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Hey Everyone 🙂
I'm performing at AnKaBi Bikers Heaven at 12:pm/1200h Grid Time!
Come join us for some great fun & music!
Bi-Weekly on Saturdays!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴11:am OST ∵∴ ❈
» Ride: ankabi.de:8002:AnKaBi Bikers Heaven

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Happy Sunday everyone!

We added 58 new Eyes and Freckles & Moles as BoM and for EvoX Heads. It can be found in our Pureface shop on the 2nd Floor.

The Eyes :
- BoM Eyes that should fit for most of Heads
- Hud for each Pack for Sciattisi´s EvoX Heads ( You can toggle between Eyes or use both same color)
- Keymap Texture for each Package

Important : The Hud only works with Sciattisi´s Heads

Freckles and Moles :
All Layers are Tattoo Layers. The face layer should only fit on EvoX.

Next step is to add more Male stuff :)

Enjoy and have a great Sunday
Amelia & Hertha

Zoey Cutey: Thank you! Oh ya, are you bringing back the chest minimizer layers? :P 23 days ago
Hey everyone, hope you are doing fine. We just added new Skins and Outfits for you in our Mall! Grab them while they are hot :P

We also working on own custom Nail System for Mesh Bodys and bring soon new Stuff for Legacy Males.

Amelia & Hertha

Marpil Grafenwalder: Weeeee!!! spectacular thanks for sharing! 24 days ago
what if.....
we spent our time focusing on our similarities
instead of our differences?

I have seen many discussions here become very toxic recently because people are focused on how we are all different. I love how we all are different, but we also have some common similarities; the most obvious is that we are all people behind the pixels.

Sometimes in life and Opensim, it is much easier to tear a person down than to build them up. Let's make the extra effort and support eachother!

This is our Opensim.....lets take pride in it!

what if.....
we spent our time focusing on our similarities
instead of our differences?

Caribia: It's about respecting and live and let live 1 month ago
Strahlend, wie ein schöner Traum,
steht vor uns der Weihnachtsbaum.
Seht nur, wie sich goldenes Licht
auf der zarten Kugeln bricht.
„Frohe Weihnacht“
klingt es leise
und ein Stern geht auf die Reise.
Leuchtet hell vom Himmelszelt
hinunter auf die ganze Welt

ich wünsche allen frohe Weihnachten

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Hey Everyone 🙂
I'm performing at AnKaBi Bikers Heaven at 11:am/1100h Grid Time!
Come join us for some great fun & music!
Bi-Weekly on Saturdays!
» Шhen: ❈ ∵∴11:am/1100h OST ∵∴ ❈
» Dress: ❈ ∵∴ CASUAL∵∴ ❈
» Ride: ankabi.de:8002:AnKaBi Bikers Heaven

Ab heute Abend um 19 Uhr legt Dj Winni für uns auf...
und um 20 Uhr singt Rogue Galaxy wieder alle
14 Tage bei uns auf Bikers Heaven
ankabi.de:8002:AnKaBi Bikers Heaven

AnKaBi: SORRY....... Event is cancled 3 months ago

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RIDE: kishaki.de:8002:Kishaki Welcome

KikiBaily: Alles Gute zum 1.Geburtstag aus dem KiWo Grid 3 months ago
Hello everyone, we will be shutting down our mall until 3:00am SLT due to the upload of the new OAR and checking all vendors that everything will work.

Teleports to the region are not possible until then. We will open the new mall punctually at 0:00 our time (GMT+1) (3pm SLT). You can look forward to many new things. A detailed list will be announced later.

Even though our grid is only 1 year old, we have learned a lot in OpenSim and got to know a lot of new experiences and nice new people.

Amelia & Hertha
Am Samstag den 09.11. laden Amelia und Hertha SilverFox
zu Ihrem 1. Gridgeburtstag ein!!!
Für gute Stimmung sorgen:
DJ Hertha SilverFox und Rogue Galaxy
hop://kishaki.de:8002/Blue Agave/140/236/27

🎉 Kishaki Grid celebrates its 1st anniversary! 🎉
🎉🎉🎉 November 9th 🎉🎉🎉

We look forward to seeing you there at 9th of November! 🎊

Amelia & Hertha

🎉 Kishaki Grid celebrates its 1st anniversary! 🎉
🎉🎉🎉 November 9th 🎉🎉🎉

We are excited to celebrate the first anniversary of our OpenSim-Grid, Kishaki! On this special day, we are opening our completely rebuilt mall, filled with many new Shops and exciting offerings.

At 10 AM SLT (MEZ 19:00) (UTC +1), the talented Rogue Galaxy will be singing for us, adding her wonderful music to the celebration. Come join us and celebrate this special milestone!

We look forward to seeing you there at 9th of November! 🎊

Amelia & Hertha

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Rogue Galaxy: vavavoom!!! ;) 4 months ago

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Gentle Dragonheart: Love your outfits and you are one of very few who puts a picture of the outfit in the box with it. Which is awesome, so much easier to see in inventory what an outfit looks like than having to go by "... 4 months ago

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Hello everyone, we want to let you know that new Stuff arrived at our Mall!

* Easycool : *
- New T-shirt with 50 Colors (3 Huds included) fits on Gianni & Jake.

* Botanic : *
- New River System
- New Dirt Roads

* DecoQueen : *
- Lots of new Decoriation Stuff that fits in your Home

* Lovelyamy : *
- 5 New Complete Outfits for Lara X & Athena
- New Skirt for Lara X
- New Hoodies, Sweatshirts and Shoulder Crop Sweatshirt for Lara X

* Pureface: *
- New Skin "Noel" for Lelutka EvoX (6 Colors)

You can also grab the free E-Scooter at our Entrance. Every Vendor with new Stuff, will be signed with a "New" Button for 2 Weeks to be found faster.

Happy Shopping!
Amelia & Hertha

Mogan Chaplin: Great Mall. lots of new items. Thank you for sharing. 4 months ago

Halloween kann kommen... habe für auch ein paar Geschenke hingestellt

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Hey everyone just want to let you know that we changed name from SilverFox Designs Mall to SilverFox Mall.. the Landmarks you made will not work anymore. We also got a new Outside Design for the Mall and will work the next Days on the interrior ... Amelia got also new Decorations for you to share :) Happy Shopping!
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Party am Roadhouse▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀
Wer: DJ
Wo: Biergarten
Was: Wir haben Grund zum Feiern
Wann: Mittwoch den 17.07.24
Ab: 19 Uhr --- 10 am
Important Information about our Mall!

Hello everyone, due to a server change from Windows to Linux and the setting of the support for the Kubwa Manager, I was unfortunately unable to transfer any group information to the new database. The server address "kishaki.de" and all regions remain the same. We run now a bigger Server with Opensim version Nessi (0.9.3). I would be happy if you visit us again, that you join the group again. Have a nice weekend everyone! Amelia & Hertha

Gleich 11 am live on Stage bei uns
Lunastar Phoenix und rouge Galaxy

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hop://hg.osgrid.org:80/THE CURSE OF THE GYPSIES/302/359/22

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Marianna: Beautiful!! 8 months ago

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