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Is this the same DJ Ted Flinker who scammed half SL?. I guess it is not...It would be very sad for the Opensim community
Nope. It's mass murderer Ted Bundy. You can never be too careful about people named Ted!
Ok Honey, that's why I put a question mark and the last name ... have you seen it?
Oh Honey, I've seen it. Babe, it's been seen. The question mark. Very important. But was it to Ted Bundy? I think not.
Never heard of a Ted flinker. But this Ted is the one who gives the basic and advance building classes on opensim if you have seen the events come up on here. :-)
Ohhh...cool...Better if he is not Ted Flinker from SL. That boy is a scammer, you can check it out on FaceBook. Hugs for you !!!