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Trip-Hop Music at Nikopol Club at 8:30 am Slt, with Dj Slid'r, to spend some time with down tempo electro music , an mix through time with for example Wax Tailor, Smoke City, Terranova, Tricky, Doctor flake, Hugo Kant, Moderator and more. Station
Come visit Havana @ OMG Twitztid Timez Grid - it's colorful and lots of fun. Walk the streets of Havana, visit the art gallery. Pick up some groceries at the supermarket. Stop at the cafe and people watch and when your done, kick off your heels and dance away at Havana Open Air Club - be sure to pop in and visit the locals close by.

Bebe: is it hot over there now? :)) 8 days ago

Wolf Grid Welcome has Balloon Rides, Taxis and Vehicle Rezzers. Come and enjoy our massive new welcome area.

Two new Tea Houses are now available at the Emporium. Each structure is a mix of prim and mesh and is finished with both PBR and standard textures. Each Tea House comes with a Tea Set Seating Group, working doors, and lighting controls for the interior and exterior. Each structure is about 360 prims, fits a 27M x 27M base area, and has modify and copy permissions. Matching garden pagodas are on display there as well and are also available.

In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area that you can walk through. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Coming up next, I will be working on a temple and a shrine, followed by a more opulent home, and finally a castle. I will eventually wrap up this style with multiple accessories.

Wolf Territories Grid: Ooh another castle for my collection. 15 days ago
The two new Japanese Tea Houses are nearly complete - one wood and the other red. Each has a matching Tea Set Group like the one pictured here, and the zaisu chairs come with AVSitter and two animations. Both Tea Set Groups are available now, and the Tea Houses should be ready sometime tomorrow. All new items have both PBR and standard textures. In the lobby, click the Japanese teleport sign on the left, then you will see the Tea Houses across the way on the other side of the garden area. Alternately, you can walk out of the lobby and take a left until you come to a Japanese bridge with torii gates that takes you through the main gate to the Japanese area. All of those items are available as well.

Mistressdalgato: let me know when there ready 16 days ago

Symphony Vive: Brilliant ~ 18 days ago

Shoes! Outfits, Male and Female, Costumes, Bodies, Heads, Hair, Jewelry, Clothing, Avatar Enhancements/Attachments/Reborn Reimagined, top designers, exclusive content, Makeup, Skins.

A view from Wolf Software System's Office at our Wolf Workspace Welcome region. Region owners get a free office they can use to promote their regions in or just use.

The old sofa looks very beautiful when I used PBR material brown leather on it, also I changed the material of the wood and gave the cushions an elegant look with the help of silver fabric material. If anyone needs this sofa, please contact me. Also in my residence there are many more interesting PBR furniture. Сome and see, the photo does not convey this amazing view. My entire residence is 60% PBR

RemmyRavenhurst: Good Texturing really does make a difference. Well done looks beautiful. 22 days ago

Wolf Workspace - Welcome Region at night

Xenon Darrow: Such a brilliant idea, Lone! Such gorgeous work, Jimmy! 26 days ago
This is now starting my 15th year of trying to improve Opensim with the DreamWorld and DreamGrid systems. I haven't done an OSCC talk for several years so I thought I'd give a quick review of some Opensim stats that I track. This data is based on anonymous data from the DNS servers and and the publicity checkbox, which generates XML for the function. I am also able to count some stats from known 'other' grids via a web crawler that runs hourly scans.

There are now 259 free OARs, and that includes 63 exclusive regions for DreamGrid owners. I licensed these from the creators, and collections are copyrightable. The most popular Public OARS are at and sorted by popularity are IARS at I have many more to upload still.

I do not have access to any of your assets, backups, OARS, IARS, or any personal data. My servers periodically crawl the web looking for Opensim servers from publicly available sources such as my visitor lists, the data I publish and from Hypergrid Business.

DreamGrid goes back to 2011, when it was called DreamWorld. I didn't always track much back then and periodically flushed the database. Since 2018 (6 years) , there have been 5,180 distinct DreamGrid instances. People created 12,280 different grids with it. and 3,378 were online in 2024. In that same time period of six years, I've located 2,935 standard grids. In 2024 alone, there were 2,762 unique DreamGrids online.

Sl has 18,326 private estates, which are equivalent to the 12,334 regions in Dreamgrid. However, we have much larger regions, the equivalent of 73,341 SL regions. An SL region costs $349 to set up, and $209 a month to rent (not own). The first year, one region costs $2,857, the second year $2508.

When you compare DreamGrid with the SL private estates, we've collectively saved $209,535,237 in the first year, and $183,939,228 per year after that.

~ Fred

Racci: Wow, amazing stats Fred. Thank you so much for all you have done, your Dreamy software is totally amazing. So easy for anyone to get on the hypergrid with their own regions, and we all save and share ... 28 days ago
Because ieko closed her tabula rasa sim with her gallery today, I want to advertise that all her rl oil painting work is not lost inworld. Most of her expostulates you can still see in the Expo Center of Big City Life. Of course, the HG portal to her gallery is not working anymore.
Biographie ieko

Après une carrière de graphiste et responsable de l'atelier de dessin d'une imprimerie publicitaire, ieko se consacre à sa passion : la peinture à l'huile.

Elle peint depuis 30 années.
Les premières oeuvres furent figuratives.

Admiratrice de Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung ,elle se dirige ensuite vers l'abstraction lyrique.

Recherche incessante d'un équilibre entre lumière et matière,
sa peinture est aujourd'hui le reflet poétique et profond de ses émotions.


Biografie ieko

Nach einer Karriere als Grafikdesigner und Leiter der Zeichenwerkstatt einer Werbedruckerei widmet sich ieko seiner Leidenschaft: der Ölmalerei.

Sie malt seit 30 Jahren.
Die ersten Arbeiten waren figurativ.

Die Bewundererin von Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tàpies und Hans Hartung bewegte sich dann in Richtung lyrische Abstraktion.

Ständige Suche nach einem Gleichgewicht zwischen Licht und Materie,
Sein Gemälde ist heute die poetische und tiefe Widerspiegelung seiner Gefühle.

ieko's biography

After a career in graphic design, responsible for the in-drawing studio of an advertising printing office, ieko has now dedicated herself to her passion, which is oil painting.

ieko has been painting for 30 years, and the first works were figurative.

Admiring the work of Zao-Wou-Ki, Pierre Soulages, Antoni Tàpies, Hans Hartung, then she moved into lyric abstraction.

A ceaseless search and research for a balance between light and material, ieko's painting process is the poetic and deep reflection of her feeling today.

Frank Hurt: oh wow! Is this a place we can come visit? 30 days ago

working at home

View from Penthouse apartment in Park Avenue 666 (backside) on Big City Life. It is no wallpaper of a city. All real buildings on the sim. So it is all very realistic.

An UFO crashed and military is securing the region around the crash. But then suddenly another UFO appears over little New Jersey to rescue their buddies. lol Critical situation now with all the military. But Dr Who speaks to the aliens. Hopefully the situation can be defused ...

Roland Francis: ... and the Men in Black came to investigate ! 1 month ago
The Japanese Home and Garden is now available at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid! Just click the Japanese teleport board in the lobby to get to the display area. That area is under reconstruction but the home and the bridges are available now.

This is a full pbr build but still has standard textures for those using non-pbr viewers. The home itself has 5 rooms, each with separate sliding shoji doors and light controls. In the back is a full garden in the Japanese style with all new mesh flora and landscaping, it's own lighting control, as well as pbr prim water that is animated. The full build is 1154 prims and fits comfortably on 53m x 45m space. Permissions are modify and copy and comes with full instructions.

As a bonus, I included extras of all the plants and trees used in the build.

Mike Chase: Beautiful build! 1 month ago
Morning Star Melee Mace Blunt Weapon

File size: 53.6 MiB
Face count: 12,738
morning star
License: Royalty free license icon
Author avatar
Mojo Dump

All this talk about my work as being poor quality crap gave me inspiration! It is true many creations are just that Poor Quality Crap! Who needs it? YOU Do! so we formed a new group where you can find all sorts of Free Crap Our first giveaway @JamieAnna Wright kindly offers to you! Be prepared and don't forget the poop scoop! Dump

JoeBuilder: What is CRAP? I have 16 regions full to the brim of stuff I myself call crap :) It is things I have picked up from all around left in Sandboxs mostly full perm for copy I think was interesting at the ... 2 months ago
here we are. another collaborative project that opensim allows.
starting from a fact that could pass for a joke we have a group and a region.
to participate it's simple. you must be the creator of the object and give it full perm.
the region is provided to us by hyacinthe admin of
you need the group to rez.
the osw group :
there is no desire for competition or even provocation.
let's say that it is the product of amateur creators but in a less standardized way

SheaButter: Sadly I get no regions found with that hop ;( 2 months ago

I think I'm in the wrong group. I was looking for the piss-poor stuff.

Marianna : Piss poor is the next aisle over! 2 months ago
Exotic Hyper-Grid Portals Set v2.0
This is a set of 3 different Hyper-Grid Portals, they use an easy to update destinations notecard, just touch and select your desired destination and simple walk through! Enjoy!!
hop:// Isle/381/212/22
I created a 2025 Circlet for you! Please find it in the foyer on the little table, thank you for all your support! It is going to be a great Year!! 2025 This is PBR Jewelry

I posted this image so Leo can see the settings.

Alex Leo: the material is applied incorrectly, the tiara is asymmetrical, this is not allowed in jewelry of this type, there is no roughness on the metal and the textures have incorrect coordinates, I believe t... 2 months ago
Does anyone know if there are places or clubs where modern dance electronic music like trance or minimal techno or phonk is played? And are there people who like this direction? Like it if you like it. I wonder how many of us there are, heheheh.

Wolf Territories Grid: If you go to Wolf Grid we have at least 2 composers. DJ Illusions and Rael Gabriel (Rael's world) (Tropical Illusions) 2 months ago

Late, but the sentiment remains the same! Much love to you all!

Esti Mation: happy jule! 2 months ago

Last Minute Shopping for Christmas! VR Headset, BT Headphones and HyDef Webcam great stocking stuffer.. Full Perm

new winter region GOS DACHA

Luna Lunaria: Nice work, I look forward to visiting. I stopped by your regions today but I dont think this one is open yet 2 months ago

plus que quelques jours et il neige .
Le marché est au fond.
bonne visite

Hicks: A voir absolument :p 2 months ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Yuletide!

Jude Connors: Happy Holidays - whether you celebrate Midwinter Solstice, Christmas, Hannukah, Yule, Festivus, Sol Invictus, Kawanza, Saturnalia or anything else! 2 months ago
Weeeeee'rrrrreee heeeeere!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! It's Christmas! We still have a bit of construction so pardon our dust...but we couldn't wait to bring you another wonderful place to visit this year! The snow is cold so dress appropriately but hopefully, this little Christmas town will warm your hearts!

Slowhand: I have no access to this region, why??? 2 months ago

Being a lumberjack is a tough life
But Willy had well organized and supplied cosy place

Lise: Great place! I hiked from the arrival area to the next highest point where the Super Snow Slaucer station is located. From there, I sledded down and took the cable car up, enjoying the beautiful scen... 2 months ago

Definitely enjoying this little Japanese Home project. Testing lighting in a full PBR environment to see what the ambiance is like at night.

CandM World: love it Luna Lumaria 2 months ago
The excitement of turning a dream into reality. It begins as a spark of imagination, a vivid mental picture of a breathtaking world—perhaps a misty mountain range, an alien landscape, or a bustling medieval city. This dream is like the first stroke of inspiration for an artist.

When you start building, the blank OpenSim region becomes your canvas, a digital palette where each prim, texture, and script is a brushstroke. The process is exhilarating as you shape the terrain, paint the sky with colors and clouds, and breathe life into your vision. You sculpt cliffs, plant forests, and carve rivers, adding details that make your world not just beautiful but immersive.

What makes OpenSim even more thrilling is its ability to provide massive land sizes without the prohibitive costs of other virtual platforms like Second Life. The expansive landscapes give creators room to explore their wildest ideas, unburdened by financial constraints. This freedom fuels creativity, allowing for sprawling builds that are limited only by the creator’s imagination.

There's also a sense of discovery as the imagined meets the possible. You experiment with elements—adjusting lighting for a perfect sunset, scripting interactive elements, or adding soundscapes that make the environment hum with life. The joy of creation is heightened when the imagined dream surpasses your expectations and becomes a place where others can explore, share, and marvel.

Building in OpenSim is not just crafting pixels; it’s the act of creation in its purest form—a thrilling dance between imagination and realization, where the limits are only bound by the extent of your dreams.

This is an excellent place to start:

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix: Very nice, Marianna, and really accurate. 2 months ago

Found at Luxor Region, Wolf Territories Grid

Aurora Starchild: Oh noes, the Goa'uld! :O 3 months ago

Sweet sea style. Guess who is back! ♥

Mistressdalgato: welcome back! been wondering where you was 3 months ago

Arcfury: Amazing. ... Now there it looks like you are starting to turn into a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship. :) 3 months ago
This is from Arcadia transmitting an emergency call. we are providing shelter, food and protection to the survivors that remain, with no risk of infection.holy crap. It's a big lie. You are alone and you will have to fight to survive. Are you prepared for this?

Kitely Winter fair setup. Merchants from all grids welcome. Opening 15 dec with DJ Melanie Auxifur!

Trouble Ahead : HOW TO GET THERE: Archipelago Use the winter fair sign to teleport. Pick TWO stalls you like and rezz a prim so people can see its taken. It is popular it seems :) so m... 3 months ago
One of my mother's favorite flowering bushes was the Forsythia with it's bright gold flowers and lime green leaves she often cut a few branches and put them in a vase of water on the dining room table, it was simple but very pretty. So I decided to make a Forsythia bush and make it available to all who would like one, it could make great hedges or privacy walls, it's mesh and resizable and only one prim. You can find it in our ''Garden Center" here at the mall. Blessings and much love, Lavia
PS I upgraded the bush to be totally 3D which is more prims but well worth it for how pretty it looks, it's now 10 prims instead of 1 but the first one looked cheep this one actually looks real.

Faith Fromund: Beautiful memory and thank you for sharing with the rest of us both the memory of your wonderful mother and the Forsythia Bush. I'll be by later today to pick one up. Thank you! 3 months ago