Calina @Calina

Danmark Online


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If you support Qanon and if you like people stealing other people's art and using it for their own purposes then this is really the best place
Yeah, anyone believing the crap peddled on this region deserves all they get. I always thought that it was a somewhat tragic, yet poetic justice when I heard reports of so many Covid deniers succumbing, clearly an example of Darwinism in action, or maybe perhaps idiocy would be a little more apt a word.

I was particularly incensed by the claim that the UN and WHO are promoting paedophilia - there is literally no evidence to support this ludicrous and disgusting claim. I know, because I have read all the UN literature, and indeed, the document concerned isn't actually a document published by the UN anyway) and as it happens is only a guideline document anyway. In all cases that I have seen this ludicrous claim has been used to justify opposition to teaching children and young people information that could literally save their lives, or, at the very least, prevent them from becoming pregnant, acquiring STDs or being sexually abused. That any even moderately intelligent person could for a moment believe that whole education systems could teach children that it's okay to be abused is quite simply monstrous. There is a group in Wales where I live called Public Child Protection Wales who are peddling this crap, and they have lost at least one court case when they tried to prevent the compulsory teaching of sex education in schools in Wales. There is no parental opt out option, and all children are to be educated in an age appropriate manner. This education does not include anything that is detrimental in the way that PCPW and other of their ilk, this side, or the other side of the pond.

Perhaps the religous right wack jobs who are promoting this shit are worried that the world's education systems will educate children to recognise when they are being abused, whether that is sexually or psychologically.

And as far as there being some mysterious world order based on he WEF, conspirators should give their heads a wobble and actually look at the state of the world: they'd soon see that the world is nowhere near under the control of one mysterious body, and there are plenty of places where there is a large degree of friction and many, many others where countries live in mutual respect, doing their own thing, nd indeed, many of them broke away from bigger political entities in order to do just that. If anything, the notion of a world order controlled by anyone or any shady group rapidly seems totally bananas.

Paradoxically, it's people such as Trump who are those who would seek to dominate the world order, which given the propensity of these wack jobs who support him to believe in conspiracy theories, is quite ironic.

I think that until proved otherwise, this socialist, agnostic lesbian woman will remain on the side of the sane and treat all those who believe in the crap peddled on this region with the contempt it deserves. I have a brain, and quite simply my intelligence was insulted.
"Yeah, anyone believing the crap peddled on this region deserves all they get" - what's the supposed to mean exactly? Don't both with a reply. It's obvious what side of the line in the sand you're standing on. Go bully someone else. Those of us who don't believe in Fauci and friends are not strangers into being bullied into silence. Go try to sensor and bully someone else who disagrees with you. AND YES many of US SUPPORT TRUMP! The world was much better with him at the helm ... NO WARS! A fact nobody can argue or deny. It was worth all the "hurt feelings".
It's clear where I stand simply because i made it very clear. Did I mention censorship? As a matter of fact I believe that people should be able to speak their minds, and then be held accountable for what they say. As for bullying, surely your lot on the extreme right have the upper hand on that, denying women abortions and supporting that fascist demagogue Trump. It's particularly galling when I see women supporting a misogynist the calibre of Trump. Hopefully justice will prevail and the orange bastard will be banged up for a long time.

Let me make it crystal clear. I will always draw attention to things that i disagree with, things that seek to enslave people, such as the kind of crap on your region. I will expose those who distort and manipulate religion to peddle their warped ideologies, prey on the feeble-minded and gullible.
I didn't see anything about Qanon and conspiracy theories here. Just because you don't believe doesn't make it untrue. Be sure to file that DMCA for your stolen artwork! While you're at it be sure to file DMCA's all over opensim for all of your items that were used without your knowledge as I'm sure you're a big contributor. Leave your nasty accusations on someone elses page.
Anyone but an idiot would have seem the influence of Qanon all over the place with the ludicrous conspiracy theories being peddled. Engage your brain, do a little reading around on the internet (not the conspiracy sites themselves, unless you're a real masochist). You're of course free to believe what you want, but if you read the actual UN document referred to on the region where they claim that the UN and WHO are promoting paedophillia you'll soon see how it's all lies.
We can agree to disagree without calling those who thinks differently than you an "idiot". Thanks for sharing your opinion.
I speak as I find and to suggest that anyone who has swallowed the Qanon crap as thinking differently is stretching things somewhat. If those people actually thought instead of regurgitating utter nonsense then quite clearly all the dangerous Qanon conspiracy theories wouldn't have got anywhere. However, Qanon and various conspiracy theories seem to have gone down well with redneck MAGA Trump supporters and the far-right.
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I was also ejected.