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Too bad that wasn't Dorenas conclusion dear. What Dorena posted there was an evaluation done by ChatGPT. That is what intelligence is about: Check the facts and don't fall for blatant lies.
The word "Socialist" in the name of the party was a lie to begin with - and to now try to frame him a socialist is just the perpetuation of that lie.
AI is cool but, wrong data you put in, also comes out :)
Here ist the "wrong data" that resulted in the evaluation abocve:
In a widely read interview with Elon Musk, Alice Weidel (AfD) said:
"Hitler was a communist."
Please check and evaluate the truthfulness of the statement.
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I hardly ever seen a worse twist-up of reality.
"Every communist denies being a Marxist" - but Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto which actually is the start of communism after all ...
The denomination of "left" and "right" came about the seating order in the parliament of the Weimar Republic ... and guess who sat on the far right side? It was the NSDAP! And the communists sat on the opposite side - hence they are to this day called the left.
That Hitler called his party "National Socialist German Workers Party" is nothing but an attempt to cover all of the people in Germany under their realm - it doesnt mean he really ever was a socialist. Anybody can put any label on himself and a villain will always label himself as "the most innocent man".
The attempt of the AfD to spread the narrative of Hitler being a communist is clearly nothing but desinformation. Its fog on the battlefield so you and I would no longer see through. The idea is to discourage you from caring for politics anymore (and it worked for many quite well unfortunately) so they can have their way and enslave all of us.
Unfortunately, many people fall for this distortion of history
Well Andromeda is actually, in political terms, an oxymoron as she claims to be an anarcho-capitalist, which is not only absurd, but a contradiction in terms. Anarchism is resolutely opposed to capitalism and most of those claiming to be 'anarcho-capitalsits' in my experience are quite deluded as while they might believe in the capitalist system, they are not themselves capitalists, but rather sad examples of the lumpen proletariat. So Andromeda is yet another of the oddbods we seem to have in abundance here in OS, she'd not apparently quite as deranged as Pagane, but well on the way. Clearly this lot have either been smoking some weird shit, or they need to check their water supply,... There's no knowing what their friend Trump and his buddies will have put in it, or maybe merely left it as polluted as it was at source.
Suzi Avonside, as always a useful idiot, do not confuse the old anarchism of the thinker Pierre Joseph Proudhon with the current anarcho-capitalism of Murray Newton Rothbard, there was a great evolution of thought.
Anarcho-captalism does not exist, at least be honest you're a fucking right-libertarian. Next stop, fascism.
Anarcho-capitalism, libertarian or Ancap, call it what you want, there are already many of us with these thoughts, living proof? Javier Milei who took over Argentina completely bankrupt, corrupted by socialists, After 6 months of Javier Milei, Argentina registers an improvement in the economy, Zuzi comes out of the bubble, socialist communist Marxist thoughts are DEATH MISERY SUFFERING, history is rubbing it in your face, wake up creature.
Oh shut up and talk sense. Milei is nothing by a fascist, and any apparent improvement in the economy will be illusory - because that's the way the discredited neo-liberal economic system works. Of course if you take all the money out of society and give it to the already parasitic boss class it will register as an economic boost, but long term it is unsustainable. God, the one good thing this thread has done is that it's brought out all the right-wing fascist apologists. My region and world ban list has grown exponentially just recently! Now I ban kids, fascists, extreme right-wing nutjobs like you Androemeda and men not wearing shirts.
The term anarcho-capitalism was first used by Murray Rothbard (1926–1995). Central to his theory are the sovereignty of the individual and the principle of non-aggression. Rothbard emphasized that libertarians are not anarchists.[2] Critics such as the Canadian historian Quinn Slobodian see anarcho-capitalism as a form of right-wing extremism and point to racist and social Darwinist as well as anti-democratic tendencies of thinkers such as Rothbard and Hans Hermann Hoppe.
Thanks Dorena for taking the time to research Anarcho-Capitalist, that was cool.
But you didn't comprehend what Dorena wrote, did you? See below for simpeltons's explanation!
So basically they're fascists masquerasing as 'anarchists' except they want to keep things like the police just in case the workers try to get back that which these thieves have stolen from them.
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multiply? HELL NO!
I meant it figuratively!
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You should have noticed, that this is an event-announcement and as such exactly what opensimworld.com is here for. If you are tired of reading it in the morning, just postpone it to the afternoon :-P
You make my day*lol
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If you want to "see what "far right" nationalism looks like", get yourself a history book and look up Germany 1933-1945.
Thank you, I've never heard of this before now.
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You obviously are totally misinformed on the who is who in this context. The AfD is a fascist extreme right wing party ... as was the NSDAP ... that the latter had "socialist" in its name doesn't make them leftists at all - they been the contrary, and the AfD wants to wind back the clock to that time. So you should be fighting exactly against those you seem to be protecting.
There is NO left or right!!! All is money!
Seriously if it's all about money well the billionaires have plenty? It's about power and control. You seem to be on the right side with your anti trans crap? Santa is all about the Saturnalia as that is what Christmas is a time for greed and Gluttony as in the Ancient Roman Empire!
Don't forget that fascism is an Italian word and means union. And Hitler, who pursued far-right politics, was actually the leader of a far-left party with a... hmmm, dubiously revived name...
Here you get at least half way to the truth: "Hitler pursued far-right politics" but exactly that is why his party is nothing but "a far-left party"! Apart from several million jews they also killed some ten-thousand communists in the concentration camps. To frame them socialists is like calling Santa Claus a pedophile.
Peoples who believe to socialist leaders and die in camps is left, but, LEADERS (Lenin, Stalin etc.) is ABSOLUTE far-right and more right! MONEY, MOMEY, MONEY!!!
Never misunderstand your sheep believing to leaders with leaders money dreams! Or will ends like all us - east-europe peoples who pay for "socialism"!!!

And are you continue to think Santa Claus not pedophile???
I think we all know that Pagane is a bit of a lost cause. She's so often unintentionally extremely funny with her comments!

But I think her heart is in the right place.
Pagane is not a lost cause and just out to cause trouble & yes their heart is definitely TO THE RIGHT!
Pagan ist ein die ein klaren geist hat und ja diese aufwachen hat was ..dei verbelendung des sich nicht eingeshen wollen ..führt letedlich zum letzet großen blu vergissen..aus zuüge aus meien Rl träuem vor fast 60 jahren ..ich hätet nie gedacht das diese rela werdenudn doch werd sie es mit jedem tag .. am ede ist es jedoch egal da etwas wichtoge beliebn wird ein erfahrung im geistigen sein .. und all jen die diese prozesse der gewalt überleben werden wede ihr flügel wieder finden .. von daher bende ich hier mit diesen diskurs für mich ..spok würde sage leben lange und in frieden
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Official statistics prove you wrong. Compare the violent crimes comited on the right and left side of the spectrum. No doubt there is extremist violence, but "Antifa" is not about violence at all - its just opposition to fascism in any form whatsoever. Actually antifascists are generally opposed to violence.
we bitt statitik der BRD behörden . es gibt einhohen anzahl rechter gwalt ..un zur im bereich der Meinungs anmerkung ..dagen stehet eine sehr hohe anzuhl von gewalttaten der antifa . so wohl gegen objekt als auch direkt gegen person .

viel interasnter sind die zahle voninterpol und dessen warhnung vor der linken gewalt ..alle Daten zufinde im WWW ..
There we disagree :)
You would, only a fucking moron would disagree about a fact!
You are a rude imbecile :-)
Rude, yes, imbecile, clearly not. And why shouldn't I be fucking rude? I'll always be rude to those who are apologists for fascism.
You are not only rude but also very stupid with the assumptions you make.
Have a nice evening there :)
I've not made any assumptions, your initial comment was sufficient to form my opinion. Anyone who thinks Antifa is an organisation has clearly drunk all the Trump Kool-Aid.
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"Das intellektuelle Deutschland wählt AfD. " - Also der Satz stellt mein Zwerchfell jetzt auf die Zerreißprobe.
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Antifa is not an organized entity at all, nor is it violent, let alone terroristic. Climb out of your echo-chamber and reconnect to reality.
Thank you for your reply Anachron.

It seems you are disconnect from reality :-)
That's not a problem at all but don't accuse others about something that you lack.

Have a great day :)

A Google picture search, wow! That absolutely proves it! For fucks sake, do some proper research, read a few books, Hananh Arendt is good, read Robert Reich's Substack, in fact open your obviously closed mind and STOP WATCHING FOX NEWS!
That there are antifascists doesn't mean there is an organization "Antifa". Antifa is just a label - there is no organization that could be forbidden - its an opinion and you wouldn't forbid an opinion, would you? And if you would, that exactly would label you a fascist.
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Na, wenn Elon Musk das sagt, dann muss es ja stimmen ... besonders, wenn es auch noch im Internet steht.
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Ever noticed that OpenSIM is kindof an international thing? Take your nationalistic MAGA and stick it you know where.
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I thouht that you are opposed to political propaganda in OpenSIM, or is it you just don't like it if it's not YOUR opinion?
Political propoganda for its own sake I wouldn't care for but here it is an RP done in an obviously OS setting with actual NPC's. It is poking a little humor into it while advertising Cheryl's AI Reserch Center to show off what she has been doing with it.
thanks Arielle. But the figures are not NPCs. Trump is an animesh. Biden is old meshy made. For this scene Pic I created fast this afternoon with new Meshy AI Elon Musk unrigged as statue. Perhaps I make a rigged Elon Musk as animesh in time too with AI
Maybe, but is it necessary to portray Biden in such a contemptuous manner and to elevate Trump and Musk?? This is not supposed to be political propaganda? Of course, it's just advertising for your own project......
My AI work is my own project, I don't need something like an "AI Research Center".
We have seen many more contemptuous pictures of both Trump and Musk so a little poke at Biden was somewhat due.
Your AI work is not for the community though it was nice of you to mention how you did it. Cheryl however is promoting her inworld AI Research Center as you regularly promote your grid.
Musk and Trump and those that support them deserve all the contempt going.
100% my opinion
Let her, I'll see how far she gets without me. I get along better on my own than in a team when it comes to my research and experiments in AI.
? we never worked together Dorena. What are you talking? I didn't even know that you are a coder
I think you don't know a lot about me, every now and then I only publish one or the other result..
True, but at some point you asked me if I wanted to join in.
sorry you are hallucinating. I never thought you would have any skills to contribute.
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Gamesmaster YOU stop this hateful bullshit. You started it.
Freedom of speech doesn't include the obligation to accept anything that is said - to express a contrary position is also part of free speech.

That # is meant for you
I need to clarify; the person who that was meant for deleted their comments. Anachron, my # was NOT meant for you!
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Im not a misguided follower, I am her partner --- everybody knows that. But the one that is ready to start "pointless hate and trouble" ? Care to take a look in the mirror dude?
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What's so bad about socialism? Nobody yet really tried it ... (All that called themselves thus had been anything but that!)
Don't confuse communism and socialism...
We Eastern Europeans lived 60 years under socialism and, believe me, it was not good!
No it wasn't socialism either - as i said: Nobody yet really tried it. There had just been people that abused the label to cober up their own variations of fascism.
Are you think we Eastern Europe live 60 year in democracy or in tyranny or.....
THIS IS SOCIALISM!!! NEW ANGLOSAXON FUTURE - Thanks to liberal demcracy!
And what do you advocate Pagane? Some form of Fascism? Liberal democracy certainly has its faults, but as Churchill noted, it seems an awful way of running things until you consider the alternatives.
Please make difference between DEMOCRACY and liberal democracy!!!
Liberal democracy is new, modern name of socialism or moderm fachism, and is not related to real democracy!
No need to shout. Can we discuss differing views without starting a fight?
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Don't you think there is possible to reject Trump AND Putin ... anyhow they are quite close, aren't they?
Keep your friends close, And your enemies closer..
Shall I then propose Kadyrov? Considering Chechens are actually part of ancient Volga Bulgaria, it's kind of related to me :)
Do we have to list every bloody a$$hole in the world? Trump is just one of them - of course they are legion - who will seriously doubt that?
Thank you darling, you understand me *kiss*
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If you're so much into quoting the good book:

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
— Leviticus 18:22
Good thing it's a work of fiction.
i already know that quote. i read the entire bible. :)
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Hitler never painted something ... he has drawn postcards. He applied for an artist study in Vienna and was turned down for a reason. - Nevertheless perhaps the world had been better off, if they had taken him. But that doesnt change he was a complete maniac. Pagane get your judgement fixed, best see a shrink ASAP.
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@Vasusana Nova: Who are you to tell others to shut up here? This isn't your thread, so don't act up like Zorro, Avenger of the Disinherited.
so so .....
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Stick to the truth dear : 23% voted to just get rid of the F-ing trafic rating so you finally stop getting on our nerves about that bloody anti-bot campaign of yours ... they did NOT vote to stick to any rules, but to make the rule in question dispensable. Go get a life and stop pestering everybody.
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First usefull post in decades ... didn't know that bit about the "beacon_key"-NC ...
BTW: That's the FAQ-Page ... there should be a more "official" page to post "rules" on.
Oh yes, Satir forget to put Emperor stamp and .........