Avia Bonne @Avia3D

Nederland Offline

Digital Artist in Open Sim


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Maybe they want examples here shown? ;-)
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Small cute kittie avatars ;-) You could come over to snoop around, then you'll know ;-)
there cute but some grids have child avi block code, it might pick up on the size and kick me. I may come look tho
It aint no child av's, but animals. This one might look like one tho, but I ain't going to change it. It's just a cute kitten ;-)
Oh I definitely agree it's very cute, but the height of it might conflict with the child code.
I really think Dinkie users don 't care about any code lol.
I think you're missing the point, because those avatars are so short. Any grid with the child avi bann code it may kick a dinkie avi becuase it's height. I think the avatars cute, tempted to try one out but if I go to other regions that have that code that could kick me because of the height of the avatar thinking it's a child even though it's not
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thanks Antonia, more cuties are coming every weekend ;-)
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Very nice to see , lovely work!
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Seems the link doesn't work for me, is it possible to place an OSW Beacon?
This is the landing point of the region. When looking around you will find several galleries by different artists. My gallery '.inspired of René Magritte' is a bit hidden, but can be easily recognized from the outside. I ask the owner if we can put up signposts.
Yes, I found it ;-) I didn't know this, but it is easy when you just do an area search ;-)
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correction: this Dinkie at the pictures is a freebie at Sacrarium, the white and striped ones I bought at CGC grid.
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I bought my Dinkie in CGC grid, but in 3rd Life grid there are also Dinkieshops. But you got to pay for them in Gloebits, not much, around 3 euro orso lol You also got free dinkies, but theyre less cute i.m.o. and they are free at the mall in Digiworldz.
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oops, thanks for letting me know, I'll change it now.
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Thats what we did it for :-) greetings friend!
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I don't know the details of this rant, but it seems to me, it is very personal. This is why gridowners or websiteowners should stay out of the drama people make personally. It is not fair to judge one whole grid, i.m.o. If people act like kids, treat them like kids, it will only mark them as such a character. Seems Open Sim isn't open anymore these days, because everyone is accusing everyone. I thought we agreed at the start to make it a better version than SL? You think Linden ever removed a community? No! Live and let live! And remove just the offending posts ;-)
I'm pretty sure if you go around in SL calling people "jews" or "kenyan monkeys" they will remove you
I have been called a Nazi here, while I was building a historical sim about WW2 . At the sim were several noteboards placed with explanation why I felt the need to build it. I am Jewish btw lol . People don't read anymore these days.. And I just move on!
that s different from what i said. I agree and i don't like banning people. But if they do it repeatedly despite warnings , well i don't have the time to moderate their comments all day.
Understand, but why don't you ask someone to moderate then? I am sure there are people who like to do that. In future this can be a big help.
My friend, ask around and get the context you need to actually have an informed opinion about this whole thing. If after you get to know what's going on you still think the same then that's perfectly acceptable, but right now I've the feeling you don't have the background to really hastily opiniate about this.
I can only second that. Avia, if you've been out of the loop for too long (my guess is since spring 2015 or even longer), then first gather some information about Sacrarium and their mafia mobster methods. And I'm not even exaggerating.

While you're at it, read up on their connection to the copybotting scene.
true that Aaack ;-) I dont know and don't want to know details, I just want people stop hunting others.
- We are a small community, tiny really , a few thousand users
- Everyone who makes a post can moderate the comments on their post already
- Moderators easily turn to dictators , as we see on reddit and other media. If people want that, they can go to reddit or discord.
Realise, people get damaged on both sides. Do we want that?
I think it is better to cut of the option to comment and just inform people what is been offered.
People who use the beacon, then are the only ones to inform the community about their own grids/sims/events etc.
Seriously?? Is more than a childlike character. They are marked alright, as racist bullies, full of hate and greed.
As I wrote, I don't know any details, but what I know is people attacking eachother too much, we should just leave it and move on. Not put energy in negative things, right?
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Aaack, this happens with all creators, You make something original and put it full perms in your store. Since we all know people use Godmode to take it anyway, so why bother? Yes, it bothers, since it is your original idea and someone else is running away with it. You trickered them obviously with ideas , they don't have themselves. It's hard to see sometimes, but it is a running train you can't stop ;-) But, creators have their own special style. I will regocnize your style everywhere. OS has become too big to control everything. I just let them do their thingie and move on , with new ideas, because that's the only thing they don't have ;-)
Oh Avia, I agree with you it does happen and it's not about control but quality. I care because I strive to make my objects as good as I can make them, so If I update something and there's rouge copies on a store I can't control that have old bugs and people thinks I don't care because those things are still out there I get frustrated.
So the only thing I can do is not to open satellite stores, it's not much else I can do but it's something. I don't mind people modifying my things, actually I encourage it. But I would love they start with an up-to-date copy.
ok clear that Aaack ;-)
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Great collection of sounds, and a very well created futuristic area, a must see!. Thanks for sharing!
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I am glad as well , thanks ;-)
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I am happy to hear Kelso, it took some weeks to test and try but it seems it works fine now ;-)
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thnx Marianna ;-) It wasn't an easy decision, but I need a stable grid for my exhibitions ;-) Also, Souldgrid is very artistic as well, I think I fit there.
Yes that is what I meant to imply by "marriage of art" their art and yours.
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Thank you Rudy, I think this will the right place for me to be ;-)
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Thanks for your help with sounds, these are great scripts to use.
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I truely love this grid. It's like you wander around Second Life 2.0. you can see the love for OS, well done!
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Well done Aaack, always good quality ;_)
Thank you Avia =)