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Bobbi Fox @BobbiCoulter


I’m just a soul whose intentions are good

Joined 5 years ago

About Myself

Ask me in world. I might tell you if I like you

My Interests

Co-owner of I LOve YOu grid, Manager of Lovely Region OSG, event hostess, landscaper and goodtime girl

I'm Looking For

World peace and fun

Favorite Quote

Of all the bars in all the world she walks into mine

Music I Like

Lady Blues Singers especially Billie, Janis, Nina, Amy plus anything I can dance to

My Heroes

Kick ass women


Hey I’m not THAT nerdy ;)

My Regions

11 0 hg.osgrid.org:80:Lovely 0 Users
A place for events, having fun and picnicing. Take the trams from the welcome area to our cool club with 2 events a week - Tues and Sat 12-2 grid. Or to the the national park and fully working Vivosim farm. Take a paddle steamer cruise or balloon tour or sail your yacht on the ocean sims. Adults (18...
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I Love You 2
2 0 iloveyougrid.net:8002:I Love You 2 0 Users
Free islands all around 16K sq m. Contact Bobbi Fox in world. Adult region. No child avis please
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I Love You Picnic
1 0 iloveyougrid.net:8002:I Love You Picnic 0 Users
Part of I Love You estate: Adults only. A bit of everything
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I Love You Bobbiland
3 0 iloveyougrid.net:8002:I Love You Bobbiland 0 Users
Part of I LOve YOu estate. Adults only. Come visit the Dino theme park. T. rex, Raptors, Brachiosaurs, Triceratops, Stegosaurs. Ride round the park in style in our tuk tuks. Take the bus round the whole region.
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comments 61 post likes 27 SatyrFarm points 52,010
No upcoming events

My Reviews


I think we all know enough about you now Pagane to discount anything you say and know you for what you are a thoroughly nasty little troll spreading fake news with your constant snarky comments and your child sex avis. Our new Iloveyou grid (still in beta testing stage) has good rankings becaue it is a residential sim with -yes- actual residents, large home parcels and regular events. Incidentall...

Club Escotia

always always lots of fun and sometimes gloebits to be won Clan has such a mazin voice and his band all play real noice ♥♥


Great place. Lovely people. Come see for yourself :) . We work hard to make our events inclusive and fun. That's why we are so popular :) Thank you to Mattie, Niki, our DJs, regulars, occasionals and the just plain curious for making us such a great place. Oh and to those men (it always seems to be men!) who like to snark anonymously about “child avis” on Stark, "inclusive" means that if you ar...


Totally amazing. Go see for yourself :)

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