Captain Shadow @CaptainShadow

Somewhere inside an italian server... in the gulf of Mexico .. roughly Online

Hi there, a refugee from sl. After 9 years I finally see the light. Love to landscape, sail, and party and MMF

I put in another line, the Polar Express will take you to the winter dance hall, just click the Christmas looking Train, not the other train that is going to the Alps... if its all too cold and wet for you then the submarine will take you south to the beach. Sorry if people could not get here the other day the sim had a problem and was closed while we removed leaves on the line (its a British thing haha).
Ok so let's DANCE! The Grand Hall is now complete just in time for the festive season. I am not doing a DJ because I have a fantastic stream for dance so I don't need the complication. But a couple of dancers out front might be an idea if anybody wants to whip the party up. Drop in any time and give the floor a whirl and if people like it I will put some slots in on events when not much is going on.

A place in the mountains to just be! Complete with temple sounds, bring a coat haha!

The Train is still set to North, please allow some time for it to arrive, there are one or two delays today, the dragon is looking into it.

Today's train takes you North .... There is a gift for all travelers at the destination. For people who do not have any traveling skills, sat nav or google maps, here are the instructions. You arrive at the train station, the weather is not great today please bring a coat. You wait at the station, thats what you do at stations. When the train arrives, and it will, no hold ups on the line today. Click the train going North, please dont click the submarine thats going South! You will arrive at your destination, please exit the platform using the Northern Japanese gateway. The gift is easy to find, if you like it then please give me a like here and I just may do another train journey soon. Tickets please!

The Great Plain ... accessed by train ... work it out!

Trying to keep the summer feeling going...

Came to a stop ... ever get that hanging around feeling?