Aurora Starchild @AuroraAsteria

Starchild Estate Offline

Co-Owner of Starchild Estate and Shoppe hop://


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Mhmmm not into BDSM per se. But damn guuurl! :P
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Oh myy... *fans herself*
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You grid is your home - and I think it's up to each owner to decide what works for them (always within the law). I think we all should be align there. The problem is when we start dictating or morally judging what other grid owners do...thaaaat's when the shit storm starts. Or when we try to sabotage others. Like, gosh...we lose such a HUGE opportunity for overall OS growth by backstabbing each other... But yes, agreed.
within the law
Mhm, what I said
Same applies to some grids banning the use of Darkstorm, for instance, and potential illegal misused that come with it. It can be proactive, by banning the viewer, or reactive, after reports.
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@HarperHeld is a pain... I am learning as I import stuff...didn't even know what bumpiness and shine did before! I think the WORST are some clothes from some TETRA... now THOSE are a nightmare...
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*watches short people walking there and starting to throw rings*
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Yes and, ironically, some who seem to be championing the protection of 'small avis' tend to be the same ones harassing them. These are adults who have chosen to protray themselves online in a particular pixels configuration and style, and it really sends them in a full guilt-trip when people criticise that :(
So, the more safe spaces we have, the better
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I keep swapping from big to smol. Depending on my mood and whether I want to keep TP onto people's heads lol. Love the look!
Ps. careful with Kayden though. He is a little toddler with angelic face that runs around with a cute dinosaur onesie...covered in blood, a knife too sometimes lol
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I honestly can't than you enough for this and all the support you have provided.
Everyone: I keep spamming poor Val with small things and even requirements, and she keeps updating this in like 1 day :O
It even has an updater now, gosh! Amazing work
She is like a mad scientist...but a really hot one.
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Qué pasada :O Estamos diseñando un sistema de vampiros y así - tendré que enviar a la gente pa allá para los looks
me interesa eso del sistema de vampiros, yo tambien estoy creando clan a ver si nos organizamos jeje
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I was just reminded again how much we need to exercise gratitude. Our brain is a predicting machine, always expecting and thinking the worse, it takes us into a horrible spiral.
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Ohhhh fellow wiccans here?
Retired neo-Druid here. I was unusual in those circles, so to speak, in not believing in magic. I was more interested in honoring Gaia and taking part in female-led rituals. I was in the Greenwood Grove, which is mentioned in Drawing Down the Moon.

For anyone interested, here's an article about Spring rituals around the world, including Ostara.
Yaaay close enough!
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Awww thanks! Means a lot!
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Oh wow :O
...also...Aliiiiens... :P That looks like the Stargate version of Luxor with the mothership just landing
Well worth a visit.
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Undecel Masala is pretty amazing btw. I recently took my region to my home grid, but will still always recommend him