Joined 4 years ago

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My Reviews

Bell City

Didn't get to see the Sim, but something is wrong with this person (Verna). I landed to get insulted and accused of copying her avi. I've been here less that 2 months. She's rude and unaccommodating. I'm an open person, it's part of my RL support profession. She's definitely not a person that should be at the LZ. Be wary when you get there. Take it in stride or just go. I left.

The Furniture Vault

Wandered around for about 15 minutes. Nothing was available anywhere I went. Nothing even worked. Was a total waste of time. Too bad, looked like some things may have been well done. Looks like this has been going on a while by previous reviews. Well, onward and upward.

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Profile Comments

Verna Avril✦ just now
Cody.Horne ws standing at my LZ lmao i created and host my regions I should not be at the LZ ..?? I was more that gracious to a Kinkygrid avatar .... lingering and evasive wearing an avatar that was copy of my custom shape and look see Bell City description of the region for residents parcels of people active in my regions. She had more than ample time to express her reason for being there.