Bibiana @Bibiana

Encantada, OS Grid Offline

Original mesh content creator on OS grid. I mostly make home and garden items, it's a hobby trying to make the things I need for my sims. I just share what I build.

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Oups so many visitors > 1000
Remenber Falene :
I'm the best 300 visitors
Falene is just a little LOOSER !
Look here
The real winner : SAISONS

Super sim, super decoration, whisjy museum and Nessie is present yes
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Falene looser :)

"Darn...I wanted to push the red button first"...

New Release: Arcadia's Steampunk Light Post

This time I bring you a street lamp that will look great in your victorian / steampunk sim.

It's an incandescent gas lamp, in fact when it's on you can hear the hissing natural gas running. The flame heats the ceramic net (supported by a tungsten-nickel substrate) making it glow several orders of magnitude brighter than any regular flame, casting a warm light for the streets of your sim.
(Believe it or not, it's based on a very real technology).

It's two prims and one script, the script can control as many lamps as you want so it won't lag you, set it up is really simple but please read the manual!

And of course, all the textures are included in the object.

Happy Thursday!
Have a great week! I modified "the abandoned church " a bit and put different items together.. Now you have a lava tongue entrance. Inside are the boxes with tons of Autumn and Halloween stuff. Keep healthy!
New release: Arcadia's Office Clock.

Inspired in a 70's clock my aunt had, the thing wasn't a quartz clock but an electric one! Instead of relying on the vibration of a quartz crystal to track the time, this little thing used a tiny electric motor (plugged to the wall, no batteries for you) that spin at the proper speed to (hopefully) move the hands at the proper speed to track time. It wasn't enough to plug the clock, you needed to spin a tiny knob on the back to move the flywheel and jumpstart the clock as the motor didn't have the power to move the cogwheels from zero.

My version starts by itself when rezzed and it doesn't need to be plugged to the wall!

But my version has a twist: You can add a label to it, when you click on it you not only can adjust it's time, you can also add text for if you have several rezzed and need to quickly identify which location the clock is showing.

Of course I'm including all the textures inside the object for enhancing HG compatibility.

Happy Sunday!

I wish you all a happy and healthy weekend!!!

New Release: Arcadia's Chest.

I have already a chest in the shop, I never featured here because it was one of the first objects I made for Open Grid and it's primitive, it looks ok but it's cumbersome as it's two separate objects and that's unacceptably uncomfortable.

So I decided to make a new one, more ornate and slightly worn by time. It will match a medieval sim or a house that holds antiques.

You can open and close it and store small objects inside... and avatars!

Yep, this is an implementation of SFPoser, it's all controlled by it, so click and go to Options to open and close the chest but also to RLV capture an avatar and make it stay inside the chest for a while.

It features custom sounds, poses, textures and mesh and as always you can find all the textures stored in the contents tab of the lid.

Happy Tuesday!
New Release: Arcadia's Weather System

It's been a while heh.

Some weather change gives a lot of life to your sim, either a forest, a beach or a city, rain will infuse extra charm to your daily activities.

With that in mind let me present you my weather system, it's a controller of slave clouds that will emit rain particles, rain sounds and thunder sounds. But that's nothing new right?

My version also features up to two automatic rains per day, you set the time of the day and it will rain at those times for one hour. Nice huh?

Oh? Not enough? what if I told you it will also change your sky settings to overcast and cloudy while it's raining? Yep it does, assuming you have permissions to change the EEEP settings of your parcel it will make it overcast while raining and will return to your normal EEEP setting when stops.

Don't want to get cloudy? no problem! I also include a version that won't change your sky hehe.

Also, it features an access list, so either anyone or just a selected few will be able to operate the system.

Finally, please read the manual, I explain everything in detail, including the setup of the system.

Happy Friday! (yay Friday)

Au secours
Help !
Achtung !

Impromptu high stakes poker in the cave tonight!

By "high stakes" I mean we're playing for bragging rights.

And by poker I mean....UNO!

All good things...

One day in 2019 I packed my stuff, got my dog, put it all on my bike and went to spend the summer in another country. That was my routine after all. I took my trusty laptop, an old mac that was barely enough to browse internet and may be log in world for a couple of minutes.

I spent a great month and then corona happened.

Long story short: I got stuck in that country, that's ok though, as long as I have internet I don't have to be in a specific physical place so I could cope, in time I just decided to live permanently here.

Then about a month and a half ago my hard disk of my old laptop isekai'd itself, my main rig is still in another country and suddenly I was data-less. Since this disk was meant to just handle light tasks it never stood a chance against real production work.

That set me back immensely, and that's the reason why I haven't been able to produce any new object in two months, so in the meantime I've been showcasing you the stuff I've made until that point in time.

But, I've a finite amount of stuff to show you! Of course I've more in the shop, did you know I have a cook hat, a drunken bat, a full bathroom set; did you know you can drink coffee at the top of the shop or eat cake at the tower?; did you know every night I mix music but I don't tell anyone?

But, I don't think what I have left is interesting enough so my daily articles ends today, but fret not! The reconstruction of my data is nearly complete so from this point on I'll publish an article when I release a new product because... I can make new products again! Yay me.

So cheers and thank you so much all the people who consistently liked my articles and commented on them, thank you for the visiting and for enjoying the toys I make for this adult playground we enjoy every day.

See you on my next release.
Did you know?

Years ago, when I discovered Second Life the thing that enchanted me the most was that we could fly! A couple of years later I found a freebie jetpack, made by the Intel people and while I loved it it didn't quite fit my avatar, of course it was no mod.

I made a pair of wings, pure prim at first and afterwards I included sculpts, I made sure they fit my avatar perfectly hehe.

The wings I offer at the shop are the very wings I made in Second Life, more than 14 years ago. They are scripted (script which was updated several times), they deploy when you fly, you have four colour presets, a HUD and some effects like particles and glow.

Oh, and you can resize them too, they won't break =D

Happy Wednesday!
Did you know?

The XVII century bubonic plague that wiped 1/3 of the population of Europe was a horrendous time for doctors, who at the time believed in the miasma theory: They thought that the air contained some substance that carried diseases.

To prevent contagium they used these long beaked masks, it's purpose was to isolate the doctor from the miasma and to help with the odour from the bodies he had to work with, for that reason they used the beak to store aromatic herbs, some sort of Vic vapour rub, nightmare version.

Of course in time the masks lost part of it's dark reputation and today is part of costumes and alternative fashions.

My mask is a single mesh piece, not rigged, so you can resize it to adapt it perfectly to your own avatar. (Top hat not included, that one comes with the Monowheel, so get that if you want to wear the combo in the picture).

Happy Tuesday!
Did you know?

There's a small object that will make the life of the rope bunnies and bondage enthusiasts easier: The Wall Ring.

It's a tiny object that you can rez everywhere to attach the lockguard chains system, the ring itself is unscripted, light and a single piece of mesh so you can resize it at your convenience.

It can be place everywhere and it's a convenient anchor point for leashes, ropes and other particles.

Happy Monday!
Did you know?

One of my first attempts at fitted mesh was a simple top for girls, it does work pretty well adapting itself to different bodies although results varies wildly, it's amazing how difficult can be to make a single piece of clothes that will adapt to every body without crazy deformations.

This top is for standard avatars, it won't work for mesh bodies (but mesh avatars have this kind of top available basically everywhere so you won't miss anything), it comes in five colour and white to tint it to perfectly adapt it to your current outfit too.

It has hand crafted shadows and highlights that I also include in the box, so if you have some experience with photoshop or gimp you can make your own patterns for it, it's all about options =).

Happy Sunday!

Bonjour hello gutten tag ciao
Youpi 1 aout 2021
so super
thank merci danke
à tout le monde

Did you know?

Halls are tricky, those little spaces (or big ones) that connects a multitude of living spaces houses, which only function is to redirect transit. Do you fill it with frames and little tables?

Will you -ever- sit on those little armchairs?

Well I'm of the opinion that you can fill those spaces easily... with light! Lightning is paramount and so let me show you my art deco hall light.

It's fully automatic and it comes with two different textures, a brand new looking one, for a pristine presentation and a worn out one for a moody ambient. You rez it and forget, it casts a projector light so the ceiling won't be illuminated and since it's one single mesh object you can resize it at your convenience, it's all about options.

Happy Saturday! (Caturday! (do you remember that?)).
Did you know?

I've a set of grand art deco lamps. Personally I believe that the style dress any house with an elegance that only the empire style can match (google it and fall in love with the empire style hehe).

My set comes in two versions, fully automatic to rez and forget and manual with options of different intensities and colours. It has two models, a wall mounted one inspired in art deco theatres and the ceiling mounted lamp inspired in grand train terminals.

Happy Friday (yay Friday!).
Did you know?

There's certain objects that as inconspicuous as they look they're actually so useful it's almost impossible to not have several copies of it around.

One of those was a fortunate accident, the round table. It was a small table I did out of necessity for a booth in an event, it was meant to be discarded... and turns out to have been one of the most popular objects I've ever made.

This is a single mesh object, so you can resize it at your convenience, it's unscripted (what do you expect a table to do lol), and there's nothing else to say about it and yet it fits most aesthetics and it's super useful to hold other decorations you may want to highlight.

Life gives surprises sometimes =)

Happy Thursday!


Jerralyn Franzic: Another sim I must visit soon... :) 2 years ago