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Dinkies Friday happens every Friday from 8:00am - 10:00am on the Alternate Metaverse Grid
DINKIES ONLY REGION & HG Friendly at Location: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkie
Come on Over (DINKIES) and Hangout with us all on the Resort ..

(Dinkies ONLY Region) on Opensim
Dinkies always have So much Fun at the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT on AMV
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

(Dinkies ONLY Region) on Opensim
Dinkies always have So much Fun at the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT on AMV
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

(Dinkies ONLY Region) on Opensim
Dinkies always have So much Fun at the FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT on AMV
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

Dinkies Underwater Event at the Mermaid Cove (DINKIES ONLY) TODAY

Dinkies Only 3 Hour Event on Funsize Dinkies World Resort based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid.
If your a Dinkie we invite you to a Live Event with a Couple Live Dinkie Performers in an Underwater Mermaid Cove

Starting at 8:00am - 11:00am (pdt)
Location: Funsize Dinkies
HG: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies
Happening right now on the Dinkies Resort
Dinkies Movie Drive Thru on a Big Screen
at FUNSIZE DINKIES, Last Sunday of the Month 8:00am - 10:00am (pdt)
HG: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies
Dinkies Underwater Event at the Mermaid Cove (DINKIES ONLY)
Date: 17 May 2023
Starting at 8:00am - 11:00am (pdt)
Location: Funsize Dinkies
HG: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

Book time with us at Funsize Dinkies for a Dinkies Only 3 Hour Event on Funsize Dinkies World Resort
based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid.
If your a Dinkie we invite you to a Live Event with a Couple Live Dinkie Performers in an Underwater Mermaid Cove.
At the Funsize Dinkies World Resort this is where all Dinkies meets together for open chat on voice or in chat, open subjects and to hangout. join us in funsize cuteness at Region: Funsize Dinkies
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

The ONLY Funsize Dinkies on Opensim
Dinkies Only Region can be found at alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

Based on the Alternate Metaverse Grid (Dinkies ONLY Region)

Hangout with many other Dinkies on Opensim from 8:00am (PDT)
Tuedays - Games Fortnightly
Wednesdays - Road Trip
Fridays - Dinkies Coffee Talk in the Joint
Sunday Monthly - Dinkies at the Movies

alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

MidnightRain Glas: my dinkie says she needs a bathing suit and some glasses I guess I need to take her shopping 1 years ago
Funsize Dinkies World Resort EASTER EGG HUNT 2023 - FOR DINKIES ONLY -

(Open Now for the Excited Hunters) but Starting Officially 5th APRIL until 10th APRIL
There are Alot of EGGS are hidden around the whole Region, maybe it is best to grab the Resort's Tp Hud to get around.
So make some time to grab them all. - HAPPY HUNTING EGG HUNTERS!! -
Region: alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies
*Dinkies Only Region*
If you are a Dinkie that is looking to make friends and to hangout with other Dinkies then "FUNSIZE DINKIES WORLD RESORT"
is the place for you...

Us Dinkies loves getting together to hangout...

Every Tuesday the Dinkies enjoy Games morning rotated fortnightly from Dinkie Greedy to Dinkie Fishing, every Wednesdays the Dinkies goes on a Dinkies Road Trip around the AMV Grid or further away through Opensim and Dinkie Friday Mornings is where all the Dinkies on Opensim get together to have Open Chat at the Joint.

Join us on the (ONE AND ONLY) Funsize Dinkies World Resort for some fun and laughs at:
alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies

(Dinkies Only Region) - "DINKIE FRIDAY"
> Dinkies on Opensim come join us at the "Funsize Dinkies World Resort" today from 8:00am - 10:00am (grid timezone) <
> The place to every "Fridays" to hangout with other DINKIES and Open Mic/Type <

"Funsize Dinkies World Resort" is for all Dinkies on Opensim.
To kick back and enjoy a Wonderful World of a Dinkies Lifestyle, Dinkies Retreat,Dinkies Resort, Dinkies Shopping, Dinkies Market,
Dinkies World and Dinkies Chat, Dinkies Meet-Ups, Fun Activities and So many more places to dicover.

alternatemetaverse.com:8002:Funsize Dinkies
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1023226935789082
discord: https://discord.gg/m4YfDXJt