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Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City
Full Avatar Evo Cyber

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Happy Birthday Arkham City

Image by @FerdFrederix~Thank you Ferd! Sakuragawa at dusk.

Aurora Starchild: *watches short people walking there and starting to throw rings* 2 months ago

Karma exists so you don't have to get your hands dirty.

Full Avatar Evo BoM #arkhamcity

Bakes On Mesh Arkham Grid
#meshbodys #heads #arkhamcity

Sakuragawa (Cherry Blossom River) has neat boats to float down the river! Make sure you have your media sounds on to hear the Japanese music in the distance. thank you, @FerdFrederix
When I logged in to Sakuragawa this afternoon @JamieWright was visiting with a beautiful Hanami Dango gift for me, thank you Jamie. I was just loading an OAR when she arrived so it captured her for a bit in time, I am sorry I missed you Anna thank you so much for this lovely Hanami Dango :) I placed it on the plate so that others can get a delicious treat too.

Jamie Wright: Oh my gosh! Your outfit and your dishes are so freakin cute. I love it:) Glad you enjoyed the Hanami Dango:) 2 months ago

New added to Samsara! You can practise your Tai chi here in the beautiful environment of Samsara! Teleport system is added

Jerralyn Franzic: Cool... where may I score a similar outfit? Would love to visit soon, but I'll feel more at home with the right clothes. :) 6 months ago

KatKakoola: So - you want "stuff" do you? Do you want new stuff? Old favourites? Costumes? Complete avatars? ( Hey new people! ) Do you want a new body? Some new hair? Clothes for the demure or clothes for the da... 8 months ago

The grid is under maintenance, see you later thank you

Zensational's Sakuragawa (Cherry Blossom River) Image by @FerdFrederix
Thank you Ferd

Sodasullivan: Beautiful, and just in time for spring! 2 months ago

Buddha enlightened

Tranquility, peacefull, mindfull. Come hop over and sit there and listen to the streams from S.N. Goenka himself and follow your 10 days course all for free, like in RL to keep it pure and honost. Everyone can join All over the world. Information in the Vipassana education room with a short interview from S.N. Goenka himself.
@FerdFrederix suggests "If you were to become a bug, you could do so by wearing an avatar that would allow you to experience the world from a bug's perspective. Imagine visiting a garden where everything is to scale, and you could truly be the bug. You would be able to explore this miniature world, see the intricacies of the plants and flowers, and feel the wind blowing through the grass virtually. You could crawl through tunnels and crevices, and even fly to new heights. Being a bug could give you a whole new appreciation for the world around you and the creatures that inhabit it." this is precisely why I adore Fred. I found a really cute ladybug that he helped to animate and for the last two days, I have been carving out a bug paradise where everything is to scale if you were a bug. I have free avatars that Fred gave us, his Rat, Blue Bird, and I am giving the ladybug so that you can experience the garden too. Please make sure you wear the avatars while visiting the 3x3 Region Goliath Gardens I will be adding new avatars too, I found a great praying mantis!! Thank YOU, Ferd!!!

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham Grid
#serenaevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom

We are making progress at Zensational's Sakuragawa. @FerdFrederix has been adding cool touches throughout the region, come see his fishing shack!

As usual, I had lots of windows up and didn't see a message from Captain Shadow until I closed my windows. Some mornings the kindness people extend just overwhelms me, Captain sent me this lovely Tea House for Sakuragawa, thank you Captain this is such an adorable house. I have it already placed and it looks incredible! Thank you!

Hey also Gianni Stuff in our Store! More will come soon :)

Hey, lot of Athena Stuff to check :)
Feel free to join!

A Japanese sim on a terraced Lava mountain with cherry trees. Hanami, or the tradition of flower viewing, is a cherished cultural event in Japan, particularly celebrated during the blooming of cherry blossoms or Sakura. We celebrate Hanami here, please come join us. without Ferd Frederix, none of this would be possible. Dreams come true because of you Ferd, thank you! This is a work in progress.

Marianna: Set your lighting to midnight for the beautiful night lighting. The trees are lit too. 2 months ago
I had a few messages this morning asking why haven't I been creating jewelry. I have a job working RL and just not inworld as much. The note touched me thank you for reaching out. I thought to create a new charm bracelet ( I love to create charms) This new bracelet is in honor of my dearest friend @FerdFrederix the Outworldz charm bracelet. This little charm is his dragon and letter O for Outworldz, I love you Ferd. Thank you for giving us all incredible worlds where we can express ourselves. Please find the bracelet in the Monentes Jewelry foyer on the little table. There is a bracelet and just the charm in the box. Thank you for contacting me and requesting new jewelry, it is much appreciated. You inspire me.

Entrance to the Dojo..for sparring

A Christmas Happy Hour at Samsara,
Its Happy hour again!!!!!!!

Yeah my friends,

Santa Claus haven´t forgat Samsara either and dropped 12 boxes to find for you, they are everywhere to find on the sim.
There are some uniques presents in the boxes as i did a fast peek.... some are prolly not.

Curious? Take a tour on the sim and try to find them...You will regret it if you don´t do it.

From the dragon to the meditation on top with the Buddha near the river.

From the woods to the zenpond and the Thai Chi area.

From east to the west and south to the North...

Take a Taxi as Happy Hour has starts NOW....

Happy Hunting!!!

Happy Xmas !!!



Yeahhhhh, 2 rewards on AMV recieved, what a blessing!!! What a great Grid!!

Star Ravenhurst: Congratulations! Well done!! 6 months ago

A new exhibit at my region gallery.

Forestofazure: Hope you'll like it :) 6 months ago

Beautifull spots for a deep meditating with the sound of the running river in the background

Bakes On Mesh - Arkham City
#luciaevoheadbom #arkgheads #newheadbom


Happy Birthday amazing party!

Symphony: Happy bday Happy Birthday Chanel. you're the best 1 years ago

DjChanel's birthday, March 18 Saturday
Join, you are welcome.
Don't miss it, there will be a gift Animesh for you

DjChanel Hurricane: Thank you! Hugz 1 years ago
╔═══◈◈Club Huang 4 ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs◈◈
╫◈ ᴅᴊ ◈DJ TroyZen
╫◈ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ◈♬Anime music♬
╫◈ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ◈13.00 SLT
╫◈ where ◈♬Club Huang 4, Sharing Is Caring grid ♬
╫◈ when ◈1-3 pm grid time July 29 TODAY,Saturday
Namaste Lovely Friends,
I have made a new addition to Samsara.
Blossom Goodchild is a famous channeler in the RL world.
I think she is for me one of the trusting spiritual person in this world.
She is really amazing and she is really funny as well and blunt in her using of words. She does not hold back with her questions to the leaders to "The Federation of Light" from our universe

Experience for Yourself and come to Samsara for listening to her

METASEA BOAT Tour Today @ 2pm to SAMSARA

Alternate Metaverse Boat Tours Set Sail Once Again!

This time we will be heading out to SAMSARA.

SAMSARA is a 2 X 2 Region Created by Yana Dakota a place for everyone to enjoy and explore.

Samsara is a set up, for relaxing, meditating, practising Tai Chi or wander around and enjoy the sightseeing on every spot on Samsara. The tour is lasting 1.5 hour.
Make sure your sound is a bit more up then the music and your shared environment is enabled. I really advice you to put your music in the background. That way you will feel the tranquility and energy you experience when visiting Samsara
The tour will be on voice, but if you dont like to use that one, do not hesitate to ask your questions by typing, I see your typingbubbles so i will wait patiently for you questions.

Hope to see a lot of you coming from that boat on the docks!

Namaste Yana

(((J Join us today in exploring their exciting and entertaining world! )))

Meet us @ Metasea Tours Office @ 2pm


As another Place is ready on Samsara, A new port has builded and its to enter by boat on the open waters of AMV . So this sunday coming the Metasea Boat Cruise will be heading of to Samsara for a tour on this region itself , if anyone is interested ... 2pm it leaves!