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Haaa yes! Richard Rawlings and his little goatee! Is he there? ;-)
This show broadcasts in France? I did not know American Car shows were that popular.
yes there is a channel with a lot of these shows, my "men" here love to look at that, I look too because I like american's cars and in the "monkeys" and spinoff, I find this Richard attractive ;)
His latest project is a Humvee or a French-made recreational tank, your men will love that show!
ho, I dont know a lot in all that , I thought the Humvee was a very big american Jeep, never heard it was french, but if it is, it sur they will love it , even if it is not so pretty as a 1959' Cadillac :-)
For now the channel is not broadcasting it, maybe later in the year I hope... they are in "Goldrush Alaska" ... :-/ I confess I'm not on it a lot ... as I don't like cold and know I will never had this gold... ;-) (and it is boring!)
Yes a Humvee OR a french-made recreational tank. We watch his show here too, that goatee reminds me of my RL goat Joe Bananas, it looks identical. Richard IS HAWT!!
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Assuming that you find a way to make these bypasses really monitored, who will decide on the relevance of these protections and possible consequences? For example, someone who makes a big store in OS with articles all coming from SL without authorization from the creators and decides to appropriate them will he be able to decide to annihilate someone who has had the audacity to bypass the protection of his own theft?
BTW, I would like to know the number of creators who have given such authorizations elsewhere... if there are any!
This is where I see the limit of a certain hypocrisy that seems to exist on a large scale in OS ...
And for real creators in OS like Rhowin, how to validate the real originality of an article or code? describe the whole creation procedure with a deposit at the INPI? (French intellectual property organization of which all countries surely have an equivalent)
It is unfortunately very difficult to get to this point.
There are lots of creators who sell mesh and templates that make them available to OpenSim creators for legitimate use. Of course thats not the always the "new stuff" that is fed into OpenSim ad-nauseum from SL. IMO this all comes down to following the law. Doing the right thing. Instead of making excuses for all the little grey areas where it must be ok to steal this since I'm only using it for personal use. yada yada.
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There are "many" type of God mode users. About 3 months ago I knew nothing about God mode and copybots, I arrived from SL in OpenSim on a grid where we were given God mode right away and the links for DarkStrom! Without explaining anything to us! We immediately saw this as confirmation that OS was a world of hypocritical copycats. I won't tell you all the details here but it ended badly. All I want to say is that things that go without saying are better said: explanatory notes for newbies or hard of hearing would be welcome in many cases! In many grids we are left to our own devices and it is without malice that we manage to do stupid things (in my case to make backup on my other account)... Of course there are also those who want to intentionally steal and everything we can say to them will not change them and your protection seems very essential, believing in the benevolence and recognition of people is very illusory...
The main thing I remember is that your script was put on the SL marketplace? It is really the worst that can be done to you because here it is really about taking money from it... beside to take advantage of you knowing on the code.
Anyway I am glad that it does not discourage you from continuing to script for OS :-) thank you
Yes, OpenSim's on-boarding that covers the entire range of questionable to not accessible to newbies to non-existent in the first place is its very own topic. I mean, it's shown often enough that even SL converts struggle after joining OpenSim.

And the on-boarding is the first impression that someone gets of OpenSim.
Thank you, Ankh! I avoided explaining God Mode in my post, as I didn't want there to be a rush of new users abusing the system, so to speak, but between it and CopyBot viewers, there's a lot of crazy going on that most people aren't familiar with. I honestly thought about creating my own version of a "Welcome to OS" region with more than just signs on how to walk, talk, and interact, but have avoided it because I didn't want to overload new folks with more information than they actually need. Perhaps I'll eventually follow through with an "Advance Your Knowledge of OS" region. 😛
And yes, it was put up for sale on MP, which is what ultimately brought me to this point. To "steal" my work by making it full perm is one thing, to claim it as your own and then profit from it is another.
Yes it is not the goal here to go into details but with the tutorials on the net or even the instructions in OSGrid explaining how to make your sim on your PC you can very quickly get to know all that without knowing anything about it (even more when arriving on a grid like the one I fell...) and especially when being curious like I am... But once again it will only be useful to those who are willing to read and follow the instructions. The main interest would be that no one could say they were not aware! Like a contract or a disclaimer. The ideal world of a well-understood Anarchy is unfortunately only in the realm of Utopia... Maybe one day.... we can dream
But for now even in a small community like here you can't hope that people will behave like you do, unfortunately.
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Great track ! bravo! Now I need even more "my" SL Mario's motorbikes.... ;-)
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(I understand nothing here but I love when big brains help big brain :-) really !
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are you still needing help here ? I have an under construction sim on another grid than osg
I actually ended up redoing this project completely, which is why there was never any news about it. It's one of my large projects I'm currently finishing up on, so I may need a few more volunteers. For now, all testing is done on my end, but so far so good, so be sure to keep an eye out for a future release post!
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HI HI HI .... I almost missed them... I'm so blonde sometimes! I looked everywhere inside the shop and was about to ask to you where it was ... and I thought to do an area search ... it is on the wall outside !! You see only that when you come.... thank you Chi² !
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Souhaitons que non.....
oui, et on sait ce que l'on peut/doit faire pour ça !
oui, même si c'est choisir entre la peste et le choléra.... on aura de toutes façon une belle période de troubles :'(
Face au FN/RN, le choix a toujours été simple pour moi :) Et oui, ça risque de chauffer.
oui mais en face ça fait vraiment gloubiboulga, ça ne tiendra pas :( ça fait vraiment peur ! Et tout ça devant le Monde entier avec les JO...
Un drôle d'attelage, je te l'accorde. On leur demande juste de se tenir bien jusqu'au 7/07 et de limiter la casse.
On peut rêver oui...
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YES...Flags and other signs of communitarianism end up being the showcase of the differences created by haters. Being one and united should be the goal rather than showing these false differences! (I love you Blake ;-)
Please !!! Come here ET !!!
It wasn't the haters who created the rainbow flag tho.
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I got the big Scorpio ! Thank you CyberGlo !
ahhhh yu're so welcome!
Yesss!! I saw, you know what sharing is :-)
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I tried to plead for more empathy and human warmth and not to add hate to hate but apparently it seems that knowing how to read and understand is not within everyone's reach and as I said no one changes their mind... I will no longer try to read those who cannot read. There are better things to do to change the world than writing here, maybe have a real life and make things happen IN REAL LIFE!
That's what I do beside. Have you? Have fun...
In principle I agree with you, but after I was insulted and abused so much here in the OSW, you know who by, I also became radicalized, but without using swear words that suggest bad upbringing.
Eh no one is requiring her to love anyone. Supporting equal human rights is what this is about. No justice; no peace means that there isn't peace for those who are marginalized until there is justice. There is no "justice for all" if marginalized groups are not included. It's an axiom, not a threat.
Exactly, and it is a mystery to me how one can strictly separate the real and the virtual.
No one can. It's a delusion. And equal rights affects everyone everywhere and in every world. :)
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wowww me too !!! :-)
yesss ! :) but I wanted to take a copy for my other account and the "take copy" seems to be broken, or I wan take only one ? MERCI !
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Why not let everyone here think what they want? Will debating or demonstrating anything here change the world? Even this virtual one? At best, you will be read by a few dozen people (and I am very optimistic!) and many of them, if they understand you (and it has not always been the case for me since I am French...) there is a very good chance that none of them will change their mind!

Why bring real problems here? I will never understand! We have the opinions we want, and sometimes it is worth fighting for our ideas. But only when it can be useful for something, in the real world! (for example for our elections, in France or later in the USA!).
Here, it should be a haven of peace, where we come to forget our worries, create things more or less original but which will always please some (and first of all its creator!), discover other's creations all arround the HyperGrid or simply be able to talk with people from the other side of the world (a little too English-speaking for my taste ;-).
Keep cool (calm?) and live and let live!
Why can't others just scroll by when another person does something or speaks out for the rights of a marginalized group? Perhaps you need to do a bit of research on Pride to get it. No, I won't post links; do it yourself. Just use Google. And yes, debating and demonstrating DO make a difference! Without debating and demonstrating, we would have had suffrage or the Civil Rights Act in the USA. We wouldn't have seen an end to the Viet Nam War when we did. That is the REAL meaning of free speech - the right to ASSEMBLE and EXPRESS a dissenting view. NOT hate speech! Clearly, this post didn't apply to you. MOVE ON.
Ive just say the same for real ... "But only when it can be useful for something, in the real world! (for example for our elections, in France or later in the USA!)." NOT HERE
Unfortunately, the virtual world cannot really be separated from the real world. We are real people, with our feelings, thoughts and dreams. We remain that way in-world too. You know that I like you, but the criticism that Suzi posts here is also a fact that upsets me a little.
Says the person who now works for the fascist GlennXpletive at his beach. I don't always agree with Cyber, but in this he is correct to assert his identity, and I will support him and others in this.
@Suzi_Avonside Did I say anything against @Cyberglo that the majority here appreciates ?
Try to find a word that I could have said against someone when he did nothing to me?
You seem to be the very example of what I was saying, people who can't help but say bad things when it has no importance here....

I really like what Cyberglo does and have often said so! I liked this post too, because I support all those who feel attacked.
Here and in real life I have nothing against gays, lgbtxyz+-*/, blacks, blues or shepherds even German one!! (on the contrary I love German shepherds and all animals)
Even If I dont always like the way he says his opinions (and I don't always understand it or read it. Once again, I'm French and I don't master all the subtleties of English. So try to speak to me in French before giving your opinion on what I write!) I will always be with Glenn, he is one of the few that supported me after some dramas when I was about to leave all this shark bag !
@Dorena Verne you know I like you too and I'm sad you were hurted and that's exactly what I mean, no one has to hurt anyone here, we are neither very many, nor surely, so different from each other!
By supporting Xpletive you condone his behaviour. We are known by those whose company we keep. But of course, it's your prerogative.
We all indulge in behaviours at times which others may find objectionable. Even so continuing to support another is not the same as condoning their behaviour. If we each held on to that, we would all be hating everyone.
Another one who just does not get it. Xpletive is a fascist. I wish there were other words I could use, but there are not. Are you telling me that you support fascism? I doubt that you do, so I suggest thinking on it. What you're suggesting is that a blind eye should be cast... Fascism goes way beyond objectionable, it is an affront to humanity.

I am not normally given to hatred, I'm tolerant and understanding, but toleration of evil is a crime. Were Xpletive a child, of course I'd condone attempts to steer them away, but clearly they are not, but have made a conscious choice. They are completely and utterly culpable

All it takes for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing.
What I do understand is that people who are dogmatic have the precursor to being a tyrant or fascist and from that perspective, there are many who have the potential to become fascists if they don't learn to be a little less dogmatic
Whilst I strongly disagree that dogmatism in this context is any kind of precursor to becoming a tyrant or fascist, I concur with the idea that the true evil of fascism is that ultimately we have to use the methods of fascism to combat it. It does not allow for any other approach. Of course, should someone who is a fascist recant and change their ways, all power and respect to them.

However, the best way of avoiding the need to denounce fascism or fascists is for societies and groups to do that work by default so that fascist voices are always challenged.

Again, I fond myself quite flabbergasted that you fail to grasp the gravity of this issue.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

—Martin Niemöller
I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately nobody really wants to hear that. It's better to look away and keep your mouth shut.
They will hear it a thousand times! I will never remain silent, as that would mean abandoning the habits of a lifetime. I have campaigned against fascists all my adult life in RL, and though I cannot do it so well there now, I can do it in places like this! Fascism needs to be challenged wherever it manifests.
I don't understand the contradiction either, but I'll give up trying.
Easy contradiction to see if one has children who are supported even though their behaviours are not.
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Thank you Dorena! (even if I don't have much sun but rather the house a little flooded by storms..) have a nice day! (after all it is mainly in the head... ;-)
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there are no links with the viewer as we are not using the last one and mainly FS 6.6.14
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Many things continue to work despite everything, (even my translator ;-) so the region is still visitable!
In the meantime (I'm still thinking... ;-) the next week's resurrection coming!
Yes Ankh is correct. You are able to visit. But I would recommend not expecting all furniture, vehicles or features to work because of missing scripts now. Also, I swear it is not an iceburg in the water along all shores. It is due to the textures missing. Same with trees and other aesthetics.
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yessss ! merci ! I will go back
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hello, thank you, I wanted to see how I could use it but I don't see how to take a copy
(I like the SF stuffs too ;)
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I cannot vote or I will say I cannot vote (Like women with ancients Athenian ;-) but I see the point!
According to the current rules, anyone can vote!
Women who owned property in Athens had the right to vote. (Yes, both women with property :)
Nope, women were not allowed to vote in most of ancient Greece, including in Athens. Nor could they own land on their own. Aristotle claimed women were incapable of making important decisions themselves. Athenian woman had little opportunity in economic and legal life, including politics. The big exception was Sparta. That was a whole different show. Women could not only vote and hold office and go to court, but held immense power all of their own.
yes, I just meant that I should choose an option where I can't post anymore ;-)
(I thought no women could vote in the early Athenian democracy, that's fine if they could own property and vote :)
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wowwww some french, ça va reposer mes neurones linguistiques ;-)
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Thanks @Antonia I wish you the best! It's so strange to see this kind of reaction and especially to see that we are not the only ones to experience this. This is perhaps what we call narcissistic perverts in psychiatry, a strategy to see people suffer... But because of them it's such a shame to find this even in the virtual world and it's sad to end up always thinking that a "friend" can reveal himself like this at any time :'(
I am often on the edge of a knife wanting to leave these virtual worlds because of these people and other reactions so negative, "fortunately" we also find people who seem to remain normal and friendly...