Charlene McNally @CharleneAwesomeSauce

Awesome State Offline

Just a gal with a goal to help bring happiness and sunshine to all


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Does your furniture have animations?
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Ty I’ll try that tomorrow :-)
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Oh it’s in the starter box kit
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I got that q3 box animal rezzer I rezzed a cat and I didn’t get any option. Unless I got the wrong box.
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use pmac the script is free
I'll have to give that a shot, thanks! :D
Or better, SFposer. It's similar to PMAC, it has all the features of PMAC, and it was developed by OSW's own Satyr Aeon. ( It's actually very easy to convert from PMAC to SFposer.

And unlike PMAC, everyone can adjust their individual positions. With PMAC, only the owner can adjust positions by editing markers.

You can get a complete starter kit on Satyr's own sim OpenSimWorld (
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What version are you using?
as in? we use dreamgrid
Like vs 4.89 or 5.34
Without looking don't remember, why?
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Some regions/grids are closed gone but the listing is still there, should clean those up too.
We will clean the very old ones soon. Meanwhile you can also report a region and we ll look into it
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No one should get a bad review! just cause their grid is group only... If they dont allow HG its a good reason! (pricilla)
So people shall be allowed to drop beacons on their sims, advertise them here with all bells and whistles and then tell people, "LOL none of you ain't gettin' in here, this sim is only for me and my best buddies!"? And you shall still refrain from giving it zero stars for obviously abusing a loophole?

If you see a sim entry here on OSW, the first thing you assume is that you can visit this sim. And then sims come along that not only require a group membership, but there's no way for average Joe to even obtain a group membership because he isn't BFFs with the sim owner.

At least, sims with restricted access should be marked as such:
* Requires group membership; open group
* Requires group membership; invite-only
* Requires group membership; closed circle/non-public
* Only for residents of the same grid

But even if this should come, it'd rely on sim owners actually setting their OSW entries up correctly. And many can't even seem to adjust the rating correctly; I guess some 20-30% of all sims on OSW have a different rating on OSW than in-world (e.g. advertised on OSW as Adult, actually General).
Hi Jupiter, can you provide links to such regions? It's a good idea to mark them as "Group access only" so that people know
This one, for example:

And the owner even has the audacity to verbally attack anyone who criticises her for openly advertising a closed-circle sim.
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Popped your comment ;-)
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Usually means you’re blocked
gg ... and why? i was never before there.
No one has blocked you. What grid are you based in? I don't see anything on your profile. It's possible that whatever grid you're in, is blocking Destiny-Grid. Without more information I can't help you.
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Exactly if it’s not broken don’t fix it…
For a lack of anything better to do tonight I enabled Yengine and disabled X.... upon first launch of the simulator it crashed... I have a shell script which relaunches opensim.exe when this happens. I was able to get the regions started and the console reported a crap ton of errors; mostly from my NPC rez scripts but they appeared to be working. In some instances it would rez 2 of them... This means I must restart the siim from the region console to fix the problem because my favorite regions have 30-40 npcs with the ability to have 75 per region. After a few days of running my simulator I am using 3.5 gigs of ram... I will see how "Y" does in that same timeframe and report back. I do not like having to go back and fix things when a sim starts so that is one strike on "Y". I do not like all of the console errors "Error: must explicitly cast from string to vector" or " Error: looking for var name, type, state or default, script-defined type declaration" and if I must fix all of those scripts... I will go back to X because that is TOO MUCH WORK.
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Why do even care to comment?
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That’s nuts! Wonder why?
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No statistics just something to talk about other than miss Pricilla and it’s nice to know if players have more than one avatar and why.
Vote is statistic. btw
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Another thing is for grid owners add Pricilla.Kleenex or Pricilla Kleenex to your avatar list then disable the name so she can’t register…
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So you delete my comments which is the truth so here’s another comment….

well Duh, they clone you. so what.. Your avatar only is in a file they can use in dance balls, NPCs etc

It can be collision items, touch items, just opening a door can hold that script with it.

if you are that scared, close your grid off!


Dont just go to any grid/region you see.. Would you go to Detroit and just pop into any building or house that has a sign, come on in?

Have a brain and do a little research before you just pop into some ones region/grid
I encountered the same bug... some of my replies are not posting either... I have reported the problem.
I have not deleted any comments and WILL NOT delete comments. I DO NOT believe in censoring opposing views.

I am well versed in the creation of NPCs. I can tell you that the appearance notecards are INSECURE. If you are wearing your inventory in a prim when you are cloned, the owner of the generated appearance card has access to anything you are wearing and the CONTENTS within it.
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Main problem is that a server will only give out as fast as the service allows unless MULTIPLE people draw against it, hence how a DDOS works..
A single person can not be a DDOS, not possible, If a single person can bring a server to its knee's from grabbing items, thats one SHITTY server, there just a bunch of people that dont understand how servers work, and certantly not a copybot viewer.
A really fast server is essential for hosting. If you are not on Fiber and your upload is limited to 10% (I am looking at you, COMCAST) of your download speed, you will not be able to have many avatars at your party. That bandwidth goes FAST and your visitors will experience lag as scene elements are loading.
Read your own article as OS is free to use anyway you want and by telling people what they should do is against your article and you should remove it.
Actually I am sharing HOW I DO THINGS for online safety. I am not telling you what to do. There is a difference.
For one wrong info about me 2. if osw is giving out personal info about a user is very illegal