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ChopperGausman @ChopperGausman

Oklahoma, USA Offline

Builder, Scripting, Photographer, Graphics & Musician


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I do not care about being "politically correct", if you have an issue with that, so be it. I do not want or need your "pity" as well. I am not here to condemn anyone, but rather re-prove them by their own actions and words. Alex has revealed himself and his intentions as such. As a result of this, he is being called out because of it. As for "pixel stuff" that is still intellectual property, is it not?
Sorry Mister... almost everybody here who posts comments warned you about a year or so about that Alexis..You offended everyone saying something like his propaganda minister. People also sent you the HG biz URL about him that he dumped and cheatde people approx. 14 times. I dont know in what world you live. And also I dont care if you need one's pity..Posting this here like the way you do IS asking for a pity on what happened to you. And trying now to drag others into your problems that were self made from yourself.. I dont have to say more I guess
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Find it for free, and then if it cannot be found anywhere, then you gotta buy it from where it is being sold... That's all part of the "game" we are all playing. Quality always beats quantity involving such items.

Paid for or free, if it's full perms, you have the right to try and sell it, or do whatever you want with it.
Full permissions means exactly what is says!
If it is anything other than full permissions when you get it, those restrictions apply.

Anyone else who knows better about freebies (you get what you pay for), knows not to buy it, unless it has been improved upon by the seller, that is what you are paying for, the improvements.

In the matters of entire sim designs, no matter if it is free items or paid items, full perms or not, that is the sim designers' work as the overall layout of the sim. Stealing an entire sim work of the individual or group, is pure 100% theft of someone else's work, regardless what they used to make it.

Warning to the rest, if you think you can safely steal things and not get caught, that is coming to an end. Don't believe me, wait and see when the first one gets exposed by the latest theft prevention methods!

Now, all you trolls bitching about such things, you just lost your soap box to stand on!
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Thank you for stopping all this propaganda and mis-information!
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Someone seems to be manipulating the comments here, as what I saw yesterday looks different today, including replies to specific comments have been moved to appear as not a reply but a general statement. A Lot of what was said previously is now also gone. Is there a hidden agenda here? It sure seems suspicious in either case... Some might not notice things like this, but others do!
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False witness against your neighbor, you know what they call that today? LYING! I am NOT Alex, or one of his alts! As far as the opengridcommunity site, you have no clue what you are talking about, it IS SSL, you just don't see that because it's HIDDEN for a reason while being developed. DUH! IN case your technical knowledge is that limited,I AM THE OWNER and creator of it!
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Well, while we see claims of others being attacked, in like manner so is AT, HERE and in-world. Actual attacks against the AT grid has been going on for at least a month or more. Go figure...
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Hope you have proof of this claim, otherwise you are wide open for Libel, Defamation of character and other possibilities. I seriously doubt Alex has any desire to steal anyone's content.
of course I have proofs, my banned account is one.
And if you doubt that's on you, is not only me btw. Come to Osgrid ask around, ask Alex what happened with El Bazar.
You were banned as proof? Tell me this, what part of the ToS caused you to get banned? Where is the proof of your claims?
are you Alex disguised? What makes you think that I have to prove anything to you?
I know what happened to me, that's enough for me. I know I was not the first one or the last one, that's also enough for me. If you need more proof, sue me.
No, I am not Alex, and I can verify this if needed. You don't have to prove anything to me, you have to prove to the public court, in which requires evidence.. not hearsay.
No i don't, it's my personal experience and I will share it whether you like it or not. If you aren't alex I bet you are one of this cronies
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that website without SSL security... when it's free...
sorry but it seems to me too careless
The website has SSL, and only appears like that as no ssl because of a redirect. But hey, it's not done and ready yet, and when it is, you shall see it is SSL, even though right now it appears like it is not, when it actually is.
I see who the sponsor/creator is, good luck with that
Did you look at the bottom of the site to see who is the REAL creator and owner?
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IPs, or VPN or proxy? See, the ones likely attempting such things are probably using VPN or proxy to hide their IPs to try and avoid getting caught. Trick is, not even VPN or proxy is fail proof. Prove its someone using VPN or proxy first, then you see a pattern to start with.
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Are they REALLY "people from AT" or are they people from AW or another place, creating accounts at AT, then going elsewhere with those exact same names in order to be used as a means to defame Alex and AT? Where is the proof of these allegations? Come on, not all of us are so daft.
I saw an account in Avatron gird with my name on it, I tried ot message the account but no response. It makes you wonder why someone would try and copy me. I've messaged Alex to get it sorted out and no response.
so it's just a coincidence that R.Lion left avitron, went to that grid and mysteriously that grid starts getting attacks?
Everyone in opensim is benefiting from that store why would someone attack it then?
Not really sure why there are some actually attempting to cause problems in AT other than they are outsiders trying to defame and cause problems for AT in an attempt to get rid of AT all because they don't like how AT is doing so well, or the lack of restraint in the temper of Alex, in which I have warned him about... STOP FEEDING THE TROLLS!
Please dont be calling people daft,it does not go well with your presentation, insulting before compassion pleas does not fit with logic,..... The proof,... if any,.. would exist in my Extensive log files from both the grid logs and the Hosting
provider that handles my DNS and such.. That proof would be my proof, for a court of law, or for MY USE, NOT YOURS.so stop already.. I will use it to STOP people from HARASSING me and the friends that enjoy Metaverselife, no ... theres no defaming going on here,.. simple FACTS,... AAlex ruined his rep long before attacks started on my grid, give yer head a shake
I did not call anyone daft, but rather spoke in the matter of others assuming such things. Never just assume anything without researching the facts first. All I am doing is stating the obvious, to which in a court of law, the fact remains; "Innocent until proven guilty".
Oh you did call people daft! alzheimer problem? and this fake infos from avitrol has nothing to do with rl court.. Its already proven thousands of times what that grid realy is..Old saying: The fish stinks from the head on ..just to paraphrase
Apparently you have bad eye sight, because you falsely claim I called someone daft. That's not my problem, that's yours. Fake info? WHO is presenting fake info here? YOU or them? Proof of what grid is what? I have seen ZERO PROOF of anything other than a grid being worked on to be the best it can be over the years.
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Don't worry, this is in the works. The REAL Open Grid Community is a collection of people sharing the same concepts of co-existence in the metaverse, without bias, and fairness for everyone involved. There are some who may choose not to participate in such, and that is their right as a choice, but that still does not change the fact there is a need for this, and it is being dealt with. Don't go looking for it, because it is not yet made public, but DOES exist, as I have seen some of it!
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Go ahead, try to remove this, but remember, I take screen shots!
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Wow, you just do not quit, to which reveals you are on the side of Josh and AW, and are probably just here to troll everyone and try to dissuade anyone from checking out what is REALLY happening. Guess what? The more you do this, the more you give AT and us more free advertisement, causing others to want to go and see what all this fuss is really about, AND if the grid you hang out on has AT banned, guess what else happens, you now FORCE your tenants to go over to AT and create an account there themselves because of your own ignorance. Not very smart.... LOL
smarter than you , maybe with an alexis supporter alt rofl ..I have nothing to do with AW etc..this is just your assumption as usual. I just say facts.. I suggest you should avoid your educational resistance. I can only feel sorry for you posting like that ..btw... it has a reason why good grids banned avitron... There are / were many posts at OSW why.
Edit:Copper never quits fighting against untruth / fake / cheat / fraud!!
See, Rosin? This is how your grid people are. I do hope you think this over where you are at. Soft tongues inworld.. But aggressors in HG
Smarter than me? You have no clue who you are saying that to, and I would dare to say you are not much of a challenge as such...lol NICE TRY though! My "assumptions" are based on facts and over 15 years experience in SL alone, not to mention me doing this sort of thing long before SL ever existed... back as far as 1999. Don't feel sorry for me, I don't need or want your pity, I am a MAN who stands behind what I say, and can back it up to. Copper never quits fighting against untruth? REALLY? Then why are YOU presenting false statements as being truth? WHO is stealing from SL as you said? Get it right, NO ONE can steal from SL without being a member in SL, so it's NOT the grid owners stealing things, it's the SL members stealing things and then sending them out to other grids as full perms or otherwise....FACT. "Good grids" banned AT? I wonder why that is? Is it because of the clearly STUPID phrase "Free- Never buy in OpenSims/Grids"? That's a guarantee the grids shall never get builders like me, for fear their things shall never be able to be sold, making more money from several grids instead of just SL... not very smart! Now, you want to run your mouth BOY, I shall put you in your place...got it?
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Wow!!! What a statement!! I guess the cat's out of the bag now...LOL Yes, City of Serenity has moved out of AW and over to AT for better performance as compared them before choosing where to go due to the constant crashing and other issues in AW at the time. AT proved to be the best option, so that's where we went, where the grid operates the best in what it is designed for. Now, as to the "no transfer" mentioned, that is to keep what we create or give away free in where it is used, the City of Serenity, or otherwise AT, to which helps prevent copycat locations, all using the same things. Not only this, but in addition to this, we have our own customized fixes to buildings that were horrible as not functioning properly or otherwise (free - you get what you pay for), or our own entire builds, to which as long as we do not sell those or give them away, then there is no excuse for anyone else to have them BUT CoS. See, there's more than one way to kill this copying thing, and making CoS unique to any other location in the OpenGrid or Sim worlds! As far as our staff, ALL of us (even the owners) are under direct orders to be nice until you are no longer able to be nice, and then the CoS Security Team may be required to resolve the issue. We protect EVERYONE who visits us, tenants, visitors or whom ever, that way everyone knows that CoS is a safe place to go, especially in the event of anyone attempting to harass, stalk or grief them. The standards are being raised, so follow suit or get left behind!
Thank you Alexis alt and propaganda minister rofl I hope you get well payed for such nonsense postings ^
Oh so sorry I did not realise it was a secret how are you supposed to get people to come if you keep this Gem quiet.
It's called getting it ready before announcing it so it is already done and ready to go. That's ok though, our tenants have jumped from 28 in AW to over 50 already in AT. :-)
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The answer is simple, if you do not want your content copied and sent to other grids, don't give or sell it to anyone, so you and your staff are the only ones to have such items if they are shared. This also let's you as the creator know exactly who has it, so you know where to look if it pops up anywhere else. Then all that is left since they cannot use GMode in YOUR land, they are forced to attempt using an illegal copybot, to which in turn reveals the thief in the end by means of tracing the origin of such things. Alt accounts don't help with that, because they can all be traced.
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No, I DO NOT agree to these terms as stated. This is now made public, so now guess what, those terms are VOID! Alex, or AviTron does not hold any copyrights to my intellectual property unless I enter into an agreement in writing to where both parties sign such agreement, determining the sale or or time frame of permissions granted and how those permissions are applied. Now, if Alex or the AT staff does not like it, then they can choose to refuse service to me. If he chooses to continue service with me, then this is applied, thereby limiting his use of said items to such agreement as stated, and being signed and dated by both parties. I am already aware that Alex is re-writing the copy of the lame claims put forth by LL at SL that he previously used, and I shall review the new ToS and do the same if any claims are made to my intellectual proprty, as I grant no one such rights to my intellectual property without a signed contract by myself and the other party involved. To be fair, if someone asks me to use a logo or something made by me in order to advertise our location or events, that is totally different, because it is a given, vs a claim as stated in the ToS. Alex, I hope you see this, because this is what you are going to be up against in such situations, and I think you should take this into consideration in the re-write of the AT TOS concerning the intellectual property of others. As for the rest of you watching to see what happens, keep watching, because I am in AT working on a huge project to be announced when ready. I seriously doubt Alex is going to refuse me service because I don't agree to allow him or AT to use my intellectual property as stated in the current TOS... Problem solved!
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Yous have stated; "Whatever you copybot elsewhere and take to AviTron..." Let's start with a lesson in the DIFFERENCES of a copybot and G-d Mode, shall we? First of all, it is my understanding that every single grid has this feature, and gives it to the land owners who actually pay for land. With this G-d Mode, they ten can take ANYTHING that is rezzed in their sim and change the permissions as desired. What this G-d Mode really is, in effect is the employees and owners rights in the Grid, granted a lower level of the same to the users who own land that is paid for, giving them this ability to do as if they were an actual owner or employee of that grid. - This is a BIG problem for creators, and yet we wonder why all the same stuff that was stolen from SL appears and every single grid of the OpenGrid Community, to where they did not have the G-d Mode capabilities... So how did they get stuff from SL to the Open Grids when all this started? Copybot!

Copybot is a viewer that is made to give the users those same powers, but with limitations they cannot control, such as when they copybot an item, it does not include the scripts, so now you know why all this free stuff is mostly JUNK, because they don't funtion correctly due to not actually having the scripts that they were originall distrubuted with in SL, where they were stolen from to begin with!

So, now we see two different aspects of how people are stealing things, and the G-d Mode capability is the biggest culprit, because it makes EVERYTHING full perms, even the scripts! Oh had the OpenGrid Community had seen this at the start, claiming let's make everything free, and forget about trying to do this to make money, causing the biggest problem the OpenGrid Community has, but ignoring it to this very day!

Oh crap, I just told everyone how they are doing it and who is to blame!
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I have spoken with Alex and asked him about that, and he told me that came from the AW TOS, which was copied directly from the SL or LL TOS. I told Alex the part about where LL is attempting to claim the right to take ownership of your intellectual property is like you renting a house from someone in RL and them telling you since you are renting from them, they now have total and complete rights to everything in your home. This is 100% FALSE!!!! They cannot do that without a written contract, bearing the signature of both parties...period! They cannot tell you just because you bring in something it is now theirs...period. That is just an indirect way of deception and theft in itself. Because of this issue concerning the TOS, and me asking him about it, he is now reviewing and correcting the entire thing from what I understand, making it specifically an AT TOS without all the crap LL introduced.
Please bring this comment by @SpaxOrion to his attention:
"By the way... there is a way to make OAR and IAR which PRESERVES the permissions of all items therein, the fact that grid owners REFUSE to make them for their users in order to "Protect content creators" is utter nonsense. This is only used as a form of entrapment to KEEP people from leaving their grid and going someplace else. There is a special place in perdition for those who employ such tactics".
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This "history of AviWorlds under him", I am curious, is this all one sided, or are both sides of the story presented in all honesty? From the looks of what I see here, there is an OBVIOUS mission against such, and you fail to realize, he is the owner, and he can do what he wants with it, and there's not really much you can do about it but complain, which, is a complete waste of time. The reason for this, is NO ONE knows what the TRUTH is until they take the time to do their homework to some reasonable extent, and taking into consideration the absolutely ludicrous accusations I see posted, it's nothing more than a troll fest to try and make both Alex and AT look bad, but guess what, that still doesn't make it go away, because you have zero control over who moves in next door when they buy the place. You might want to research these three words in the context of what they mean... Open Sim Community
"History of AviWorlds under him":
Scroll down all the way. There is the history. There's your homework. These are facts.

Also, take a look at the short history of Virtual-Ville, Alex' next grid which ended pretty much the same way AviWorlds ended 13 times over:

If you're a newbie, and you haven't heard or read of any of this before, that's okay, now you know.

I just hope you aren't one of those years-long Alex fanbois and claqueurs who think that this is all "fake news" and propaganda invented by Maria Korolov and Josh Boam in order to badmouth the Greatest Grid Admin Ever.
"NO ONE knows what the TRUTH is until they take the time to do their homework?" Like reading the AviTron TOS? https://avitron.net/terms-and-conditions

In the post, I presented the words of Alex, publicly published in his grid's TOS. If this is an OBVIOUS mission against Alex, then OBVIOUSLY, he should not have written the TOS as he did.
You will see the truth when history repeats its self ! Nothing you can do or say here can change the past nor the future of what will happen.. History Repeats itself and far too often with Alex..
It's an accepted fact that Alex has shutdown and restarted grids a large number of times. The number 17 as presented here is probably about right - I remember many of them personally myself. Sometimes with the grid only being online a very short period of time. Alex has admitted this himself (although claims to have learned by these mistakes). When his grids have gone down - people have lost content. This is not an opinion. Sometimes the shutdown has been so fast that the grid was there one day and gone the next with no warning.

Additionally, it is a matter of fact that his TOS claim IP rights over all content ever brought onto his grid. In as much as to facilitate that content - it needs to be presented to all visitors viewers this is pretty standard (you put content on the grid - you give me rights to show it to people who come looking - HAS to work this way). However, the rights he is claiming go far further than that.

Although writing them in TOS doesn't make them law - and he would not maintain any ownership rights on MOST content as MOST content has been copied "unofficially" from the originals without permission - where this is not the case, the TOS would mean that you have agreed that anything of YOURS you upload - he can now do whatever he likes with it, has no duty of care over your content, and can sell it and you have no rights over it anymore. A lot of this is "dubious" at best in law - and the fact that he would be claiming ownership on a lot of content that was botted means any case he fought in a court of law would likely fall flat on its face.

Despite what Alex may say, this isn't "trolling" Alex. His reputation has been earned by his past actions, and now claiming everything is his, is like a "last nail in the coffin to many people".

Having said that, everyone makes their own choices. I can't (and wouldn't) tell anyone who to support or not. Speaking personally though, while I have admired his tenacity and dogged determination to keep trying again, the morality of repeatedly taking others down with him, goes very much against him and I would never trust any of his grids.
It's quite simple to everyone, Alex keeps trying, not letting failure be his accepted end, in other words, every time he gets knocked down, he gets back up and keeps going. That is the methods of a successful man, no matter what anyone says, because winners never quit, and quitters never win!
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You obviously don't understand copyrights, and anyone who attempts to take control of intellectual property they are not the rightful owner of, regardless to what any fine print might show. This is a deception first introduced by Linden Labs at Second Life, and mistakenly was reproduced or duplicated by others that think it is actually valid. There has to be either an actual sale of copyrighted material or a contractual agreement between parties, and no one can be forced to sign a contract against their will.