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***JUNIPER COMMON MESH SHRUB PACK NEW RELEASE*** Seasonal textures included // V1 e V2 (2 versions) // Smooth animation on leaves! Available for FREE and FULL PERM at BOX 01, GARDEN AREA. Enjoy :)


Morning haze at Darkheart's Chelsea Point while working are ongoing.

When you come to visit, enable a shared environment and walk around as the whole region is parceled into a dozen or more places...I lost count. :) Even the rivers are parceled so they have their name in the viewer when you take a raft down them or cross over them on a bridge. I have made EEPs and a lot of the parcels are different so the skies will change as you walk along. They could have been changed from your last visit because I am always messing with the skies and making new ones. Or you could look up in the sky and jump on a dragon as some circle the whole region, but sadly the skies will remain the same because of where the prim is that they are attached to. But if you see something of interest, you can jump off to explore, and the sky will change. I have a new Dragon that you can navigate on your own as well, but he needs a little work. I hope you will enjoy The Land Of Xzar. See you soon!
Because we all deserve some Brut or Rose... New scripted chamagne mini-bottle dispenser!
Dispenses a durable mini-bottle attachment. Bottle comes with hold animation.
Uber: hop://


Sooon... like I said...working on some decor & clutter items for you folks.
*mimics Ariana Grande's impression of Rhianna's 'Work'*

4 trucks of different colors, lighting system, and instruments with animation ... enjoy!

... Well, all laundry must be dirty if ti needs laundring, huh?
This dirty Laundry furniture comes with lots of fun animations, including some against wall. It comes with some mesh decor as well.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/390/351/23
Or for those from HG:
A bit primmy of a mesh, but lovely and cute cuddle animations, as well as adult ones. Stone, wood and white-tintable versions.
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/390/351/23
Or for those from HG:
- Stevenson Bistro Set (PG Chair + Adult set)

This one wasn't going to be a special one, just a couple of cute animations. But it was the gone where I realised how problematic the OS issue with wear prop rotations was.
It was also the one where the amazing @Parsalin sit for hours to fix it! So... we name it after it! Thanks @Parsalin!

- Campfire

Each set (Male+Female or Male+Male sets) have 3 pieces (2 logs that sit 2 avis + 1 stump that sits only one), also a camp fire. Snow layer can be adjusted by sitting in object Adjust > Snow.
Someone left a suggestion at the mailbox asking for some logs, so here they are!
The MM version...well, it's just MF slightly tweaked, so a bit underwhelming there!

UBER: hop:// Boutiques/390/356/23
Some face issues TPing with the above, so try also:
Have a look at the recently opened Starchild Shoppe. Mainly quality, adult, furniture at the moment - adding some landscaping items too. Do leave a notecard at the mailbox for anything you might want to see there!
Uber: hop:// Boutiques/378/349/23

Wish everyone a happy time
and please stay healthy everyone.
Allen eine Glückliche zeit wünsche
und bleibt bitte alle gesund.​


reopening of Offworld
