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Ich und mein Team wir haben uns dazu Entschieden, den Metro´s die jetzt erstmal Heimatlos werden, Vorrübergehend Unterschlupf zu gewähren, Kostenlos. In dem zuge bin ich jetzt dabei einen kleinen Vorort zu schaffen wo einige Häuser zur Verfügung stehen.
I am glad to share with you,
Me and my team have decided to temporarily give shelter to the metro ́s that are now homeless for the time being, free of charge. In the process I am now in the process of creating a small suburb where some houses are available

Misty_Falls: You are a most generous person... Kudos to you!! 2 years ago
Today I've released an update to an older item plus an additional co ordinating piece.
The Concrete Garden Set 2.0 is now available next to the Garden Gazebo (it's base also co ordinates with the set.).
This time around, there is the bird bath, table and seat as well as a garden bridge.

All pieces are guaranteed wind proof and might even stand up to a hurricane ;).
Textures are included in the items should you wish to modify.

Have a fabulous day!

War.... Face Tattoo New @ Body Shop

Many new tattoos for your back !!!

Arkham Grid 2021
Arda Residential

Red Run Spelled Backwards Is Murder.
Please excuse the run/rum typo. I type sixty mistakes a minute. Fast but not accurate. But sure, there is plenty of red in this running outfit. Rum not included. It's for the best, actually.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Misty_Falls: i love the colors great stuff :) 2 years ago

Out NOW New Heels !!!!

There's a big party tonight to open the sim.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Smart clothing is requested

New female BOM body
Baked on mesh body with HUD and support. Release date July 2022.
Mesh BOM body with less LOD and script load. Complete new scripts. Fetch your copy in Virtual Life or in Moonrose Grid. We share the body only in this grids.
"You Got Me At Hello.
But then you kept talking..." You know those guys, right? I hope this outfit gets you to oh HELLO. I'll shut up now.

"oh HELLO: Outfits With Options".

Thirza Ember: sounds like someone has been talked back into their clothes. I can relate. 2 years ago
I Love Socks
Do you love socks? I do. The preacher said 'no socks' before marriage. But I listened to sockologists instead. They say that wearing shoes without socks will make your feet stink. Who wants to marry someone with stinky feet? These sock experts also say. "Boots mean socks — period". This outfit, with boots, naturally, has socks — exclamation point!

I'm not sure stinky foot preacher will like the rest of the outfit either. Hey dude, put a sock in it.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options

Misty_Falls: I love my socks too, especially toe-socks.... thanx for the witty humor! 2 years ago

Wir feiern Geburtstag !

Vom 15.05.-16.05.2021 feiern wir
1 Jahr "Soul, living with friends" und freuen uns wenn Du dabei bist.

Hier ist das Programm :
Samstag den 15.05.2021 um 20:00 Uhr begrüßen wir im Tosca
die einzigartige, unvergleichliche Janice Mills
zu einem Live Konzert.

Anschließend Djane Nasti mit den heißesten Rhythmen der letzten Jahrzehnte.

Am 16.05.2021 um 19:00 Uhr bringt auf Soul Camballa das
Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Soul eine Neu Inszenierung
des Ballets " Schwanensee " . Regie führt Karinja Beckerofska.

Anschließend Geburtstags Ausklang mit Djane Nimile .

Soul...hier lebt man nicht nur mit Freunden, wir feiern auch zusammen .


Beautiful Mutants
Mitosis is a process where a single cell divides into two daughter cells, which are usually identical. However, mistakes happen. Well, my one region Xinashi has now divided into three regions, each different. Très troublant! My regions are mutants! But what beautiful mutants they are.

Almost all of what was the singular Xinashi has been redesigned. I think you are going to like the changes. Come visit all the old but now renewed attractions: oh HELLO, Sol Et Luna Dance, Treehouse Park, the Rocket Club, Strictmore Academy, the BDSM Warehouse, Sparta Gym, the Eagle LBGT Dance Club, Eros Yoga Center, and the deeply strange Dead-End Drive-In.

Xinashi is now Xinashi, Xin2 and the Eros Yoga Center. But wait! There's more. Use the teleporter board to visit our sister region, the wonderfully unusual Aether. Yoga Center

Nico Kailani: One thing has not changed. Lumberjack AVs are still not allowed at Treehouse Park. 2 years ago

Wir wünschen Allen frohe Ostern, entspannte Tage, Gesundheit, viel Sonne und jede Menge Ostereier

Jeannie: wünsche euch auch ein gesegnetes osterfest 2 years ago
DUALITY: They have black outfits. They have white outfits. Sometimes they go wild and offer black and white outfits. Duality is on Aether: a floating world of black, white, shadows and wild sky. (Set world to "Shared Environment" for the best experience). Come dress, express, and experience your Duality.

Nico Kailani: Duality is a sister shop to "oh HELLO" on the Xinashi region, and it's complete opposite. In keeping with the minimalist approach of Aether and it's theme of black and white, there are no fatpacks wit... 2 years ago
It's the butt, right?
I'm wearing shorts named "Look At Me". And what, exactly, are people going to be looking at? The butt, right? But if you can look at more than the shorts, you'll see lots to love about this, admittedly, butt-centric outfit. Stop by the oh HELLO shop to see both the "look at me" butt and "ooo-la-la" front on display on the greeter NPC.

oh HELLO: Outfits with Ooo-la-la.

Pagane: I explore all store but not find this butt:( 2 years ago
"No Outfit For You!"
Shopper: "It's warm enough for shorts but cold enough for a down-filled vest? Why are there down-filled vests anyways? And why doesn't the outfit have more color?"

Me: "Too many questions. No outfit for you!"

Dear reader...the hair is color-change. The shorts are color-change. The vest is part of a fat pack. The boots are part of a fat pack! Want more color? Well, that's a DIY thing. The warm/cold thing? Don't ask.

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options. And, today only, mangled Seinfeld quotes"

Lilastone: such a sweet person who helps you out and i will tell others about here 2 years ago
The other day I walked past a fitness place named The Beast. That makes sense. They are going to pump you up into some kind of muscle-bound monster. What didn't make sense was their logo. It was...a unicorn. Ah yes, who doesn't associate unicorns with buffed beasts? Why, when I was a child, my favorite movie was "Beauty and the Unicorn." Or something. In any case, I made this outfit. It's got horns. Wear it and prowl around, searching for what? Unicorns?

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options. And now, a baby unicorn in every box!

Nico Kailani: This outfit has been replaced by Beast 2, which has a more out-door forest-living Beast look. Come get it, and the special baby unicorn gift as well. hop:// 2 years ago

Come in and find out !!

Texture refresh: Arcadia's Chest

Some people reported me that the chest I made 6 months ago lost it textures (they went blank), so I re-uploaded them and re-set the chest.

If you see the chest suddenly blank you can get a fresh copy at the shop or the mini shop at Wright Plaza.

Also the objects contains all the texture in the lid's contents, just edit, click on edit linked and click on the lid of the chest to see the textures.

Happy Wednesday!

RemmyRavenhurst: Great Aaack! Lots of textures have gone missing all over opensim. 2 years ago

Holkham Beach Level 2
only group
Take the group in Arkham City in the chat
TELEPORT in Arkham City

Nothing you could do or say is right.
I already know just what I like.
Bad girl, need a bad girl, need a bad girl
'Cause the bad boys just don't cut it
We got what they want want, what they want want
They can look but they just can't touch it
Bad girl, need a bad girl, need a bad girl
'Cause the bad boys just don't cut it...

Daya - Bad Girl (Official Music Video)

Outfit: Bad Girl
oh HELLO: We're always up to no good.
Ich habe für die kommenden Cornflake-Party`s einige Modelle gebastelt.
Wichtig; Ich bin nicht der Creator...... ich habe nur geändert.

I made some models for the upcoming cornflake party.
Important; I'm not the creator...... I just modified.

Hier könnt Ihr euch die Sachen holen:
You can get the stuff here: Party Fun Radio
#bom #bakesonmesh #wip
After last 7 Heads, 2 More heads came out few hours ago, 1 Female and another Male both Asian, is already work in progress and coming soon
Enjoy and share! Harbor Conglomerate City
Plug Yourself In And D-D-Dance!
You might wear this hat to a blues or even a country music club. But these Techo Addict pants would likely look out-of-place at those places. Last I checked, Techno-Blues or Techno-Country were not a thing. Techno is strictly electronic music. Grab this outfit, head to a techno music club, plug yourself in, and d-d-dance!

oh HELLO: Outfits with Options

Holkham Beach

Opened Today the New St Patrick's Day Fashion Store.

With Gowns and Multi Piece Sets

Nice Dress for You

The Beast Is Dead. Long Live The Beast.
On the advice of the OS Panel for Advice Giving, I have killed the first Beast outfit. I'm replacing it with this - a much better one. But one thing remains the same. There is a baby unicorn in each box.

oh HELLO: Outfits With Options, and certification from the OS Panel for Advice Giving.

Grid maintenance