will be a wedding soon....

Partys in Cozy Comforts City in Osgrid on the Celtic Wheel... next is Ostara, Easter, around 19 to 21 march... i will put some music myself and invite all opensim for a dance party!

Max Kleene plays on Sunday 14 Januar at Cozy Comforts Grid!
Please come all to Cozy Stage at Noon slt - 21 h german time!

Maximillion Kleene will play in opensim again.... Dont miss it!

Also we will present some artwork partly taken from an actual Expo in SL at Maison d'Aneli.

Aphra Hendrix: SL live musician...always checkin' out the live music scene Here's my schedule... https://tinyurl.com/4vtymvbr My LIVE Youtube channel... http://youtube.com/@MaxKEd My LIVE TWITCH channel... http:... 4 months ago

We are looking for performers for our partys on the celtic wheel....

River: Place looks intriguing! Good luck with your search for performers! *hugs* 2 years ago

We are looking for performers for our partys on the celtic wheel....

Our third stage at Cozy Comforts World

We are looking for performers for our partys on the celtic wheel....

Hey friends and live music lovers!

Winter will sing and play guitar for us on 28 of April at 11 am slt.
It is a thursday before Beltane.... Beltane is the big witch festival in pagan holidays.
In old celtic tradition it is a spring time party with some erotic atmosphere.
Our ancestors might have group sex, who knows?

Our party will be at Cozy Comforts Zetaworlds Beach.

With Winter, you can be sure that you will only get a real live performance. There is no pre-recorded playback. You get all the little variances of his "in the moment" showing, as he radiates out to each of you that request his interpretation, the finest music in SL. Yes, my friend, WINTER IS HERE!



Invite all your friends and lets party!

Aphra Hendrix sending huggs to all of you!



what can i do with the manure of cats that expires in 10 days? can it be added to the ground?

How can i create a black cat?

We have 27 Rentals in Cozy Comforts City, the Hotel and CC World.... most of them are vacant.... they dont cost anything.... come to Holiday Land!

party on 23. september at Noon grid time at CC world!

Re-opening at Zetaworlds.... party next week!

Dear friends,
we are happy to invite you to our Harvest Festival at Cozy Comforts Club!
We introduce our new DJ Henk from Netherlands!
The Party starts at Noon grid time on Friday, 30 July 2021

Bring your friends!
hop://virtual-worlds.zone:8002/Cozy Comforts World/224/225/25

We are looking forward to party with you!

Tomorrow is the Reality Creation Group again at the Cozy Comforts Hotel in Alternate Metaverse!
All Thursdays at 10 am grid time....

My german friend Lampithaler is opening her gallery at Pangea Koeln... coming Saturday!

Set at Happy Horse Club on Friday at 18 h german time... I will play some pop and rock as always and some country... also i have a few surprises.... see you there?

You need a website? - we need a DJ!

Updated our website:

Samstag ist mein Basteltag.... ich bereite hier einiges vor was ich an Collagenmaterial gesammelt habe.... bald werde ich Fotos erster Ergebnisse posten. Wer mitmachen will, schaltet einfach meinen Stream ein und versucht etwas Kreatives zu machen... Malen, Basteln, Schreiben...
Würde mich über ein paar Zuhörer auf meinem Stream freuen... Kommentare gerne hier....
Here you have an oriental palace... i have another one, so this one would be happy to serve as a home for a newcomer or a secret residence.... there is lots of furniture on the sharing platforms called SHOP etc.
This house with garden is in the very northeast on a platform behind the big mountain... you have a view over the sea.... there will be waves and foam soon, seagulls and sounds... the location is called Nordost in the black and white teleporter on the ground wiht TP on it.

Many houses are looking for renters to choose furniture from the sharing platforms!