oh HELLO Offline


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Good guess but, sadly, wrong. You can do "Fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better." There are three clues in the post. Think of another word for "crazy." Think about a song about crazy killers. And finally, the words "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" are part of the song.
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Name that tune! :)
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Get a free cow with this outfit! Moo-ve it on over here!
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Yes, unfortunately, we can't post pix in the comments. Thanks for the link to yours. You look lovely. DUALITY and the region Aether needs a flickr account and group for folks like you to post pix. We will announce that when and if that happens.
That would be great, I already have a flickr account with my name. Keep us posted! :)
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If your name begins with M or D, you have a special invite to the event. We've got Marla, Margo and Mr.Dark here. Also Dame, D. J. (yes that is his name), Dariaa herself and the ever popular Dance Partner. But do not fear. We do not discriminate against other letters of the alphabet. :)