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dont get me wrong but , I would never buy this
You're in luck, it is free. The question is whether you can modify it into something pretty.
That's perfectly alright! Not everything is for everyone!
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wasnt Adachi russian based ? just asking..
No! Peoples who scream against Adachi is based in Russia and former USSR! Do you want names?
Not really, should that matter? Just asking....
AFAIR, Adachi used to be on Sacrarium at some point. And since it was chock-full of almost entirely copybotted SL content, it seemed to fit right in. Add to that the fact that Oni clearly isn't a native English speaker. So it's easy to draw that conclusion.

But Adachi was not like anything that was the "core" of Sacrarium at any given point. It wasn't an entry-point for ripped content like The Harbor or The Conglomerate on Foundation Grid where Adachi resided later. Oni only offered what he and his companions had gathered all over the Hypergrid. It worked like many other freebie sims, only on a bigger scale.

And if you looked closely, there were actually a few legal original OpenSim creations on Adachi that were "by-catch" from shopping tours. Had Adachi truly been part of the Russian copybotting mafiya, Oni would have done like the mafiya mobsters, weeded out all legal content and taken pride in not having anything legal anywhere on Adachi except the OSW beacon and a few necessarily original signs. Instead, Oni was even open to offering the full Ruth2/Roth2 collection.
The location probably shouldn't matter. The fact that it was full of ripped SL content should. Maybe if people put effort into creating new unique content for OpenSIm that might be a thing worth supporting. As it is this collective just becomes a new mechanism for distributing stolen content, Russian or not.
Mike. Thank you for your effort with The Creators Guild. OS does need more original content. If anyone is a creator and not already part of The Creators Guild, I encourage you to contact Mike and find out how to get involved.
80% + is SL based. It's a never ending discussion. It is like it is.
OpenSim is anarchy, if people want to build their own they do so... if not they copy stuff.
As a grid owner you surely would never get me to host a region and accept the liability for all the stolen content there. The issue here is the ask is for someone to accept that and bring Adachi back. I wouldn't ever choose to be a party to that and honestly Adachi should just quietly go away.
You are wise to be cautious. But you might want to speak to Oni to see what legal consequences he has faced in all of these years.

Adachi was just one part of the CopyKat grid, albeit the major driver of traffic there. I'm not sure people would agree to having the #2 region in OS traffic quietly go away. I read all the kudos to Oni and all of the enthusiasm about the emergence of the CopyKat Collective. I think we are not dead yet.

But again, thanks for your effort to foster the creation of original content in OS
OS is 99.9% stolen content, and everything in Adachi regions was found from what was in OS already and taken to Adachi, none was uploaded from CK. If you don't like it, there's the door.
I think the true figure is 99.8%. Just kidding. But yes, Oni welcomed people bringing content to Adachi. And, to be honest, much of the stuff at Adachi was old, by Oni's admission. What made the difference was, old or new, the content as always free and full-perm, and people liked that. A lot.
You will have a special place in heaven :)
Have a nice weekend Mike
Satan was Yahweh's favorite angel in heaven, until he got evicted. Got to watch your step, even up there.
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and what about Soul Grid or this dyvall shopping fun? They are full of copybotted items but no one cares...
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looks somehow cheap, like barbie dolls with wax faces.. I stay with Athena
Athena is a bad knockoff of the beautiful Maitreyas in Second Life. I own a Maitreya mesh body in SL. Whoever copybotted it didn't understand how to upload mesh bodies into opensim, so now Athena has an extremely high complexity that tends to crash regions.
always from the perspective of the beholder....not everyone will claim (I mean rl) that you are pretty...some maybe will
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The woman is getting on ones nerves so much, please go back to Second Life
Maybe she has a fart across, hence the nickname, Cheryl Furze !!! I think she is an Alt of someone we all know that wants to make trouble
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Und das sagt grad die grösste Kampfzicke hier in Open Sim. Du gehst doch eh keinem Streit aus dem Weg. Vom Saulus zum Paulus..? pfff
Das schreibt jemand, den es gar nicht gibt, aber aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach mit einem anderen Namen im OS unterwegs ist?? Schäme dich für deine Feigheit.
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Und wenn du nicht zu alles und jedem deinen Kommentar/ Senf dazugibst bist du wohl unglücklich
Ooooh, guck mal, wer hier wieder angeschissen kommt. Große Klappe, nix dahinter. Und so feige, daß du hier weiterhin mit einem anonymen, gesichtslosen Wegschmeißaccount posten mußt. Und natürlich auf Deutsch, damit Satyr nicht merkt, daß du hier grundlos Leute attackierst, um dein mickriges, lächerliches kleines Ego aufzupolieren.

Wen willst du damit beeindrucken? Die meisten hier verstehen nicht mal Deutsch. Die paar, die Deutsch können, lassen sich nicht von jemandem beeindrucken, der hier das arrogante Arschloch spielt, aber zu feige ist, seine Identität offenzulegen.

Ooooh, look who's come crawling out of the woodwork. All show, no go. And so cowardish that you still have to post with an anonymous, faceless throwaway account. And, of course, in German so that Satyr won't notice that you attack people for no reason at all just to polish that puny, ridiculous little ego of yours.

Whom do you want to impress that way? Most people here don't even understand German. Those few who do aren't impressed by someone who plays the arrogant arsehole but who's too much of a coward to reveal their identity.

(@Satyr: Use the online translator of your choice on the post I've replied to.)
was willst du eigentlich? Wir wissen doch alle, das Du gerne.. all zu gerne Anderen in den Allerwertesten kriechst und ich glaub immer noch, wenn du nicht zu allem und jedem deinen Senf dazu geben darfste ,biste nicht glücklich
Kein Profibild, keiner kennt dich, manoman...
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Was ein Theater..dann sollte man den Server halt besser schützen
Du hast weder ein Grid noch ein Profil....... und auch keinen Anstand.
war doch klar Zickenterror von der Queen des deutschen Dramas. Man tut ja grad so als wäre jemand gestorben, nur weil ein Server hops gegangen ist..ach übrigens? Trauerarbeit schon erledigt, das du schon wieder solche Kommentare abgeben kannst?
Deine Anspielungen auf C. seinen Tod sind ausgesprochen widerlich, wer bist du eigentlich? Pfui!
Ach, berechtigte Kritik ist gleich Zickenterror? Aber selber hinter einem anonymen Blanko-Wegschmeiß-Account verstecken, damit man hier den dicken Max markieren, kilometerweit die Fresse aufreißen und jeden beleidigen kann, ohne irgendwelche Konsequenzen fürchten zu müssen.
Ich sagte bereits: fehlender Anstand.
Aber was will man von einem Fake-Account anderes erwarten..........
"Klugscheissen" ist da nun auch nicht hilfreich, hast du eigentlich ein Grid?
ja klar hab ich eins und ist gut geschützt..
Erzählen kannst du viel, ich kenne kein Grid mit einer AnnaMaria als Ownerin. Egal, jedenfalls sollten alle, die meinen, der OS-Gemeinschaft anzugehören zumindest bereit sein zu helfen, jedem Grid kann mal was passieren, auch ohne Angriffe von außen.
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Followers are not friends. I dont even know them. !!!! Wie blöd ist das denn, wenn mir jemand folgt, muss es noch lange nicht mein Freund sein.
(American English) friends = (Deutsch) Bekannte
(Deutsch) Freunde = (American English) BFFs
na du bist aber auch ein kleiner Klugscheisser, was?
friends sind Freunde in AE, seit wann sind das Bekannte?
Das war keine wörtliche Übersetzung, sondern eine kulturelle. Amis verwenden sehr viel schneller das Wort "friend" als Deutsche das Wort "Freund". Oder glaubst du, wenn jemand auf dem US-Netzwerk Facebook 300 "friends" hat, daß er mit all diesen Personen tatsächlich befreundet ist?
They are not friends. You have to accept them to become friends
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I would like to visit but i cant. It always says "unable to verify identity"
Not sure why it does that. Got the same thing last night myself trying to jump back there from another grid. Clearing my viewer cache and rebooting the viewer usually fixes it though.
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not funny
Sorry AnnaMaria if my post hurt you. In the context of Halloween, not funny themes are abundant. Covid is a seious matter, a not funny one indeed.
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Nothing for me this year..For me, the Corona Virus is Halloween enough in RL . perhaps next year i am open for this again
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verstehe ich jetzt auch nicht ,was dich so auf die Palme bringt Cami. ich dachte Sachen sind da um sie zu verbreiten..oder was meinst du?