO Offline


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I think bite marks are fine--as long as the model is not dead.
Well...that was MY thought!! Hickies are usually limited to 16 yo boys...but bite marks like those awful things look like the work of a serial killer!
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Why should people test something that they never heard was possible? When and where did Alex post that the "no export" policy had changed?
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"Not one word about how hot the model is?" OK, here is my one word about how hot the model is.

I think Dex Eng is the model, that's why he's so triggered.
jjajaja huehueheu, i beatifull this kkk
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Paradise is proving to be boring perhaps?
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Don't ban AviTron. Just charge them $25 a month for access, like Sacrarium did.
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"Whoever said that they cannot export anything from avitron is a very uninformed person." Perhaps it's because, as far as I know, Alex never announced a change in the "no export" policy. We can't be informed if the information is not provided. Some history. As a condition for gaining access to Sack O'Sacarium. all exports from AviTron had to be blocked. That never worked very well, so Sac cut off AviTron access. However, in the meanwhile, people likely stopped visiting AviTron because of this no export policy. If that has changed, it is long-overdue. However, this shop charging money for many items she got free and purposely changing a full perm item to no transfer does not exactly help with the idea that we can now export items. Better to shop where these items remain free and full perm.
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"I did not understand what is being discussed." Yes, your comments make that very obvious.
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Alex has removed all his comments. It looks like we resolved the situation to his satisfaction. Let peace, harmony and love prevail!
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I'm sorry, you have exceeded the number of all caps words you are permitted on OSW. :)
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On my part, no hate. Just pity.
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Free mops to men who want to have a "top whatever" pissing contest.
For pissing contests there is one rule: NO HANDS ALLOWED!
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Yikes! Nazis! Be careful now. Citing Godwin's law, Adolph Hitler once said he won an internet debate when someone compared him to Hitler.
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It is forgetfulness to change a full perm item to no transfer? And it is not just one item. It is at least 20-30 items. I'm glad to hear that you've known Oni Kiri for years and would never allow anyone to sell any Adachi product. But what you would allow and what actually happened are totally unrelated. And I'm disappointed to see that you did not read the post at all carefully. Try again.
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"Well, maybe I'm a crook." Love Love Love:
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The origins of that phrase: It's a true story. I should know. I was married to Phineas Taylor Barnum at the time. We called him "Skinny Phinny." But by 1885 P.T. had become a rather portly old coot. Had a way for words, that's for sure.
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Lynyrd Skynyrd performing "Free Bird" on the CopyKat Grid, 7/2/1977. Their wardrobe was provided by Grimm! OK, no it wasn't, and no they didn't. But the song is worth a listen anyways. Enjoy.
No love for Lynyrd Skynyrd! I'm disappointed.
Sweet Home Alabama!
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No! It was a warning to not wear the lipstick to a congressional hearing. The blindfold is fine...I think. I mean, I couldn't actually see their reactions to it.
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Wonderful. Love to have a copy of all that.
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A blindfold -- as in "justice is blind" or "get ready for the firing squad"?
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I'm in a chatty mood, so here is another message. Just a reminder you can wear whatever you like or nothing at all at the event. Whatever makes you most comfortable. For example, I'd be comfortable wearing jeans, but they were too hard to steal from the guy wearing them....
I think you should promise to wear the guy ... he'll lose his pants for you ... then, easy score for the jeans...ROFL