Antonia Ling @Antonia

OSGrid - The Art Factory Offline

Second Life Birthday: March 02, 2007 - My Opensim Birthdays: OSGrid April 04, 2008 - Metro.Land January 03, 2010 - DreamGrid September 28, 2018


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A 'must have' for girls like me...
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Like me - same problem!
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Nice - but I can't copy anything - why? Or is it only a exhibition of your collected stuff? Sharing is caring! We are in Opensim not in Second Life!
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Nice - but I can't copy anything - why? Or is it only a exhibition of your collected stuff? Sharing is caring! We are in Opensim not in Second Life!
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Nice - but I can't copy anything - why? Or is it only a exhibition of your collected stuff? Sharing is caring! We are in Opensim not in Second Life!
His things are all copyable I never had issues there. Could be a glitch? Welcome to opensim.
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BANANA!!! (with Minion voice)
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Now a part of my very special 'Edie Sedgwick Outfit'. Thank you!
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Thank you, Marianna.
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Thank you, Betty! 💋
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My second visit today. All fine - landing correct at the landing point. Rezzing normal, no lag. And good music on the stream! ;)
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Was mich immer wieder nervt sind Menschen, die sich alles mögliche in Opensim zusammenkopieren, ein eigenes Grid aufmachen und dafür intensiv werben. Wenn man dort landet sieht man zwar all die schönen Sachen, aber was ist mit den Berechtigungen (Permissions)? No copy / no mod / no transfer! Was soll das? Und wenn man so jemanden darauf anspricht tun sie so als ob das alles so richtig wäre. Regionen voller Dinge und kein Mensch sprich Avatar zu sehen. Warum wohl?
What annoys me again and again are people who copy everything together in Opensim, open their own grid and advertise it intensively. When you land there you see all the nice things, but what about the permissions? No copy / no mod / no transfer! What shoud that? And when you talk to someone like that, they pretend that everything is right. Regions full of things and no one to see Avatar. I wonder why?
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On Monday I'm back. I will contact you. You can choose between different sizes.
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You'll find a lot of useful things...
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Here you'll find a lot of needful things. Don't search longer... here is the place.
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Yes - made today before I visited this excellent show. :)
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This show is so wonderful, so incredible, a enriching experience. Don't miss is!
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I'm so sad I couldn't come over.
Sorry you couldn't make it this time, we missed you :'( But there will be more!