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Angel Casanova @AngelCasanova


So hello nice to meet you.I'm DJ ANGEL.Before you ask me to Work for you or your club/Venue please understand what Genres I play.I play:TechnoTranceClubDancePop 90's to todayReggie/Spanish TechnoReggie/Spanish TranceReggie/Spanish Pop/ClubReggie/Spanish DanceI Do play other music but only by request.

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YAY Region

Working on a whole line of Native Clothing outfits for Men and Woman more traditional spanning 5 different tribes. I only just started but im doing a very large Native build right now and there wasnt much to choose from. hgusss ill put them all out in the WEST STORE as soon as im finished. Some parts i had to make from scratch so.... be patient lol hugss

Created several glasses today, all free and full perms at Monentes Jewelry
continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

So many moralists ... OK too many. I don't understand it, please help me. You don't do everything yourself. You copy right and left. From people who give you everything free, copy mod transe. You do the same things on your land/sim. You block it for others. No mod no trans ...... DID YOU ASK YOURSELF AT WHICH RIGHT? ACROSS FROM YOUR PEOPLE? Do you understand the message Yes? Welcome to Opensim! :-)
Go to Google, learn what is Opensim Free spirit!

So viele Moralisten... OK zu viele. Ich verstehe es nicht, hilf mir bitte. Du machst nicht alles selner. Du kopierst rechts und links. Bei Menschen die Dir alles frei geben, copy mod transe. Die selben Sachen stellst Du an sin Land. Du sperrst es für andere. No mod no trans...... HAST DU DICH IRGEND WANN GEFRAGT: MIT WELCHEM RECHT? GEGENÜBER DEINEN MITMENSCHEN? Verstehst Du die Botschaft? Ja? Willkommen in Opensim! :-)
Gehe zu Google, lerne was Opensim Freigeist ist!