oh HELLO Offline


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Well now, Betty could have created the creation from Bella. Bella could have created the creation from Betty. Who knows? I have had Betty's in my inventory for a long, long time. I'm assuming that they are the original fake real pants, or the real fake pants. I'm never sure which is which.
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I may kill this outfit after all. It's interesting, but not quite right. I'll play with it and see if I can make it better. Any suggestions?
Here we are... I tried on the outfit, minus the necklace. Swapped the boots for the Al Capone (?) pair.
Yes, it is better with no necklace and that hair color. You might want to use the lipstick I wear with it. It's in the Hed Faktori make-up megapack.
I do think the no makeup look goes well with the homeless/nomad theme though. I don't have a home yet in Open Sim or SL so in a sense I empathize with those themes. That's not to say I never wear makeup in world, I do that when I feel like being a doll. :)
RIPS in the jeans, maybe the knees, front thighs, and bum too maybe
I can look for jeans like that and see how they look.
I love the loose jacket, the softer look of it. Good alternative to the usual jackets.
Yes, I tried to build the look around the jacket. Originally (three years ago) I thought it looked like one a homeless person would wear. Seeing it again after all these years, I see it has a certain elegance. I'll try out some ideas and see what happens. Thx for your help.
Now this is "sharing is caring". This is what we need to see, from the things we do, as individuals, creating and having fun.
Ya, it is nice. It was the foundation of my Show and Share Fashion Event. I'll have to start them up again.
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We should not offer things that we have not been authorized to offer by the person who is offering things they have not been authorized to offer? I suppose we can make that argument.
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I've found "your" "creations" in Sanctorium, but the "creator" there has a different name. So far you have not answered my question about you having an alt on that grid. Perhaps you and they are the same person. Maybe you aren't. Maybe either, or both, of you are selling each other's "creations," or even other people's, and claiming credit. Who can sort out this creator credit chaos?

Here is one way to approach this issue. There is a difference between "creator" and "contributor." You admit you did not create these items. Sure, you copied and textured them. But from the viewpoint of the actual creator, that only makes you an uninvited and unwelcome contributor to, not the creator of, the item now found in OS.

You demand respect for your work and your time to take and modify something not your own. Please show respect for the work and time of the real creator. Give them credit. Name them. And then I'd like to contact them to verify that they give you permission to copy, modify and be the exclusive distributor of this item in OS.

If someone wants to know who contributed to the creation of an item in this outfit, all they need do is look at the item's properties. About the items both you and someone from Sanctorium say they created, I suggest you discuss the issue with them.

Yes, it's one thing to get content from SL after asking the original creator for permission to do that and actually receiving that permission and then to a) declare that this content is offered upon permission by the original creators and b) credit the original creators by name.

It's something else to take these things without permission. Of course, you don't credit the original creators, not only because you try to make people believe that you've created these things from scratch, but also so that the original creators will much less likely find out that you've stolen from them and sue the living hell out of you.

But if you steal from someone who has never agreed to share their content with you and then complain that others "steal" from you because you've never agreed to share pretty much the same content with them, that's just hypocrisy. Even if you've put work into that content, well, the original creator put even more work into it because they've created everything from scratch. But you demand being credited, and you demand theft protection, but you grant the original creator neither?

And seriously, if you copybot something from Sarcasticarium that has already been stolen from SL and modified, offering it as your own creation with new box art being the only change, and trying to credit yourself as the original creator, that's an absolute low. In this case, the content has been stolen twice already before it arrived in your shop, in both cases against the will of those who have offered it. Any claim that you're the creator is a lie, any claim that you've modified the contents of the box (e.g. retextured them) is a lie, and besides, any claim that you've bought these items in SL before exporting them in order to white-wash your deeds is a lie, too.

But As We All Know™, stealing from SL and stealing stolen content from Sarcasticarium is absolutely necessary in order for OpenSim avatars to not look like clay figures. Right?
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Exactly. All I create is a unique look. The properties of the items I use to assemble an outfit do not show me as the creator, and I don't claim to be.
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My "oh HELLO" shop has outfits I've assembled, using items found in various stores. I don't claim to be the creator of these items. All I create is a unique look.

There seems to be some controversy about an item in this "Casual and Utterly Confident" outfit. Bella Diesel claims to be the creator of the items she sells in her shops. However, on my first visit I saw two items that I've long had in my inventory where someone with a different name and grid is listed as the creator. So, I have good reason to doubt Bella's claim of being the creator, even as that term is used in OS.

So far, Bella has not answered my very simple question, "Do you have an alt in Sacrarium?" Perhaps she and they are the same person. Maybe they aren't. Maybe either, or both, are selling each other's "creations," or even other people's, and claiming credit. Who can sort out this creator credit chaos?

It is true that people do a lot of work to copybot, import, modify, and create marketing items like logos, vendor textures and the like for the items we find in OS. But that does not make that person the creator of the product. It makes them an unwanted, uninvited, contributor to the work of the real creator.

Before you restrict permissions on "your" creation, let's see the permission you have from the original creator to import the item from SL into OS and be the exclusive distributor of it. Or, if you are the creator, please provide verification of that.

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Bella, I have a couple of questions that can help resolve the problem. First, do you have an alt on Sacrarium?
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I'm also cunning (in a Merce Cunningham kind of way -- except I can't dance).
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You will have to look in the box to see if there is white top. I always include all items if any is part of a fatpack.

Typically it only takes an hour to assemble an outfit. All I recall about this one is that it took me about two hours to assemble it. The majority of the time was looking for the right top (I hope there is a white one in there for you). It was worth the effort, but perhaps people could take a moment or two to leave a review and comment about the region...
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Beware. This sweater comes equipped with a self-destruct mechanism triggered by the smell of pumpkin spice...
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Yikes. Looks like I was a bit too confident and got things a bit wrong. The outfit is now available at the usual low low price of $0. If you don't have $0, let me know and I'll loan it to you. :)
Good answer Nico. All these complaining B_ _ _ _ _ _, can keep complaining about so called reselling. There all copied from somewhere.
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Yup, it was set for buy/contents yesterday and hasn't changed. Let me know after you have tried to get an outfit that is not buy/contents
I got it now! Strange, I could not buy it yesterday!
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They would quit if I didn't!
haha clever!
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I wish I could make a sunglasses shaped bra, but this dress will have to do for now.
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Actually, as I look at them now, I'm thinking I might change out those low sneakers for platform sneakers, or platform ankle boots...
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Yes, and the sneakers are color coordinated!
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Thx for letting me know. It's been fixed.
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The hair is color change BTW.
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Do silicone implants contribute to global warming? If so, the model is not hot, but we will be.
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I think bite marks are fine--as long as the model is not dead.
Well...that was MY thought!! Hickies are usually limited to 16 yo boys...but bite marks like those awful things look like the work of a serial killer!