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There are Opensim Gor grids that do RP and have for years now. They are out there but just don't advertise here.
I remember building a few sims for them, before I was already done with Corcyrus, the whole RP community there was gone. That was a matter for about 3 weeks.
Sadly there long gone, I'm familiar with the grid. There player list is small and transferred from SL. The grid may be still alive but players not so much.
Kindra Turian still seems pretty active and the grid is ranked as 92nd in traffic. Maybe they are no longer so active on OSW but not dead.
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Because most men only change once a year whereas females once a day?
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Thanking you CyberGlo, this is perfect! I been dreaming of something like for quite a while but didn't think it was actually possible.
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Would be lovely to have a board like that where one could see and then wear dresses, shoes and hair from it. It would make it so much easier for dressing to those of us who have a large amount of those things and trying to make up a new outfit from a text based inventory.
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No oar backup that still had all the female parts from before the time they were stolen?
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Is this Grid speech to text ability exclusively for Wolf Grid or do you intend to either share it freely or sell the capability for others?
So at the moment it s only on wolf grid for wolf grid users - that's because it has to access part of the Robust databases and Grid databases to work. Once we've had it running a while and fully tested / load balanced we'll look at making it available outside the grid. I will say that it's free to set up an account at Wolf Territories Grid and use the software.
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So you're meetings were being done in voice? That's a bit unusual but ok, the speech to text option is handy but would have thought it need be in the Viewer.
So please watch the video - we were doing meetings in voice *AND* text, typing what was being said. This uses just a browser to convert speech to text and then uses a Hud with an API to get it into the viewer. Whatever viewer you have.
I did watch the video but was curious because you mentioned that having the Edge or Safari browsers should also work. From that I understood the browsers were independent of the actual Viewer since those use the Google browser api afaik. Each browser has its own speech to text engine I thought. If yours is independent of those other browsers then it is using some sort of Hud script to access the built in viewer browser?
No so what happens is we use the browsers speech to text function to capture and convert speech to text and then it calls an API that stores it in a database, then the hud reads from the API and displays the text in world :-)
The power of having a grid that is truly database driven and able to use API for pushing and pulling data. WELL DONE!
It is in the viewer. We do both voice and text. We just use your browser to do text to speech then pop it into the viewer.
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Looks quite different from the one you linked Patch. 2 vs 4 pall bearers for starters.
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So true about the great feeling one experiences when creating their own grid or region. For me there was nothing quite like it when I set up my first grid 15 years ago and logged in on the "pimple" island and then watched it turn to a field after typing in the appropriate console command. That's when I became "sold" on Opensim.
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There are just a few very vocal people who HATE child avatars whereas the rest have no issue pro or con about them. To me they are at least more realistic then furries, dinkies, fairies and dwarves who all qualify as being of short stature.
While this isn't on-topic with my original post: I'm okay with shops that offer stuff for perfectly clean children's outfits.

But whenever I see a kids' shop that offers fully nude skins and scripted boy dicks, it seriously makes me wonder.

Is that shop owner so clueless about what's in the boxes in spite of what's shown on them? I mean, I know that next to no shopkeep in the Hypergrid curates their stuff, and many slap boxes with broken permissions or even empty boxes against their shop walls, but seriously.

Has that shop owner only hung up that stuff for completion's sake, hoping in all seriousness that nobody will buy it?

Is that shop owner naïve enough to believe that THEIR customers will ALL only acquire that stuff to play nudist family?

Is that shop owner so out of the loop that they're completely unaware of the existence of paedo ageplayers both generally and in OpenSim specifically, so they can't imagine these items could possibly be acquired for sexual purposes?

Does that shop owner know but (pretend to) not care who acquires that stuff and what for?

Is that shop owner secretly (or not so secretly) a proud paedo supplier? Or paedo themselves?

Or does that shop owner secretly have a logger script running to identify avatars who come and pick up that stuff, and the shop is nothing but a paedo honeypot after all?
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The real issue is not little people but little people in sexual or erotic poses. That is how the SL legal eagles differentiate it and how most RL laws define the problem. In SL they even go as far as potentially banning a child on adult furniture whereas, many grids here go above and beyond that even and ban smaller avatars outright, Cyberglow's Overwatch script should maybe focus on punting avatars below a certain height from sitting on A rated furniture or poses. That would be more inline with what the actual laws prohibit.
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"And I think I'm the only OSW user who has been here for several years while still only having one account."
Naw, I only have this "Arielle" account and it has been close to 10 years. I signed up within 12 hours of Satyr opening the site.
Like Harper says, it does seem like targeted harassment on child avatars because its been the main thrust of topics for a while now. I guess the community got tired of crying about the unlicensed content here but knowing forums and how they work in cycles about topics to complain about, I'm sure it will come back around :)
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Maybe an idea would be that anyone within a certain height range could shown as a cloud to other residents, or at least those who choose to not see little people.
very creative idea!
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So does your script constantly poll all avatars on the sim if they are the within the appropriate height range, or does it only check them on entry? If only on entry, couldn't they put on a child avatar outfit or reduce their height after arriving?
It coonstantly polls the avatars. We thought of that. You can set the poll time in the menu. :)
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Well the thing is that if one is actually afraid someone wearing a child suit will indecently expose and flaunt themselves on your grid, what prevents them from coming in as an adult and then changing their outfit after they arrive? Personally after 15 years on Opensim and the Hypergrid, I have yet to see one but I think that by drawing attention to what it is you don't want, you will attract that very thing. It is like people who try to ward off drama, they always seem to attract that very thing. Good luck with your restrictions but I do hope you don't attract the very thing you are trying to prevent by drawing attention to it.
Being educated and informed does not make me afraid. Have a great day!
Ok "wary" of people who look like children.
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I was at a shopping region on the HG this weekend and actually found a pile of children's avatars, clothing and childlike decorations in one section in spite of the Grid Owner constantly advertising here on OSW that the grid is Adult Only. Hopefully the Grid owner will see the contradiction and not distribute the very things she is so against.
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In Opensim like SL, it is the Grid owners and Admins that are empowered, not so much the residents. Opensim at least though allows anyone to create their own grid.
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Oh, nowhere has it been mentioned that police were involved. You have a link to that info?
Might as well throw this in as well:

You want links and proof so much, so I made sure to provide it.

As you can previously see, even Libtard Reddit tried to block the initial reports like good little MSDNC soldiers. Whether you are for or against age play, age issues, etc. the fact remains that SecondLife and Libtard Labs are primary outlets for pedophiles. Just a much as Instantgram and Craigs List, etc. I'll never forget the years of every single group in SL having a douchebag Pedo posting daily: "Any girls submissive when younger? IM me I have questions." The notorious Starman was his name who created well over 1000 alts, like Marc Sparx aka (unmentioned Libtard name) did here. Starman's shit started way back in 2009 and was still going on even after I was gone in 2019. If you complained about him, you were kicked from the group or suspended by Libtard Labs. How awesome is that inclusiveness and caring? They ran more cover ops for criminals that the DOJ does for Joe Shittypants and Hunter's drug and hooker hookups.

I am not debating the age play issue, it's a toxic subject to say the least, but I am posting with joy in the hopes that SecondLife dies a painful death and it's owners rot in Federal lockup where those elitist anti-capitalist shit bags that want more money and power deserve to be. Virtue signaling all sorts of self righteous horseshit, canceling everyone that disagrees while partaking in every single of the activities they supposedly condemn, like all Libtards do. I also hope every single staff member also eats a good pile of dog shit and chokes. Then we can recycle their blue hair, use the 600 tons of fat cells and repurpose their cheeto fingers to save the horseshit climate and change and kung flu bullshit. Because they were just as complicit and all to eager to be blue dot gods since they exist in miserable lives without purpose and never progress.
Thx for the interesting links though I had been following the reddit ones. I haven't seen any references though to actual authorities looking into it. Just threats of calling them. It is a bit of a wonder tbh.
The links regarding the police investigation are gone, who WERE contacted, but San Fagcisco cops really have too many more serious crimes going on to make this a priority. It's been reported, it's currently under investigation and the cops will always say they can't discuss for this reason as their excuse. I cannot confirm if it was sent to the Faggy Bureau of Idiots though because over state lines, it becomes a federal crime and the Dept. of Jerkoffs with Merritless Gayland running it is too busy trying to make up crimes to stop a man who made an angry Tweet that offended them from running in an election as a priority.

If it is on the books, then it will eventually be prosecuted. The question is WHEN.
no matter how much i defend the ageplay is two looking adult avatars, all everyone is going to think of is child looking avatars or ones with Adult avatars. that really hits us hard. I just call it what it is, pedophilia. Its one think to act a different age but its another to completely look like that younger RL age.

The issue is toxic for many because they believe that is what ageplay is and its not. but sadly most wont see it. I hope that for allowing stuff like that they get justice done. this is why things like happen, it is because some people allow it to happen. I understand grids want to be inclusive but if u allow child avatars then your going to allow the pedos in.

But its very hard to police everyone, that means including grids that are nothing but pedo related. I mean how do you shut a grid out from all of opensim, that would a big undertaking and who knows if it can be done.
To me age-play is a large discrepancy in ages so like an adult playing with one who acts and looks like a child. In that sort of scenerio there are two parties and in R/L it is the adult who is seen as the perpetrator but in Virtual it is seen as the child. Sort of like victim blaming.
but my point is, in rl its two adults that play a certain age and wear child like clothing but u can tell there still adults. that is what ageplay actually is. in virtual everyone seems to think its actual rl children because of how child avis tell them or portray themselves. Some people get blamed because of how they portray themselves. No one wants to face the reality that real actual age play is not two rl looking childdren, or two virtual rl looking child avatars.
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Interesting post Glenn. Where is this information about 300,000 conservative bans? I've never heard about that though I did note a substantial drop in posters on the forums.
Poster above is one of them. I knew many who knew many more and many more. It was the first major act Oberwager committed upon his first log in. He was so experienced in digital worlds he needed staff to teach him how to make his avatar walk. I was there to witness that. Of course, I saved many of the staff conversations as proof, because we all know that they would never allow any evidence of their actions to be published or acknowledged. Just like MSDNC would do. But I assure you, the thousands of us exist and are now in OpenSIm or moved on. Some have even died, as a result of health or old age.

SL managed to survive it's first legal hurdle by banning Gambling and Banking. By moving their servers to Iceland, to avoid paying U.S. taxes. Then around 2017, they moved to the Amazon "cloud". So very responsible and law abiding virtue signalers. Eventually, the E.U. caught up with them and that is why they are on Crapazon servers.

Want to test how much SecondLife cares about you? Try to call a customer service number. You can call billing which winds up being some house bound, blue haired, uneducated and clueless simpleton who doesn't understand laws or basic economics. But try to actually call ANY number you could possibly find at their San Freakcisco HQ. You will be met with either a voicemail that is full or number not working. So very caring of paying customers who they expect to pay $500+ for sims. The best you can do is contact their "Online" chat. And then you are met with arrogance, virtue signaling, incompetence, apathy and more regardless of your financial investment. They prefer freeloaders who offer nothing and merely a number of existence in their statistics.

As for the forums, well if you post anything they disagree with, if you are not politically aligned your post is censored, removed and you are suspended. Even if you provided the correct solution to a problem. Even if you posted something positive for the community. So why would I and thousands of others waste ANY of our time posting on a forum that will only delete or prevent your post from being even entered? Now that we have AI to push the agenda, I am sure SL will jump on that to make censorship way more efficient. Like the NY Post! Check out the massive drops in their article discussions. Go woke, go broke, good riddance.
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Some people are just sensitive about certain subject matter. Has nothing to do with their level of intelligence, just what triggers them emotionally.
I can understand people's sensitivity, but I don't think his comment and reaction are justified.

The post is quite clear, and there are valid comments and responses, even emotionally. The concern is legitimate, and in the post, there are a series of questions. What does blocking someone have to do with this post? He should have expressed his thoughts, but instead, he clearly stated, 'SL is SL, OS is OS, I'll block anyone who talks about SL in this place, you're the first!' I believe it has little to do with his 'noble' mood; it's just a silly comment since the topic of any new laws to regulate the metaverses would apply to all of us who inhabit them.
In addition, he behaves even more foolishly and questionably by unblocking blocked individuals to respond and then blocking them again (hahaha, amusing but ridiculous). This behavior reflects on the quality of actions of this person, which is why his comments will be deleted, always.
It's the result of cancel culture. My last name is aptly named based on how many times I was for over 25+ years of internet experience.I see Fresh's point though that this website should be focused on OpenSim and not toxic SecondLife which is just ONE GRID, though the one that started it all and most famous. I personally indulge in payback and block woketards proactively since it was done to me for years.

However I do think you are partly right OpenLife about fresh's reaction being a bit overboard and hasty. But everyone wanted cancel culture and got it, now they are against it?

One thing I am sick of in life is saying "I told you so" so many freaking times. But alas, it applies again.
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Unfortunately the things that happen in SL, also happen here, just on a smaller scale and at a later date.