Well Andromeda is actually, in political terms, an oxymoron as she claims to be an anarcho-capitalist, which is not only absurd, but a contradiction in terms. Anarchism is resolutely opposed to capitalism and most of those claiming to be 'anarcho-capitalsits' in my experience are quite deluded as while they might believe in the capitalist system, they are not themselves capitalists, but rather sad examples of the lumpen proletariat. So Andromeda is yet another of the oddbods we seem to have in abundance here in OS, she'd not apparently quite as deranged as Pagane, but well on the way. Clearly this lot have either been smoking some weird shit, or they need to check their water supply,... There's no knowing what their friend Trump and his buddies will have put in it, or maybe merely left it as polluted as it was at source.