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Jupiter, your version of history is a little out of whack. Opensim Developers never coined those sort of phrases. Anyone who has been around for a few years knows well where they came from and who touted them. Are you attempting to rewrite Opensim history now?
Again, for even the last person to engrave in stone or something:

Never even once in this thread did I explicitly claim that the OpenSim devs coined even one of these phrases!

All these phrases were coined by the copybotting mafiya. And I've written exactly that in the very post you've replied to.

"Never buy in OpenSim" was to drive commercial creators and thereby competition out of OpenSim.

"Sharing is caring", "Share with no mercy" and "Share or die" was to get people to take all that copybotted stuff, open their own freebie stores and offer it there so that it'd be harder to find out who imported that stuff on which grid and first offered it on which sim.

But there are lots of people who falsely believe that these are standard OpenSim mantras and therefore have to come from the creators of OpenSim himself. Falsely. And if I tell them where these mantras actually come from, they don't believe me.

Also, I don't really buy that all the anti-Linda Kellie agitprop was solely targetted at Linda Kellie and not at all creators of legal freebies in OpenSim. After all, all this came up in times when a critical mass of users believed that all legal freebies in OpenSim were made by her. Proof: When the Sword of DMCA Damocles was looming over entire big grids due to offering stolen content, not few freebie store owners replaced everything in their stores with Linda Kellie and only Linda Kellie. No traces of Hylee Bekkers, Selea Core etc. Free & legal equalled Linda Kellie back then. So it was easy and tempting to use her name to mob all creators of legal freebies out of the Hypergrid along with commercial creators so that the copybotting mafiya could have the absolute content oligopoly.

Deadman mentioned that Linda Kellie allegedly had 50 alts. He can't possibly have referred to her grid-jumping, i.e. having 50 alts all with the same name. It sounds more like the implication that every last creator of legal freebies was actually Linda Kellie which would be justification enough to mob them all out of OpenSim.

Still today, those who go copybotting and offer their prey in OpenSim at least try to silence the creators and promoters of legal freebies. Fortunately, they're too splintered now and too busy competing against each other and one-upping each other with exclusive content to join forces and organise new anti-legal content propaganda.
Well then maybe you lost something in the translation because when you stated "Oh, and I'm not the one who believes that these slogans were coined by the devs. Many others do." It very much sounds like you are talking the Opensim devs who created the Opensim code because when we speak of Dev's, they are the only ones who carry the title. I've seen you make that same mistake before but left it but this time I am taking the time to challenge you on it. As to the rest of the long winded posts, you are simply reiterating and rehashing the same drama that caused a lot of problems to Opensim 8-9 years ago. Let it go, it is what it is and if you want legal content, go to Secondlife and buy it. You want Ruth and Roth? Have at it, your choice. They were bodies created for creators, not residents. And that's why there are no clothes for them. Blame the devs of of Ruth and Roth for wanting to create a unique body that wouldn't fit any of the existing clothes in spite of a number of us asking them to make those bodies so they would more closely fit the content that already existed. Shin and the rest of them chose not to listen to the residents and the result is what we have today. Suck it up.
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So does it have Hypergridding capability to its installations?
This will be a single but very large universe. There will literally be continents, planets, and space stations to live. The code for this game is not compatible with opensim, but we are considering eventually creating a bridge for opensim avatars to visit and explore
Well that is too bad. It would be nice to have those capabilities in a metaverse configuration where we each like Opensim, have our own installation with travelling capability between them. That is what makes Opensim so unique in that we can each be masters of our own universe and still be a part of something greater. Hoping the developers will be looking to expand its capabilities to something like that because I think most of us are here for those sort of features more so then the enhanced eye candy.
While Opensim manages to function enough for people to travel and have some common experiences, the shared code itself has splintered and become more fractured, making connections more difficult between island grids. Some grids use very old code and refuse to update; some use the newest code but have made their own changes to it, and they either share those changes or they keep them in-house. There are multiple physics engines and multiple scripting engines already where scripts and vehicles become disabled when moved from one to another. Eventually some grids will no longer be able to communicate well with others simply because they no longer share a common language. OS code would also take a monumental effort to upgrade it to current industry graphics rendering standards for which the will to do so among all the grids does not exist. For these reasons we decided to step away from the concept of separate grids for the sake of having a better more seamless experience. Users will have extensive control of their regions, nearly as you do here, but the core code base will be common to all and easily upgradeable, and the places you will be able to explore will be vast. Eventually the vision is to open limited doors to not only Opensim users, but also to other game franchises to allow their users to come in and explore also, which would be the beginnings of a real multiverse. But baby steps first.
I can then understand why the code is proprietary for now. Perhaps some of it will open up in the future, once the place succeeds enough to where it's feasible to do so.

The fractures between Open Sim grids is why some of the third party viewer creators have dropped Open Sim support, or are backpedaling on that. Right now FS, Cool VL and Genesis are the only TPVs that function fully with Open Sim.
It sounds good though I would have some quibbles about your thoughts on the state of Opensim in general. I would like to point out however that SecondLife itself is on a similar path with a Vulkan based viewer and the challenge for Opensim is whether it can adopt the changes that will be necessary for the viewer. At this point there is some question whether Linden Lab will be releasing the code for the viewer in a way that will allow TPV devs to continue supporting Opensim. Does Starlite have intentions of releasing their viewer code in a way that others can also contribute to it or will it be closed source?
The main engine code will be closed for the foreseeable future. We've made the Vulkan API a separate module called by the main engine to make updates to Vulkan easier. The Vulkan team has been especially helpful with us.
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Personally, I would rather that the viewer devs would have simply made high complexity avatars invisible rather than an ugly gray blob that shows on my screen. It almost seems to me that it takes as much to render the gray blob as the fully rendered Avatar as I have seen no difference in my frame rate when I turn complexity down to something like 20K where almost everyone is a gray blob. Your mileage may vary.
If it isn't making much difference in performance for you then your computer might be struggling to render the world already.
As an example. I go to my favorite hang out spot when nobody is there and see what my average FPS is. (hopefully if the place is well designed I should be getting around 60fps in my case)
Then I go back when its busy and check again. I will then play with the Max number of non imposter avatars until my fps returns to an acceptable level. I found for my computer setting the max non imposter avatars to around 8 is a good balance for my system. Giving me an fps of 45+ with my max complexity of 350k. Now not everyone will be 350k complexity, but if they were all near that then I might have to adjust the max non imposters down a bit more.

Its all about trade offs. Trying to balance FPS with looks is tricky and depending on your hardware the world could look terrible if you want a smooth frame rate.

This is why having your complexity as low as possible is good as it allows more players to have more avatars on screen. If you hog all the polygons for your avatar then other people cant use them. Hence why they have the option to turn people into grey blobs.
I think of it as a pool that we borrow from. I have set my max complexity to 350k x 8. So if the total complexity of all avatars in the scene exceeds 2800000 then The pool is empty for me. The pool will be a different size for each machine. It is up to you to find out the size of your pool. This is not easy as you have to consider the base load of rendering the world around you too. This is different everywhere you go. I often have to change settings on the fly if i want to keep a good frame rate.
I wish there was one good setting for any given system, but this isn't a well optimized game where careful consideration to polygon counts has been carefully crafted to be consistent everywhere you go.
I regularly attend events and clubs in S/L with 50-70 avatars with no limit set to complexity while still running another viewer on my own grid and don't see much of an issue. You do bring up a good point though about the Max Avatars setting. It does not affect the Complexity but does have an impact on FPS. So I would rather have complexity set to no limit and lower the Max Avatar setting so at least my view is not made ugly by grey blobs. In a club or event, quite a few are static anyway so lowering that setting ups my framerate while still allowing me to see everyone. I'm also not too worried about maintaining a 60 FPS and don't mind it dropping to even 20 in a more static setting. It is a personal thing with what one finds acceptable so it is good to keep in mind there are 3 predominant settings that affect FPS, Draw distance, Max Avatars and Complexity.
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It is getting harder to find content that isn't high in complexity to begin with but since it is to do with the LoD setting on upload, I have to wonder if it really makes any difference to the load put on the viewers. LL touted it as being a good gauge but I been to TPV meetings in S/L where the viewer devs mentioned it really wasn't a good indicator and could be pretty much ignored.
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I'd care more about the rankings if they were a Social Ranking rather then just a traffic rank. A heavily trafficked region says nothing about how social it is and since the idea is to show places where people can meet people in Opensim, I'd be more impressed with a ranking where the ones who are on the region were greeting and chatting with the visitors stopping in at it.
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Problem here @Pagane is that even though the OSW admin states that bots are not allowed to be added to the visitor count, he does not state what the penalty for doing so is. Neither does he seem to be taking any action on those that are reported to be doing so. No decision is a decision and that is his choice. His site, his rules. Your argument is not with those region owners who knowingly or unknowingly allow bots to be included in visitor counts but the OSW Admin who does not follow through with penalizing the ones that do. It seems to me unnecessary drama directed at the wrong people.
I think my English is weak... It is written more than clearly and unambiguously: these are the requirements for using the beacon. If you do not comply with them, the beacon stops working and the data from it is NO LONGER REPORTED!
Avatars in region: Inaccurate
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In some places the bots are actually more interesting then the live people so shouldn't they be counted? In any case one can always leave a review on those regions that use bots to add to the visitor list to forewarn others of that. Of course that is really only relevant for those regions that are promoting themselves as a Social place because when I am shopping, the less others shopping, the better.
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I suspect it less about being able to find conservative clothing than it is about hinting that others should be wearing such rather than what is being judged as inappropriate for Osgrid Plaza's. They forget the Plazas are "social" venues rather than a place for them to promote their businesses in.
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Male system avatars are easier to make look good than female ones but in either case, low complexity meshed avatars should really have little impact on the servers. Where mesh or even prim hair makes a difference is to other avatars nearby so that in a low concurrent region, it really would make little difference whether the visitors wear system or prim/mesh clothing for the load on the region server.
There are other reasons for the SYSTEM avatar FEATURE. This discourages cheating the health algorithm, if we were to allow any attachment to be worn, vehicle scripts could be placed inside which would still work even though scripts are not permitted. This makes it harder for miscreants to use malicious workarounds.
Ok though I remember the Zombie game in Osgrid had a script detection feature where one could not wear any sort of script on the playing field or it simply wouldn't allow one to play. So must be ways to prevent that even with prim or mesh attachments.. That isn't to argue with the system avatar requirement but I do like what you are testing because I am very interested in knowing how much load mesh actually places on a server and hope to hear your thoughts on it once you try both types of avatars.
The system avatar "feature" was always part of the plan from the very beginning. Originally, I wanted to have everyone exploring the sim in "hazmat suits" which would automatically be attached to the avatar upon landing but that would require full script access for them to function and that opened the door to other problems with avatars not being able to properly sit in the rides. It got to a point where things were becoming over-complicated so I had to trim out some of the extra "fluff". I heard of the zombie game you mentioned but never tried it.
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As someone who prefers racier and shorter skirts and dresses, I have to say I see too much of the more conservative clothing styles I am not interested in. It is fine for my partner who has no trouble shopping for and putting together great outfits with taste and elegance by combining parts of different outfits, so I think the complaints that there isn't enough of what some are looking for is a reflection on the ability of those complaining rather than lack of appropriate content. These complaints sound like the workman or artist who blames his or her tools and materials. The shops and content is out there but one may have to go off the beaten tracks to find it and if that doesn't do it, then either find someone who can make what one wants, or can get it.
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Are the meetings still done on voice?
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When I read the the switch for including Creator ID on the Save oar command is mentioned as being --home, not --publish as Josh was mentioning. Hopefully the information in the Wiki is up to date but a couple of ways to check is to type "help archives" in the console. There are also the Dev meetings at 11 am SLT Tuesdays @ Dev Outreach in Osgrid where you can ask the Dev's directly.
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In past years there were other events within Osgrid that though not part of the official ceremonies, made an announcement to those in attendance of how to donate to the grid if anyone was inclined to. Easy peasy, no drama required.
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His music and particle shows have been highlights during my years in Opensim.
RiP Torben.
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Saw a great quote by Bob Marley on someone's profile today which I think is relevant to the topic:
"The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman's love with no intention of loving her."
-Bob Marley

While agreeing with the sentiment, it presents somewhat of a contradiction to Jupiter Rowland's insights into the nature of the character-centric user vs the authentic real life-user, which in my own opinion are spot on. Question is how can both types coexist?
It's difficult.

When they're still fairly new, both kinds of users don't even know that the respective other kind exists. Chances are that discovery ends up rather painful for one or both sides (character-centric user breaks user-centric user's heart in what they believe is just a role-play; user-centric user shatters character-centric user's immersion by blatantly going OOC due to not even having a character in that sense). But if they're lucky, they just find out that people may see avatars differently from how they see avatars without any nasty side-effects.

"Painful" may pretty well describe a situation similar to what Bob Marley described, only that it'd be a result of misunderstanding in OpenSim. Boy and girl meet at a party of sorts, interesting kind of conversation ensues, and it eventually leads to sexy times.

So far, so good.

Now, the boy is the avatar of a character-centric male user who basically just wanted to make a little interactive porn with the girl, expecting her to be just as character-centric as himself.

The girl, however, is the avatar of a user-centric female user who, over the course of the party and the conversation, got completely and utterly smitten over the boy. Or rather her mental image of the user behind the boy, based on a lot of projection plus a little wishful thinking. For her, the virtual sex wasn't just some smutty online role-play, it was an expression of love. Or the kind of obsession that people sometimes mistake for love.

According to Bob Marley, anything the male user would do now that doesn't lead to a long-distance relationship with that female user would be cowardice. (Strictly speaking, women with male avatars who end up being taken for real-life men are exempt from this quote.)

However, if you as a character-centric user experience such a situation, when you notice that the user behind that other avatar has started obsessing over your avatar and their projection of real-life you, it's too late. You're past a point of no return. You can't easily nope out of this whole thing anymore.

Seriously: If such a situation happens, going all the way first and then ghosting the other avatar/user is the best you can do. It's even better than faking a viewer crash and then not coming back which is actually more cowardish and more blatantly so. Or rather than actually ghosting them, you may also announce your likely absence and then actually stay absent like you've announced.

Tell them you aren't online that much, especially not during times when they're online. If they haven't befriended you, you may come online, but stay on your own turf or hypergrid with caution so you won't meet them. If they have befriended you, keep that particular avatar offline when it's likely that they are online. Especially as a character-centric user, you should have at least one spare avatar, preferably one with a wholly different identity that she would never suspect to be an alt of her target of obsession. Keep away from them for a few weeks until they got over you, found someone else or got so disappointed that they'll leave you alone henceforth.

Also, try to resist accepting their friendship offer. If you accept it, they can see whenever you're on and start stalking you.

Telling them in the heat of the moment (and this can still be before the actual sex) that you aren't interested in anything serious and/or permanent will either hurt them and leave them unsatisfied. Or they'll ignore it just as much as when you try to tell them that your real-life gender is not necessarily what they oh so firmly believe it absolutely has to be. People with a rather attractive opposite-gender alt that they let out of the closet every now and then may have experienced the latter first-hand already.

Giving them what they desire, especially if it's a long-distance relationship between two real-life people just based on two avatars meeting and a lot of imagination and projection on one side, will be uncomfortable for you. This has little to do with cowardice. Even less if you're a woman, and another woman is smitten over your handsome male alt and wants to meet the alleged man behind him in real life.

In all seriousness, this isn't all grey theory. I know what I'm writing about. I've had guys obsess over a female alt of mine (I'm not saying which) at least twice already, being absolutely certain that I'm a woman IRL.

The first one was literally the first time one of my avatars got into such a situation. It was at a nude party, she was naked, and he actually stripped down to talk to her. He ended up inviting her to his place. There he kept nagging and nagging me (via her) to tell him everything about my RL, even after "doing it", which I refused at first. The way he talked (or rather wrote) made it seem to me like he was already envisioning a white wedding with my female alt.

Later, I decided to be so honest and tell him my RL gender. He was sick and disgusted and felt like having been tricked into gay sex by a gay man. I understood that, from his POV, it wasn't his avatar fucking mine, it was HIM cyberfucking ME. Or rather him cyberfucking his imagination of who and what I am.

The other one who comes to my mind asked me about my real life, too. Again, I told him it's none of his business. This time, I stuck with that. I didn't want the above situation to repeat. Unlike the example above, this one actually expressed that he was absolutely certain that I'm a woman IRL, it couldn't be any other way. I tried to tell him that he can't know my RL gender for sure, and I may or may not be a woman, but he said, yes, he could, and I'm definitely a woman. I said that's nothing but wishful thinking which he denied. I told him if he absolutely had to find out about my real life, he could look it up on the "1st life" page of my avatar's profile (which, of course, wasn't blank, albeit not too informative). He said he couldn't be bothered to read profiles and wanted me to tell him everything which I kept refusing.

I did let his avatar fuck mine. I neither wanted to pass up on that nor dump him right before it after first having agreed to it before I knew just how much he'd obsess over whom he took me for. That is, again, his real-life self cyberfucked his projection of real-life me instead.

He had already told me when he's on and when he isn't, and after having sex, he wanted to meet me again in that same place as soon as possible. I had my avatar say she can't promise anything, and she isn't on that often. Unfortunately, I had accepted his friendship offer out of good manners and keeping up the act for as long as I still had to, so he'd know when she's online.

The best I could do then was to keep that particular female alt offline when he'd be online, not to mention away from that place, for a number of weeks. The next time another avatar of mine saw him, he seemed to be chatting up another lady. Success on my side with no substantial damage done to the other side.

The first guy may have been aware that there may be male users behind a female avatar. The second guy told me he was. But both believed they "knew" that this could impossibly be the case with my female alt.

So here's one more advice for the male users: If you want to create a female alt, don't make her a Venus flytrap. Don't make her too attractive. Don't make her stand out too much in a positive way. At least not when she's among other avatars. And don't make her look like she has indeed been created by a female user. That helps avoid such situations.

Also, never tell them where to find you usually. Especially never give them landmarks to your usual hangouts. And don't let them know where exactly you live in-world, neither by landmark nor by OSW link nor by having your home as a pick in your profile with a hop address that leads directly to your home. Otherwise, chances are they'll stalk you. I've experienced that as well.
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An act of God was defined as something which no reasonable man could have expected. (A.P. Herbert)
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Enjoyed the shopping. It is nice to have a non laggy experience of looking through unique items not spread about everywhere else. I would personally like to see more of that instead of these super stores that try to have everything from everybody else under one roof.
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Some good points though couple things I'd like to remark on. First of, is this only relevant information for those "stealing" from big supermarkets or is it true in general whether self made mesh content or from anywhere else? Unnecessarily using the term stealing makes it out like it is only information for a den of thieves. I like recommending to new Opensim people, but if they are going to be met with posts like this, they are likely going to move on from here pretty quickly. May I suggest a little tact and diplomacy?
The high complexity seen on older clothing/hair/avatar bodies was largely a result of uploading mesh with all the LOD's filled in on upload until it was learned that it wasn't necessary for avatar items which resulted in lower complexity numbers though as far as I know, it does not actually do anything to minimize the mesh itself. Even viewer developers have pointed out that the Complexity numbers may not be a true representative figure of the actual load on the viewer. There are a couple of tools in the viewer that help to reduce the load in other ways with minimizing draw distance, the LoD factor, avatar imposters as well the graphic setting itself.
It's both actually.

A lot of stuff from the Big Supermarket was acquired by botting entire sims wholesale including the inventories of all avatars present, and what wasn't a sales box right away or could be thrown together into a sales box was dumped into Stuff boxes as it was in order to churn it out as quickly as possible.

I think some care has been taken for at least some avatar accessories. But a whole lot of sim decoration items that you can find standing around on sims came in via Stuff boxes and therefore untreated.

Add to that that many SL creators tried to crank up the "quality" of their items with ridiculously-high-res textures and by not cleaning up their models and reducing the number of vertices back in the day. Remember the Antony Pants? One of these adds 190,000 to your ARC. As good as they look, as versatile as they are, you'll feel guilty wearing them if you know how high their impact is.

But content made in OpenSim for OpenSim isn't safe either. Clutterfly mesh clothes have quite a variety from "you barely notice it's there" to "what was she even thinking". I think the Ruffled Bottom Dress takes the cake: Its ARC is just a bit over 500,000 which is sad because it can be made to look fairly good on mesh bodies made in and for OpenSim. Fortunately, other creators were more careful.

As for the viewer load, I think it has been agreed upon by now that the number of submeshes has a greater impact than what the ARC stands for. This can be witnessed in Firestorm at big parties with over 30 avatars where there's at least one avatar with a Ruth2 v4 body present.

You'll see lots of female avatars that can't even be recognised as humans. You can't make out the body. The head floats somewhere. The clothes and accessories are all distorted. These avatars often stay this way all the way through the party. A few mesh avatars, however, quickly look like they're supposed to. These are the Ruth2 v4s.

Now, why does this happen? It's less because Athena-based avatars tend to be tricked out to the max with unknowingly high ARCs. You can crank up the ARC of a Ruth2 v4-based avatar sky high, too. The ARC of the bodies themselves doesn't matter either because they're very similar.

No, it's because even BoM-capable Athena 6 is broken down into 208 tiny chunks to make the alpha HUD work. And that doesn't count the head in yet or the nails or the four invisible feet. Each one of these 208 chunks needs to be rigged into its proper place.

In comparison, where Athena 6 has these 208 chunks, Ruth2 v4 has only got 11. And she has only got two feet and ten toenails to rig. That's because, just like probably every modern BoM mesh body in SL, Ruth2 v4 is geared towards the use of alpha masks*. The alpha HUD is just a fallback which is why it's so coarse.

*Yes, BoM mesh bodies generally support alpha masks. It's your Athena 6 or Adonis 4 that doesn't. It can be fixed, though.
You should listen to Arielle. She is super smart and knows her stuff. Plus she is innocent and adorable!
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I like the new site. Looks great! Haven't been able to find the forums yet though.