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Not Sorry @BradCanley

Hyperspace Offline

Shh! It's a Secret.

Joined 5 years ago

About Myself

Unfortunately my real life commitments leave very little time for virtual worlds however I do keep my eye on things and occasionally entertain myself by reading 'The Box' and updating myself on the same old dramas.

My Interests

Relieving boredom

I'm Looking For

My Glasses

Favorite Quote

'Why so serious?'
The Joker

Music I Like

Anything that gets my grove on!

Films I Like

Eraserhead, Memento, Irreversible.

Books I Like

The Myth of Mental Illness by Thomas Szasz, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, How the World works by Noam Chomsky.

My Heroes

None, I look across at people, never up at them.

My Regions

The Shards
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