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In her first performance and debut @ Wolf Territories grid, DJ Xenon Darrow presents Sexy Saturday - an eclectic mix that is playful, precious, & always appropriate We'll see you at Wolf Fest! Saturday, June 15, 7:30 pm grid time


After a decidedly NOT fun couple of weeks, I'm working on something fun. We're making a big 6x6 surf island. Just M-rated. The design (other than the rollercoaster park) will be kind of in the style of Martinique. A tropical island, but with more like french colonial style villages and houses. We don't need bamboo everything everywhere... :) I'd really love to have LGBT meetup dance parties for fellowship and support. Get something positive and non-confrontational going...

Sam's working on the villages today and tomorrow, and I'll make some roads through the forest and have little 3-wheeler island cab tours. It will be fun.
The railroad line goes about 70 kilometers all the way to the Welcome region. It's fun to ride, and we have about 300km of continuous track running so far. Stay tuned!

Hyacinth: We tried out Lilly's surfboards tonight. She definitely has the best surfboards! Thank god! I am so sick of working on mine. I am free! haha 8 months ago

Wolf Fest starts this weekend kicking off with education, tech talks and music plus some incredible builds. (to see a detailed list head over to )

Luna Lunaria: Yay! Excited about this one 8 months ago

A bed where you can snuggle up under the covers? Of course I can do that. Here you go! It's at

Xenon Darrow: Now I just need a snuggler! ;) 9 months ago
People have been going to and going to the 5th floor of my little castle and trying to enter the locked doors of the computer room. Some have even zoomed their cameras through the locked doors into the server room and into the locked server cabinet, and tried to mess with my overwatch sentry security server. Please do not do this anymore. It tells me when you do that and I will ban you from Wizardry which I hate to do. It is very annoying to me when you do this. Wizardry is there to offer up free stuff i create to people, and there is no reason or need for you to go through all that trouble to turn off my sim security. Thank you.

LeonitasLionheart: That is a perfectly reasonable request and sorry to hear people been messing around like that. Thank you for sharing the things you do share, and ty for speaking calmly and thoughtfully to the masses ... 9 months ago
This 1 is for you and me, living out our dreams!
And We are All right where we should be!
With our arms out wide, I Open my Eyes...
and now all I want to see...
Is a sky full of Lighters!

By the time you hear this I will have already spiraled up
I would never do nothing to let you cowards fuck my world up
If I was you I would duck, or get struck, like lightning,
Fighters keep fighting, put your lighters up, point 'em skyward uh
Had a dream, I was king, I woke up, still king.

'Til nobody else even fucking feels me, 'til it kills me

Feel free, but from now on I'm refusing to ever give up
Only thing I ever gave up's using no more excuses
Excuse me if my head is too big for this building

I love it when I tell 'em shove it
'Cause it wasn't that, long ago when Leo sat, flustered lacked luster
'Cause he couldn't cut mustard, muster up, nothing
Brain fuzzy, 'cause he's buzzin', woke up from that buzzin'
Now you wonder why he does it, how he does it
Wasn't 'cause he had buzzards circlin' around his head
Waiting for him to drop dead, was it?
Or was it 'cause them bitches wrote him off
Little hussy ass, scuzzes, fuck it, guess it doesn't matter now, does it
What difference it make?
What it take to get it through your thick skulls
That this ain't some bullshit
People don't usually come back this way
From a place that was dark as I was in
Just to get to this place
Now let these words be like a switch blade to a hater's ribcage
And let it be known that from this day forward
I wanna just say thanks 'cause your hate is what gave me the strength
So let 'em Bics raise 'cause I came with 5'9" but I feel like I'm 6'8″!

I cried plenty tears, my daddy got a bad back
So it's only right that I write 'til he can march right into that post office and tell 'em to hang it up

I'll stop when I'm at the very top
You shitted on me on your way up
It's 'bout to be a scary drop

Every hour, happy hour now
Life is wacky now

Now I'm just the cat's meow, ow
Classic cow, always down for the catchweight like Pacquiao
Ya'll are doomed
I remember when T-Pain ain't wanna work with me
My car starts itself, parks itself and autotunes
'Cause now I'm in the Aston
I went from having my city locked up
To getting treated like Kwame Kilpatrick
And now I'm fantastic
Compared to a weed high

Y'all bugging out like Wendy Williams staring at a beehive
And how real is that
I remember signing my first deal and now I'm the second best, I can deal with that
Now Bruno can show his ass, without the MTV awards gag...

You and I know what it's like to be kicked down
Forced to fight
But tonight, we're alright
So hold up your lights
Let it shine
'Cause, this one's for you and me, living out our dreams
We're all right where we should be
With my arms out wide, I open my eyes
And now all I wanna see
Is a sky full of lighters
A sky full of lighters

This post is dedicated to those who refuse to stand idle and take everyone's shit. Those who fight for what is right and what they believe in. Those who do their best to enact positive change and enlightenment in the face of adversity. Yes i posted lyrics from a song...a very inspirational song with a positive message. Now all i want to a sky full of Lighters!

Lillysparks: That face looks so much like your avi is that you? Pretty cool. Cheers. 9 months ago
Whales for Sale!!!!

That's right, I am selling whales!

Why am I selling whales? Because I want to help you make an amazing Underwater area. You see, we have whales, many species of stingrays, sharks, jelly fish, hundreds of fish, hermit crabs, dolphins, mermaids, corals, ruins shipwrecks and more!

I spent 6 months finding things in opensim to build my underwater worlds...and now I want to help you build your underwater area.

Textures Trees & Scripts (and Whales)

the little store that is loved by builders and landscapers!

Ankhsenaton: So much things to get :) Thank you Safinemahoe2 ! 9 months ago
We are at 14 and growing for the "Friends of The Genesis Roleplay Grid" wall. If you are not aware of it, to be on the Friends of the GRPG wall, all you have to do, is contact me, Lavia Lavine, either here in message or in world and let me know you want to have your region or grid represented in the wall. This will get you a walk through portal from our grid to yours and it will bear your logo and landmark, and that's really all there is to it. Some have asked me why I do this, well it's because with all the hatred, negativity and ridiculous competition in open sim, I felt it would be good to do something positive, just as I've seen other's do from time to time. It's not a "new" idea but it is sure a good one to get regions and grids networking with each other and growing a larger community. It's truly amazing to see the wonderful, beautiful creations that people have come up with for their grids and it's great fun to share it by networking. So if you'd like to be a Friend of the Genesis Roleplay Grid, just let me know!! Blessings and much love, Lavia

GlennXpletive: That is a positive thing to do Lavia. 9 months ago
I updated the Caribou region description on Opensimworlds today.

I tell about my love to my region and grid and why it is important for me. Please comment if you have opinions about what I wrote:

I am Jeanne. I own Caribou. I share and Caribou with my long-time close friend Angelic Ronin. She is absent. My former partner and good friend Andron Rae still comes in to help me.

Caribou is my life. For over 15 years I have been working on it almost every day.

When I worked around the world I spent lonely hotel nights here.

In the long years that I fought my two cancers I was here every evening after my radiation. When medication made me sick i came to my islands.

I am still not on the clear. I need Caribou as much as ever.

My dear friend Veritas McMaster made me understand how important our experiences in the metaverse can be. I miss Veri so deeply. You will find many sites in Caribou that celebrate her and her work for all of us.

When we come somewhere in these grids, we look around. Is it nice? Is it beautiful? Is the building or the lake or the environment interesting? Do I want to see more?

Caribou is not different. I try to give attention to details. Do you still want to explore is my question?

Still, you look at us from the outside. It all changes when you enter the scene.

Your thoughts, opinions, memories, dreams - they are with you. Your sadnesses and your joys, your fears and hopes?

I am not the only creator anymore. You create the scene and experience equally much.

Veri told me how virtual worlds affect our brains. She lead me to the link between experiences and neurological health.

Veri came from Second Life. SL friends recommended to seek me up in Caribou.

Caribou was then where she received the AVs that she was helping. They went on to different adult grids for private housing.

Until Veri tragically passed away we worked together on her project.

Veri knew that experiences in adult grids can very different. They can heal but also create suffering.

Neuroscience tells how our brains work. Scientific advances show us how our feelings affect our brain.

I was socially excluded and bullied in the OS world myself. I wrote in how it hurt my real health.

Angelic and other friends helped me back. A difficult time followed. I am still not completely healed.

I know now how effective and dangerous social exclusion and harassment can be. I am a strong person. Still it hurts me sometimes.

But I was privileged because I could read and learn about this.

Others are maybe not. Some are alone, some not well, or young lonely adults seeking their place in our worlds. For them exclusion and bullying is a real danger. And it is inhuman. Makes me upset, yes.

We don't always realise this in our virtual worlds.

Ihave dedicated Caribou to the road that Veri showed me. I am still far from done. I want everyone to feel equally welcome. To be what they want to be. Where nobody is left out. Where there is no bullying. And where a beautiful and inviting environment inspires to everyone. This work is on its way.

I don't prescribe anything. My intention is just to tell what I do in Caribou. All others do things their own way. This is ours.

I want to show that there can be a way back.

Caribou cannot offer professional help. Maybe we can suggest where to seek it. But we can be here for everyone.

Caribou is my life and my love. Like a Tiger Mama I hold on to my world.

Hugs, Jeanne Lefavre
HedFaktori Mission Statement:

Our aim is to provide stable, working, Full Permission products to the best of our ability and encourage others to utilise these assets in play or in further developement to enrich the virtual lives of everyone.

Our wish:

It is our sincerest wish that everyone dispenses with all the debates about rights and wrongs and accepts that what we do, we do for the purest of reasons and for the good of everyone.

Current Affairs Statement:

We are not concerned with traffic numbers or grid rankings and we have no desire to provide a mall or store and have our grid constantly feeding hungry travellers who take everything in a single visit. We provided items that could be used in stores and malls who do wish traffic and numbers and rankings and if that is how they want to play? We will not interfere. We should all be able to have fun and share the good things OS has to offer without any dramas. However, many people seem to have an issue with this and others also want to claim kudos for new products on their regions which we developed and they simply removed our logo and rebox them. As if this wasn't enough? They then restrict the perms to no copy or no trans or both. This is in direct contradiction to why we developed the assets in the first instance and this is why despite our 'Mission Statement' and wish to avoid dramas we have removed our products.
We will continue to develop and build on the assets we had always planned on doing and when the Open Sim community is ready to treat both our assets and our wishes with respect we may release them but until then we remain NotSorry.

Road Kill

Synthetica: I'd just like to point out to anyone interested that the assets that that HedFaktori have provided to Open Sim users over the years amounts to over 12,000 hours of work shared by a small group of peop... 1 years ago

Art Gallery at Wolf Territories Grid Wolf Mountain

I have rebranded the grid to Three Hills Grid. When we first named the grid we thought to name it after the magazine and since then, I have seen another grid named Virtual Grid, so as to eliminate any confusion I thought it would be best to rename it. I have always thought of Black Hills Gold as Three Hills Gold (the trio color of the gold) so naming it Three Hills Grid seemed right. The address is the same, I may also change that in the future.

While the heart and soul of Virtual-HG magazine remain unchanged, this rebranding is a testament to my profound passion for crafting intricate jewelry pieces.

Lone Wolf: I like the name. :-) 2 years ago
Wolf Territories Grid rolling restart in progress
- Classifieds working!
many other enhancements
You can still visit the grid but you might get thrown out if the region you are on restarts (sorry)
I'm reading a lot of whining about "banning" oh how dare they?? ::gasp:: Listen, sweetheart, people have the right to ban whomever they wish for whatever reason they wish whether we like it or not - their grid or region, their rules their choice. I think it's a bit extreme, however, I have on occasions for personal reasons banned certain individuals because they have done their best to destroy my work or reputation, and we all know that people are generally inclined to believe the bad stories about someone rather than the good. I do not, as a rule, ban anybody who doesn't truly have it coming or who has not "requested" that I ban them, which has happened because I would not run my grid they way they wanted me to. I'd like to believe that everyone in open sim is adult, however that's a little like believing ice won't melt over a fire. I have met very few people in open sim that I dislike and then it is not the person I dislike so much as what they have done or said, but they are not banned nor will they be unless they earn it. I'm not going to name names and point fingers as that is "high school kid" stuff done by immature tattle tales who will go out of their way to make other's look days, I think they call them "Karens". So why don't we all just put on our "grown up" pants and panties and act like adults? Build, roleplay, dance, sing, create, design and develop and quit bitching about stuff that doesn't mean a hill of beans in the long run because the truth is, nobody cares if you've been banned. I do my best not to give anyone a reason to ban me but if you feel it's necessary for your own sanity, then by all means...have at it, I assure you it will not diminish me to the people who matter. You see the people who matter won't mind and the people who mind.....don't matter. Have a lovely day.

CyberGlo CyberStar: "never feed the pigs in the middle of a lightning storm..." - wise cowboy sayings 2 years ago
Dear they Crabby,
I'm writing to you today to express my disappointment in the toxic and immature culture that has developed on this site. I am a creative person who enjoys coming here to share my work and connect with other creative people. However, I have found that the majority of the fire conversations on this site are focused on criticizing others and their work. This is incredibly discouraging and has made me feel unwelcome here.
I understand that everyone has different opinions, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and simply being mean. When you constantly focus on people's faults and short comings, you are not helping them to improve. In fact, you are likely making them feel worse about themselves, and it will also do the same to you.
I urge you to stop with the toxic posts and focus on being more positive. This is a creator space, so let's focus on creating! Let's share our work and ideas with each other and build each other up. Let's have fun and make this a place where everyone feels welcome.
If you are unable to be positive, then please log off. There is no need to spread your negativity here.
A Concerned Creator
P.S. I have linked to a website that provides resources for dealing with toxic behavior. I encourage you to check it out.
I hope you will take my words to heart. I believe that we can create a more positive and welcoming environment here if we all work together.

Lastly, Set boundaries even if it creates guilt. When dealing with toxic behavior, knowing where to draw the line is critical. ...
1. Avoid getting drawn into the drama. ...
2. Talk with them about it. ...
3. Resist trying to fix things. ...
4. Limit your time around them. ...
*5. Above all, ditch the blame.*
I have a crazy idea! I want to share a few names of places/services I have found to be AWESOME.

Maybe others can reply on this thread and we can all learn some new places to visit.

Ok. Here is my start

Camballa- home decor section. Love it!

Alternate meta verse - amazing freebies for fantasy landscaping

Flora - I love landscaping and this place is well organized

Houses - on AMV region. Massive selection of houses, tree houses, castles

Neiferleaf - this medieval region comes to life with detailed landscaping and Roland’s beautiful horses.

Agora - I need a semi truck for all the awesome clothing I find there

Safinemahoe2: Ok, I need some help from you all. I love new shopping places….and new places to explore. Please add some of the places you consider AWESOME! Lunaria - this is not a freebies region, but the ... 2 years ago
Just wanted to give a shout out to the team that has made friends-grid totally rock!

Sometimes the techies get overlooked, and they are the people who make this virtual world possible.

friends-grid is not a simple job to run….it is probably a pain in the butt because I have a minor addiction to scripts.

These guys are how I hosted a huge party yesterday with 31 people and 8,000 scripts in that region alone…. with no lag!

Thank you hosting4opensim
Well, it's been a while to say the least. Rl stuff kicked my butt however I've finally got a new release for the shop. It's just a static decor piece but had to start somewhere getting back in the swing of things.
This is my deconstructing moon, it has versions with and without particles and there is an xl version with adjusted particle size as well. Texture is in the box and all pieces are fp. It's located over in the fantasy area of the shop next to the fairies :).
Friends and Guests we ae proud to present to you our new Easter Release .You can collect these Adorable Easter decor items for free at The E&W International Mall.. Please note these will only be available till the 9th of April 2023, so hurry and collect before they gone
.C&C wishes you a peaceful and Joyous Easter !

Liebe Freunde und Gäste,

Wir sind stolz darauf, euch unsere neue Oster-Veröffentlichung zu präsentieren.
Ihr könnt diese entzückende Osterdekoration kostenlos in der E & W International Mall abholen.
Bitte beachtet , dass diese nur bis zum 9. April 2023 verfügbar sein werden, also beeilt euch bevor sie weg sind.

C&C wünscht Euch ein friedliches und frohes Osterfest!

The 2nd half of R&M Creations. 14 years together & STILL going>>>>

CopyKat Grid, the home of my regions (and oh HELLO!), is off-line for database maintenance. I've been told that the expected return is 2+ days.

Destiny257Seranade: Hope you have it up and running in no time! 2 years ago

Want to say Thanks to all here in Open sim......

Shopping on 7 floors .
Come in and find out !!

All jewelry is created exclusively for opensim friends, all free and full perms.

Visit the Metta Cafe and turn on stream to enjoy a unique selection of music from Africa, India, Hungary and beyond.

Just to let all know DJ Gertie passed away Friday she was a part of the Caribou family for a long time and was DJ in many clubs, Rest well Gertie hun xxxxx
