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Bonjour à tous. Cela fait quelques temps aujourd'hui que je traine sur cette petite planète qu'est OSGRID. J'ai un peu de mal avec certaines choses comme beaucoup de gens j'imagine. Je lis parfois vos posts, vos écrits et je suis horrifiée de voir avec quel malin plaisir vous salissez ou pire vous dénigrez les gens ou les choses. C'est affolant. Aucune âme, aucune face. Alors bien sur j'ai comme tout le monde eu mes coups de colère mais heureusement pour ma santé mentale ca ne dure pas.
Nous avons la chance d'être sur une planète ou tout est gratuit bon sang! Avec les mêmes avantages que sur SL et manifestement ce que j'en lis, et hélas, constate les mêmes inconvénients! Expliquez moi : quel est ce démon qui vous rends jaloux parce que XX a fait un plus joli décor, ou plus grand, ou plus complets?? Quelle importance vraiment??? Est ce votre égo surdimensionné qui vous pousse à dire je veux plus de trafic que lui/elle? Quel intérêt?
Et la encore pire : en quoi la façon de s'habiller ou d'être d'une personne vous regarde?? Cela vous choque les nus? cela vous choque qu'elle ne mette pas de culotte? houlà !!! Mais faut consulter la!! ca relève de la psychiatrie en fait.
Après, bien sur que la personne qui l'anime est vraie. Mais on s en fou de savoir si son avatar est petit, grand, gros, vert, jaune, ou s'il met des culottes de grands mères ou rien! Ca change la personne que vous êtes de mettre un jeans ou un jogging? Vous vous habillez comme sur le jeu en RL ? Nan parce que la chapeau bas vous devez avoir de sacrés jolies gambettes mesdames et des sacrés corps d'athlètes messieurs! Vu la longueur des jupes et les chemises ouvertes que vous mettez sur os!! Arrêtons L'hypocrisie collective s'il vous plait!
La vie est courte l'avez vous aussi oublié? Votre RL ne vous suffit pas pour le coté sombre? la maladie les factures ?
Je pensais que sur SL le problème venait des Français hé bien non pas du tout. Dans tous les pays manifestement il y a un lot d'abrutis. Et fort heureusement aussi de très belles personnes.
Alors je vais rester dans ma petite grotte avec mon mari et quelques personnes charmantes que j'ai peu rencontrer. Je vais continuer à rêver... je rêvais d'un autre mooonde.....

Caribia Zsun: Opensim devrait être un endroit où tout le monde peut créer et être de bonne humeur... Le monde réel est difficile pour beaucoup de gens et le monde virtuel est un répit, ne pouvons-nous pas garder ce... 5 months ago
Millions of stars lit up Caribou when I took Monkey on my shoulder for a little break from my landscaping. I sent a loving thought to my friend Veri McMaster who taught me so much. She is now with the angels, and I miss her badly.

Veri knew that our experiences in OS can have a healing effect on our brains. She went out to prove this by taking many people to adult environments and experiences. We talked much about her project, and she inspired me to read more and follow up on what she was doing.

Veri was right. Environment, architecture, experiences, good relations, can all improve our neurological health. But there is also a dark side of adult life in OS which has opposite effects.

I know it myself. For almost a year I lived through a period of exclusion and harassment. My friends were lost and lies were circulated. I was excluded from all adult events and groups all over OS. If I asked something I was told that these are only my own sick fantasies. My friends were told to ignore me or they would get excluded themselves.

I was as alone as can be, night after night, week after week. And no. I was not feeling well.

My few remaining friends saved me. But I still suffer from what happened.

This is a dangerous game. I don’t think that most people understand how dangerous it is. Lonely people who maybe have other health problems may fare much worse than I did.

I now own a major region and grid, I am happily partnered and have many new friends. Some have apologized for their treatment of me which I do appreciate.

I still suffer from the old lies that were circulated. I am not allowed into most adult events and sites. This does not hurt me anymore. I go where I am welcome and wonder about the others.

I wanted to tell this to explain my approach to Caribou. We will never exclude anyone, and we will never accept any harassment on these islands. There will never be groups that exclude others. Everyone will be welcome on these adult islands where there are as few rules as we can have.

If you have similar experiences please talk with me. We don't offer professional advice but it may help to talk, and to know that there are others as well. Such as I myself.

Caribou is Adult rated and we hope that our friends come as 18+ Avatars, at any size small or large, so we can keep these islands open, advanced and safe for all. Ask me, Jeanne, if you are not sure how we see you.

Ask me also for private homes, hideaways and second homes. From villages and tropical islands to countryside and winter snow. From your own island to a village condo. Caribou Avatars have the right built in.

Avatars from other Grids please contact me and we see what and how we can arrange. We will always find solutions.

A Avatar can be created at - and life here will be easy. Please note that our server checks automatically that your e-mail address is a real one.

All is free in Caribou.

A warm hug to you all. Jeanne

IndigoQueen King: I am new to OS so I don't know about all of the past BS those ppl put you through. I hope that you continue to heal and thrive..when I came to visit your grid you and your friends greeted me with warm... 3 months ago

Thanksgiving has arrived at the Holiday Region. Turkey races, Potato sack runs, hayride and more.

SheaButter: I think the potato sack needs an ao to work. Otherwise it doesn't work to potato sack race. 7 months ago

hop:// Terra/82/41/36

Ellen: You don't allow visitors from my world? 7 months ago

May the Easter Bunny bring you all baskets of love and eggs full of positive surprises. Happy Easter!

Wish you all your Nasti

AleksanderDesousa: Frohe Ostern euch allen 2 months ago

Trick or Treat !
New Halloween Wednesday Outfit & Animesh Hand Thing !

KatKakoola: Just stuff to make you smile :) ty Chilli ! 7 months ago
Are you an artist, photographer, or sculptor in the realm of Open Sim? If so, I extend a warm invitation to showcase your exceptional creations at Le Beau Retrouve, my forthcoming art gallery.

With only a few spaces left to adorn with your art, and ample room for sculptures both within the gallery and amidst the surrounding landscapes — whether along winding paths or visible from the tranquil rivers — there's boundless opportunity for your work to captivate and inspire.

Given the limited availability, I encourage you to reach out at your earliest convenience to explore the possibility of featuring your art in our opening exhibits. Please note, we're currently excluding AI-generated art for a future showcase.

Rest assured, you maintain full ownership of your creations. Rather than relinquishing them, I kindly request that you personally arrange their display upon joining our group. Moreover, you need not be confined to the same grid to participate and showcase your artistry.

As we anticipate our Grand Opening Party, complete with a lively DJ and festivities aplenty, I'm excited for the vibrant community that will converge to celebrate creativity and expression.

In preparation, please have a brief biography ready, providing insight into yourself and your artistic journey. Feel free to include landmark coordinates to your region or grid, as well as links to websites or any additional resources showcasing your portfolio.

Isn't this thrilling? I'm genuinely passionate about art and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you. Looking forward to connecting soon!

Aurora Starchild: Oooooh amazing project! 3 months ago
Hey People,

you had a great start into the new Week? We had a small delay with releasing new Skins. Amelia & Me married last week in Real Life and we had a great Honeymoon!

We want to share with you new EvoX Male Skins in our Mall for you.

The matching body Skins are also ready to get!

We also working on a new Area for Landscaping Stuff. Amelia and me got lot of Custom Mesh works done in Blender in the past Months uploaded to Opensim and ofcourse we want to share it with you as well!

You can join our Group inworld too to stay informed!

Take care & Happy Shopping
Amelia & Hertha

Sodasullivan: Congratulations on your marraige! Thanks you for taking the time to bring these skins to the guys! 4 months ago

The destinations offer at our **Winter Worlds Travel Agency** has been updated. So far, 30 destinations of winter or Christmas regions are showcased.

falene hawks: bonjour trop bien Novale faut y aller visiter et faire du ski encore Bravo 6 months ago

May peace, hope, and love be this season’s present to you personally!
Have a peaceful Advent Season

BELZE: Das ChuBelz Grid wünscht eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit :-) 6 months ago

NineZero: She dyes it black, black, black, black number 1. 7 months ago
I repaired MAHJONG by Xylor Baysklef. The amazing Xylor made this years ago, and it was broken and stopped working. I just went through thousands of lines of code and fixed all 13 broken scripts. Now it will work in dreamgrid or anywhere. :) I'm leaving it at This is a fun 1 person or multiplayer game and it is very advanced and sophisticated.

Rogue Galaxy: awesome I love playing majong!!! 3 months ago
More fun out on the HG with a growing crowd of intrepid group tourists.
First, a biker racetrack that boldly goes beyond your expectations with SoS BAD and SIWAS
then a magical venetian evening with new friends, talented builders, and an amazing concert.

Aphra Hendrix: oh i missed the group visit, will check out on my own.... looks very interesting! 4 months ago

Animated Hearts -- Edit&Copy

hop:// Terra/226/50/25

Marga: No regions found with that name :-( 6 months ago

OMG Ladies you aren't going to believe it.. 50 new Legacy Outfits at Grimm.. Come and get your Legacy On

Milly Money: Easily my favourite place for ladies clothing. If you haven't shopped here you are missing out :) 7 months ago
New Release: Arcadia's Ghost Telephone

A nice vintage crank telephone you can rez to decorate your house.

If you sit on it, you can ask a question and receive a ghostly answer, just like a magic 8 ball.

But from time to time it'll ring by itself and if you answer you'll get a spooky story...

Read the instructions to know how to operate and a hidden option.

Available at the Main Shop and the satellite store at Wright Plaza.

Happy Friday!

NineZero: Thank you, Love it! I appreciate all of your content. 7 months ago
Tell me about old times, Jeanne. Monkey yawned. We were tired after a day of working on the Caribou regions.

My thoughts went to Skuld, my stray cat whom I miss so much and always will love dearly.

One night in early Second Life, two shy and misplaced souls met outside a strip club. We were too scared to go inside.

We said hi and became friends. Skuld moved from her cardboard box to a Romanian cottage in early Caribou. She found Ariadna, a sweet girl from Romania. They became inseparable.

I was alone. I had lost my SL friend and daughter. Little was weak after a car accident and joined the real angels too soon.

The Mama in me had nobody to take care of.

I got caught by the club and sex scene. A Mistress picked me up and set me dancing on a pole.

Night after night I danced in a quiet club, afraid of losing my life again.

Mostly I was alone. Sometimes someone came. Most had no Linden Dollars.

The Mama in me felt sorry and ended up helping them with a few.

Once a small stocky black cat came in. She just sat there, looking quietly at me.

“Jeanne, friends are the most important thing that we have. Don’t lose us. Come home.”

My stray cat Skuld woke me up. I went back home to Caribou, to Skuld and Ariadna and Kallu and Diana. I was with my friends.

“Could this happen today”, I think Monkey asked.

Yes Monkey. It did. I slipped once again, much later, when I was alone again.

I was helped back by friends who cared.

I am still grateful. Always and forever.

"We have friends now Monkey. And each other."

"These islands are my life. Every cove every hill every cottage and every memory"

"Now we stay with Caribou. Always."

Monkey said nothing. She grabbed my hair. I think she smiled.

AVs from all Grids Welcome

Shemale Ladyboy TG 18+ M F Women Men Neko Furry Others

Best Shops - new mesh bodies, outfits, animations - Petite Reborn Legacy Athena. GRIMM

18+. Short or tall. Ask Jeanne. No groups.

Be safe as 18+.


thedeeferry: ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 3 months ago

I thank Hyancith Bitchen Boards for providing me with a great surfboard and wave set...thank you...I also want to thank Chad Deischer at Nautilus for his great resources...thank you both...

Hyacinth: It is one of those projects that is never finished. I am not sure when I will work on the surfboards again. We are working on a huge railroad now, that is taking up what little free time i have. :) 3 months ago

Happy Holidays Opensim! Your gifts are under the tree at Shapeshifter, right in front of Ringtail's shop!

Lone Wolf: I love the use of colour on your region . 6 months ago

Lone Wolf: I love my Christmas Tree I got from there. 6 months ago

"Artemis" Sky Level 425 meters

Kashi Takeshi: Compliments, like always, awesome work FeliX! 7 months ago
Hello everybody Today we open our new store BLACK SHADES, all clothes in black shades for the REBORN body, we will fill the store with more clothes, shoes, and other fun things for the REBORN body later.
Arthur King
Hola a todos Hoy abrimos nuestra nueva tienda BLACK SHADES, toda la ropa en tonos negros para el cuerpo REBORN, más adelante llenaremos la tienda con más ropa, zapatos y otras cosas divertidas para el cuerpo REBORN.
Arthur King

hop:// Terra/225/49/25

Antonia Ling: Yes, I like black and this is a nice shop for black stuff. Thank you! 7 months ago
It took a lot of work but it's finally arranged and now you can find ALL of Star Ravenhurst's Designs in ONE location in the Star Jinn Palisade Mall in the Masala Al Kohav region of the Genesis Roleplay Grid!! Star creates very beautiful things like furniture, vases, and lanterns, but she also creates buildings and landscaping items like trees and flowers. Star Ravenhurst Designs is virtually a small mall within a mall. Stop in and see what she has, all now in ONE location! Star Ravenhurst Designs - because elegance is a must.

Star Ravenhurst: Thank you, Lavia. This is a lovely surprise. Unfortunately, there are still a few bits floating about as I needed some sleep. I'm about to get busy and get the rest sorted. :) 14 days ago

Caribou wishes you all a Happy Easter. Jeanne Lefavre and all of us here. Monkey got upset that I forgot her and joins the wishes.

Sodasullivan: Happy Easter to you and Monkey! 2 months ago

Our Region is opened for everyone!
Come and find all 30 Eggs!
Teleporter is at Welcome Easter Poster!
Happy hunting

KarinBecker: euch frohe ostern wünsche 2 months ago

Nexus Storm: Watch out for lad mines and Zombies that's to start . follow the story for a fun experience ! 3 months ago


Aurora Starchild: Wow, qué pasadam :O de "chupa la punta!" 3 months ago
This is the Asian Heritage room at Lunaria Emporium inside the main store building, primarily consisting of Japanese / Chinese inspired items. None of the pieces are intended to be historically accurate, just my personal take on the styles. The buildings displayed on the vendors can be walked through by clicking the teleport link under each one. Some of the items in the room are free, such as the golden Buddha and the lizard garden lamp. You can get to this room by clicking the Asian sign in the main lobby.

Mistressdalgato: I have a few of those pieces and can say its worth the money. 4 months ago

Concetta Outfit _ Maitreya and Reborn
in any Colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

TailorNova: Würde ich selber nicht anziehen aber bei einer Frau sieht das bestimmt Super aus 7 months ago

JeanDagostino: danke für den schönen hat uns gut gefallen 1 years ago
EC Clubs presents Zoree Jupiter from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
EC Clubs presents Zoree Jupiter from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at the East 80s Venue. The event will feature a "Best in Red" contest with a prize of 500D$! Join Host/Owner Sonny Darkrose for an exciting, fun-filled event, and don't miss out on the contest! Bring your friends along—it's sure to be a PARTY!!
Ride: hop://
Just released, Studded Pumps with colour changing HUD

Your allowed to do what you like with this product as long as you follow these two simple rules:

Never, ever sell this product for real or virtual currency.
Never load or import this product into SecondLife.

Camballa and Soul wish you all
Easter holidays
Kind regards, Karin Becker
Euch allen wünschen Camballa und Soul
liebe grüsse karin Becker

Wishing you and your family the happiest Easter of all.
#happyeaster #arkhamgrid

May the spirit of this special day bring you renewed faith, peace, and endless blessings. Happy Easter!" 🌷🐰🥚

We start a new Easter Egg Hunt at 28th march!
Moonrose Grid - Mare Grid
Everyone is welcome to search for all the Easter Eggs!
You will find a Teleport @Moonrose Welcome and Moonrose Shopping Have Fun !!!

Immersive 5 1601

Through the shimmering lens of my crystal sphere, I glimpsed a distant city ensconced in a veil of mystique. Towers of opulent architecture soared into the cerulean sky, their spires adorned with intricate carvings that whispered tales of forgotten epochs...
I updated the Caribou region description on Opensimworlds today.

I tell about my love to my region and grid and why it is important for me. Please comment if you have opinions about what I wrote:

I am Jeanne. I own Caribou. I share and Caribou with my long-time close friend Angelic Ronin. She is absent. My former partner and good friend Andron Rae still comes in to help me.

Caribou is my life. For over 15 years I have been working on it almost every day.

When I worked around the world I spent lonely hotel nights here.

In the long years that I fought my two cancers I was here every evening after my radiation. When medication made me sick i came to my islands.

I am still not on the clear. I need Caribou as much as ever.

My dear friend Veritas McMaster made me understand how important our experiences in the metaverse can be. I miss Veri so deeply. You will find many sites in Caribou that celebrate her and her work for all of us.

When we come somewhere in these grids, we look around. Is it nice? Is it beautiful? Is the building or the lake or the environment interesting? Do I want to see more?

Caribou is not different. I try to give attention to details. Do you still want to explore is my question?

Still, you look at us from the outside. It all changes when you enter the scene.

Your thoughts, opinions, memories, dreams - they are with you. Your sadnesses and your joys, your fears and hopes?

I am not the only creator anymore. You create the scene and experience equally much.

Veri told me how virtual worlds affect our brains. She lead me to the link between experiences and neurological health.

Veri came from Second Life. SL friends recommended to seek me up in Caribou.

Caribou was then where she received the AVs that she was helping. They went on to different adult grids for private housing.

Until Veri tragically passed away we worked together on her project.

Veri knew that experiences in adult grids can very different. They can heal but also create suffering.

Neuroscience tells how our brains work. Scientific advances show us how our feelings affect our brain.

I was socially excluded and bullied in the OS world myself. I wrote in how it hurt my real health.

Angelic and other friends helped me back. A difficult time followed. I am still not completely healed.

I know now how effective and dangerous social exclusion and harassment can be. I am a strong person. Still it hurts me sometimes.

But I was privileged because I could read and learn about this.

Others are maybe not. Some are alone, some not well, or young lonely adults seeking their place in our worlds. For them exclusion and bullying is a real danger. And it is inhuman. Makes me upset, yes.

We don't always realise this in our virtual worlds.

Ihave dedicated Caribou to the road that Veri showed me. I am still far from done. I want everyone to feel equally welcome. To be what they want to be. Where nobody is left out. Where there is no bullying. And where a beautiful and inviting environment inspires to everyone. This work is on its way.

I don't prescribe anything. My intention is just to tell what I do in Caribou. All others do things their own way. This is ours.

I want to show that there can be a way back.

Caribou cannot offer professional help. Maybe we can suggest where to seek it. But we can be here for everyone.

Caribou is my life and my love. Like a Tiger Mama I hold on to my world.

Hugs, Jeanne Lefavre