Merlin Panther @Amaunet

UK Offline

Loves Music and Building

Joined 3 years ago

About Myself


My Interests

love the SatyFarm keeps me busy i own the Haertlands &Pulse Clubs which i play everything from Rock n Blues to Trance.

Favorite Quote

To those of you it may concern. A big thank you for showing me who you all truly are i feel sorry for the younger generations that will be looking up to you to learn how to go on in life. we will never evolve and this is (sad).

Music I Like

just love music all music.

My Regions

This member has no regions yet


Inside my Heartlands club in the swamps were i will be playing rock/blues/country and pop the way it should be played.

this is my Pulse night club were i will be playing psy trance euphoric trance and remixes.

a Little somthing ive started to work on :)