Black_Night @Black_Night Offline

Liked posts

We have new Male Outfits for the
new Chonsu Body.
Come and grab your copy and / or
register for the Body.
You find it all at our Skymall.
(TP at landing point)

New Winterjacket arrived!
Stella Design update.
Grab yours at our Skymall.
(porter at landingpoint)
You will find it at the Fashion Shop!

Muri opened her DarkLove shop!
Finest Dark Clothes.
You find them at the skymall. (TP at Welcome)
Have fun shopping and exploring our
other stuff.

MuriMareDark: Darklove offers the finest dark clothing and some things for erotic moments... have fun and enjoy life :-) greetings Muri 2 years ago
NEW Tattoos arrived!!!!
You can find new BOM Tattoos at our skymall.
The Tattoos are most Unisex!
Just come to the Welcome and look for the Teleporters to the skymall.
One is at the landingpoint and at every side of the stairs is another one.
BTW we update the skymall as often we can.
Have fun shopping!!!

The Mare- Team

MuriMareDark: Ulvetime Hour of the Wolf _Die Stunde des Wolfes 2 years ago
Wer für eine Weile in die Wickingerzeit eintauchen möchte,ist auf Viking Valley genau richtig!
Es gibt einiges zu entdecken und mitzunehmen Möge der Weg unserer Ahnen uns weisen,welchen Pfad wir auch betreten

Hail brothers and sisters ;-)

If you want to immerse yourself in the Viking Age for a while, Viking Valley is the place for you!
There is a lot to discover and take with you. May the path of our ancestors show us whichever path we tread

Nice Dress for You


Importing some works...

The Old World Mall
Come Visit, we have tons of Medieval Stuff.
we'd love to see you.

Old World Flavors, Fantasy & Roleplay clothing, Food, furnishings, and buildings, Medieval & Fantasy, Elven, Fae, Human treasures!
Alternate Metaverse Grid Tavern Mall

We opened our Winterland.
Come and vitit it and grab some nice
Christmas gifts,or Outfits.
Also you can use the skilift,ski,sledge and other attractions.

Big Opening !!!

We opened our new Halloween Sim.
from October 1st, till November 1st.
Come and get scared ;)

Public Viewing Germany _ South Korea
Where: Mare Welcome
When: 7 years ago [27 Jun 2018 15:30 SLT]

We invite you to our public viewing event.
We have lifestream for the game : Germany _ South Korea.
Also we have a playable Football Stadion..