Antonia Ling @Antonia

OSGrid - The Art Factory Offline

Second Life Birthday: March 02, 2007 - My Opensim Birthdays: OSGrid April 04, 2008 - Metro.Land January 03, 2010 - DreamGrid September 28, 2018


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@JamieSmith and @Ankhsenaton, I'm with you all the way.
I know this kind of behavior all too well. I have been in Second Life and Opensim for a long time and have had a few experiences. Time and again you meet people here who are really nice and helpful at first, only to suddenly become mean and unfair later, often for no reason at all. For me too, Second Life and Opensim are basically an escape from reality, which has made life very difficult for me for years with chronic pain. I am now so limited by the illness that my social life only takes place with my closest family members. It hurts me all the more when some of the people you get to know and appreciate in Second Life or Opensim suddenly treat you like dirt. At the moment I am taking a break from the virtual worlds again, having had another bad experience.
Thanks @Antonia I wish you the best! It's so strange to see this kind of reaction and especially to see that we are not the only ones to experience this. This is perhaps what we call narcissistic perverts in psychiatry, a strategy to see people suffer... But because of them it's such a shame to find this even in the virtual world and it's sad to end up always thinking that a "friend" can reveal himself like this at any time :'(
I am often on the edge of a knife wanting to leave these virtual worlds because of these people and other reactions so negative, "fortunately" we also find people who seem to remain normal and friendly...
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Such a beautiful Avatar 😉
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When you click on *MCL* you see this:
Maybe this ist what you are looking for. Not tested - online via Tablet.
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Rule 2 of opensimworld: Block out unpleasant people.
ha ca oui je mute facile moi ...
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Parfois Opensim est une piscine pleine de requins. Après quelques expériences désagréables, j'ai choisi de me retenir depuis longtemps. Même des paroles bien intentionnées peuvent avoir des réactions blessantes. Est-ce de l’envie, est-ce un sentiment d’infériorité, est-ce de la déception face à votre propre échec, de la haine envers tous ceux qui réussissent ? Je ne sais pas ce qui pousse certains à se cacher derrière un pseudonyme et à frapper brusquement.
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Thank you and Happy Holydays!
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Wow... this top is really sexy - like it!
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Oh, I like it! Where is it? Do I have to wait now?
I'm still setting up the Marche Noir open air market, but the full set is out among the mess. At the moment, the best way to find the "Black Market" is to go to Xinashi and use the TP board to get to the Tribute Club. Head to the back of the store building to find the market. You can use area search to find the set, or just wander around. Have fun!
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Sieht richtig schick aus!
Danke Antonia:))
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Yes, I like black and this is a nice shop for black stuff. Thank you!
You are welcome
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I don't like at all how the owner of OneLife acts and regulates everything. So I refrain from visiting the grid. I don't think it's up to anyone to judge. If you don't like it, just stay away. But there are always people who think they know everything, interfere everywhere and add their two cents. This is completely superfluous and unnecessary.
i agree with you 100 %
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I left an artwork by me in your tunnel... It's named Amy and is from a series from 2019.
thakyou for putting your picture in my tunnel i really appreciate it that's why the tunnel there :)
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A really nice outfit and I like it. I don't think I can wear one of these super-short-micro-mini-skirts as an adult and serious woman. Just my opinion.
@Marianna and @TrisTH
obviously there is a misunderstanding, which may be due to the fact that english is not my mother tongue. I like the dress and would also wear it in RL. Just not these super-short-micro-mini-skirts that you get offered all over Opensim.
I don't see it as short, I see it as serious and elegant (and I am an adult woman), I would wear it in reality.
Thank you although this outfit isn't micro mini. I do offer those though to anyone who wants to wear one. People do have a right to offer and wear what they want to, especially in virtual worlds. I keep thinking what would Tina Turner think of this comment?
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Hahaha... at the top Antonia Ling! 😆
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This region don't exists!