Almudena @Almudena

Bilbao Offline

Dulce y Sincera

Liked posts

This one may be a better pic! ENJOY! ;)

Xenon Darrow: such a beautiful place. I love being a part of it. 4 days ago

RemmyRavenhurst: Leo and i bought this build and that blue room is quiet stunning. 3 days ago

Kind regards from faraway Germany.^^

Xenon Darrow: Lovely! 😍 4 days ago

Me encantaria participar en su emisora. Gracias

The announcer during the speech

With programming in the air, do not forget the fundamental rules of synchronization and creativity. Try to avoid a lack of concentration at work by doing other things at the same time, this causes errors.
Concentration is essential for the perfect execution of the table operation, when it comes to an announcer-operator (FM radio) and is also essential for synchrony between the announcer and the audio operator (AM radio). The posture is very important, it reveals respect for the programming and the listener.

The announcer and the voice

The voice is the working instrument of the announcers and through it many manage to create ambient magic. If we have a beautiful voice by nature we start with an advantage (it is not possible to obtain it through plastic surgery!) but a beautiful voice is not only one that is deep and velvety; We also need good diction, articulation and interpretation.
They act as a preventative against throat infections, which are harmful to the speaker.

Care with your voice:

Avoid drinking ice cold liquids
Gargle with warm water accompanied by half a glass of lemon in the morning.

Contact us:


L'annonceur pendant le discours

Avec une programmation en l’air, n’oubliez pas les règles fondamentales de synchronisation et de créativité. Essayez d'éviter le manque de concentration au travail en faisant autre chose en même temps, cela provoque des erreurs.
La concentration est essentielle à la parfaite exécution du fonctionnement de la table, lorsqu'il s'agit d'un annonceur-opérateur (radio FM) et est également essentielle à la synchronisation entre l'annonceur et l'opérateur audio (radio AM). La posture est très importante, elle révèle le respect de la programmation et de l'auditeur.

L'annonceur et la voix

La voix est l'instrument de travail des annonceurs et grâce à elle, beaucoup parviennent à créer une magie ambiante. Si nous avons par nature une belle voix, nous partons avec un avantage (il n'est pas possible de l'obtenir par chirurgie esthétique !) mais une belle voix n'est pas seulement grave et veloutée ; Nous avons également besoin d’une bonne diction, articulation et interprétation.
Ils agissent à titre préventif contre les infections de la gorge, nocives pour le locuteur.

Prenez soin de votre voix :

Évitez de boire des liquides glacés
Se gargariser avec de l'eau tiède accompagnée d'un demi-verre de citron le matin.


Courriel :

L'annunciatore durante il discorso

Con la programmazione in onda, non dimenticare le regole fondamentali della sincronizzazione e della creatività. Cercare di evitare la mancanza di concentrazione sul lavoro facendo altre cose contemporaneamente, questo causa errori.
La concentrazione è fondamentale per la perfetta esecuzione del funzionamento del tavolo, quando si tratta di un annunciatore-operatore (radio FM) ed è fondamentale anche per la sincronia tra annunciatore e operatore audio (radio AM). La postura è molto importante, rivela rispetto per la programmazione e per l'ascoltatore.

L'annunciatore e la voce

La voce è lo strumento di lavoro degli annunciatori e attraverso di essa molti riescono a creare magia ambientale. Se abbiamo una bella voce per natura partiamo avvantaggiati (non è possibile ottenerla con la chirurgia plastica!) ma una bella voce non è solo profonda e vellutata; Abbiamo anche bisogno di una buona dizione, articolazione e interpretazione.
Fungono da prevenzione contro le infezioni alla gola, che sono dannose per chi parla.

Prenditi cura della tua voce:

Evitare di bere liquidi ghiacciati
Al mattino fare dei gargarismi con acqua tiepida accompagnati da mezzo bicchiere di limone.



Der Ansager während der Rede

Vergessen Sie beim Programmieren nicht die Grundregeln der Synchronisation und Kreativität. Vermeiden Sie Unkonzentriertheit bei der Arbeit, indem Sie gleichzeitig andere Dinge erledigen, da dies zu Fehlern führt.
Bei einem Ansager-Operator (UKW-Radio) ist Konzentration für die perfekte Ausführung der Tischoperation unerlässlich und auch für die Synchronität zwischen dem Ansager und dem Audio-Operator (AM-Radio) unerlässlich. Die Haltung ist sehr wichtig, sie zeigt Respekt vor dem Programm und dem Zuhörer.

Der Ansager und die Stimme

Die Stimme ist das Arbeitsinstrument der Ansager und durch sie gelingt es vielen, eine atmosphärische Magie zu erzeugen. Wenn wir von Natur aus eine schöne Stimme haben, beginnen wir mit einem Vorteil (es ist nicht möglich, sie durch plastische Chirurgie zu erreichen!), aber eine schöne Stimme ist nicht nur tief und samtig; Wir brauchen auch eine gute Diktion, Artikulation und Interpretation.
Sie wirken vorbeugend gegen Halsentzündungen, die für den Sprecher schädlich sind.

Kümmere dich um deine Stimme:

Vermeiden Sie es, eiskalte Flüssigkeiten zu trinken
Gurgeln Sie morgens mit warmem Wasser und einem halben Glas Zitrone.

Kontaktiere uns:


Una Nueva region desde KONECTA EOS, Londres, 15 Septiembre 1940 ven a comtemplar todo a detalle. Te gustará¡¡¡¡¡

Come on, simple patriot, I'm waiting for you.

These tears are delicious....

Nico Kalani: Glen's actions are simply not how emotionally sound adults behave. I don't imagine it will change. 7 days ago

Vamos¡¡¡¡¡¡ , esos locos años 50, precioso entorno. Ven y disfrútalo.

Zoree Jupiter Live
Club Fire
Gentle Fire Grid
Semi Casual attire

When: TODAY and Each Tuesday - 2 GRID TIME
Where: THROB CLUB at the Inclusive Keys OSG
Map: hop://
Hello all friends, tonight starting at 12:30 SLT, we have a special event planned that you will not want to miss! DJ Luna will be with us to make us dance and have fun, creating an enchanted atmosphere full of romance. Get ready to twirl on the dance floor, wearing your most elegant and sophisticated dresses.
Love is what makes the world move, and we want to celebrate it with you in an unforgettable evening. Imagine soft lights, engaging music and the magic of a starry night enveloping us all. It will be a perfect opportunity to let loose, meet friends old and new, and create wonderful memories.
Remember that elegant outfits are required to add a touch of class and make the event even more special. Get out your best dresses, polish your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience an extraordinary evening of love and music.
We look forward to seeing you all there, ready to celebrate and have fun with us!
We look forward to seeing you!

Angeldark: E...noi balliamoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Siete tutti invitati! 12 days ago

Maze terrain generated by Bobby's AI
Youtube Video

Pagane: Typical of AI - the maze has no way out... 12 days ago
The Majestic Entertainment Complex is now ready at my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Outside of my home region of Luxor, this is the most ambitious venue I've made so far, and I've tried to put a lot of detail and value into the build.

There are two versions available: 1 - A Venue-Only version that includes the building itself, and 2 - a Full DIY version that includes the entrance pool area, trees, searchlights, one each of the furniture sets, and all the artwork. Everything is modify / copy. Eventually there will be a full rezzer version that will place out everything as it's set now.

Important Note: The scripts used to run the movie screen only work on Wolf territories Grid and are not included with the sale versions. The build is modify, so you can add your own to the build if you like.

I also welcome those of you who would just like to explore the build, and for you all the hanging artwork you see inside the building is free 🙂 HG Address is: Emporium - Main Store

Opensimworld doesn't allow for multiple shots in a post, so for full pics, see my Facebook post here: or on MeWe here:

Passion Jumanji: AWESOMELY FANTABULOUS! ;) 12 days ago
Hello all friends, tonight starting at 12:30 SLT, we have a special event planned that you will not want to miss! DJ Luna will be with us to make us dance and have fun, creating an enchanted atmosphere full of romance. Get ready to twirl on the dance floor, wearing your most elegant and sophisticated dresses.
Love is what makes the world move, and we want to celebrate it with you in an unforgettable evening. Imagine soft lights, engaging music and the magic of a starry night enveloping us all. It will be a perfect opportunity to let loose, meet friends old and new, and create wonderful memories.
Remember that elegant outfits are required to add a touch of class and make the event even more special. Get out your best dresses, polish your dancing shoes, and get ready to experience an extraordinary evening of love and music.
We look forward to seeing you all there, ready to celebrate and have fun with us!
We look forward to seeing you!

PrillLeon: Si inizia , buon divertimento a tutti !!!!!!!! 12 days ago
Wir feiern heute Geburtstag und möchten diesen besonderen Anlass mit euch teilen. Es wird Musik geben, die dich zum Tanzen bringt, Freunde, mit denen du lachen kannst, und jede Menge Spaß, den wir gemeinsam erleben werden. Also schnapp dir deine Tanzschuhe, bring deine beste Laune mit und feiere mit uns.

KarinBecker: Euch alles liebe und gute Wünsche bleibt gesund und munter wie immer.beiden nur das beste liebe grüsse eure karin 18 days ago
Si quieres elegir cualquier región desde Konecta Radio, vente a nuestro punto de llegada desde Konecta EOS y elige lo que más quieras disfrutar.
Utiliza este enlace : y llega hasta el lugar de llegar y sus correspondientes regiones.


Quieres estar con nosotros? 24 horas x 365 días al año, vente con nuestra querida emisora, Konecta Radio.


Somos un grupo de amigos que con mucha ilusión queremos hacer esta radio para que la música te acompañe todo el día.
Konecta Radio se ha creado con la intención de que cada uno encuentre su espacio.
Desde cualquier parte del mundo y a cualquier hora del día, disfruta de una programación diferente, alejada de las radioformúlas habituales y centrada en ofrecer a los oyentes contenidos de excepción.
Emitimos a través de la web las 24 horas ininterrumpidas, acercándote una gran variedad de programas donde el protagonista indiscutible es la música.
Si quieres disfrutar de un precioso lugar con una buena música, vente con nuestra querida emisora y recorre las diferentes regiones desde Open Sim, Paris, Kahun, La Habana, Los Años 50´, Los Años 20´, EOS Station, Asperiche. de momento.....
Vente a disfrutarlo y compartirlo con nosotros¡¡¡¡¡

This is the kind of Building i bin looking for or something like that. and i what to say thank you for helping me

LaylaHart42: yes plz 23 days ago
• Most Recent Helpers •
Visit these lovely people and their regions/grids when you can.
• Serina Gee:
• FallenAngel Absent:
• Hugabug: (Barefoot-Dreamers Grid)
• Lily Sparks: owner of several regions, including Tumbler
• Star Ravenhurst: owner of several regions, including Beau Retrouve
• Jupiter Rowland: in the Fediverse @
• Jamie Wright: undisclosed

Jamie Wright: Raise the barn! LOL undisclosed. I'm easy to find. Anna Cooper in Neverworld on Birch Grove Spring. Jamie Wright almost everywhere else. I build a lot on the OSGrid Sandbox Plaza when I need room and ... 26 days ago

We have finally grown from 101 to 102 members! Thank goodness. I will no longer be reminded of this damn movie when I see the number of members here.

Jupiter Rowland: Um... 26 days ago

Thank you for the invitation to visit this (most excellent) group! If you ever need something you cannot find please just IM I have nice resources to share!

Jamie Wright: Marianna knows stuff about stuff:) 26 days ago
Half day I was searching online for 3D Models for Tatto Equipment. I have seen this already somewhere inworld but no idea where it was. Any Idea where I could get some Tattoo equipment for my "beauty-Shop"? :-)

Jamie Wright: Hi @FallenAngelAbsent. Klamotto has tattoo stuff: 28 days ago

Hallo ihr Lieben,
heute ganz SPONTAN Querbeet-Party im Tosca !!!!!!!!!!!!
: WER : Nasti
: WAS : Querbeet
: WANN : 19.30 UHR !!!!!

Belze Cherub: PARTY PARTY PARTY 29 days ago
"Tanze mit uns in den Mai!

Feiere einen schönen Abend voller Rhythmus, Spaß und guter Gesellschaft.
Treffe tolle Menschen, genieße die wundervolle Atmosphäre und tanze zur guter Musik.
Lass uns gemeinsam den Frühling willkommen heißen und tanze mit uns in den Mai!
Los geht es ab 20 Uhr wir freuen uns auf euch .

Taliya: Schööön , ab Tanzt mit uns in den Mai 1 month ago

JETZT!!!!!!! JETZT!!!!!!!!! gehts loooooos!!!!!!

Cosa: ja toller abend wieder 1 month ago
Venite a trovarci vi aspettiamo

Verpasse nicht diese ultimative Zeitreise-Party!

Seid dabei, wenn heute Abend die Hits vergangener Jahrzehnte aufleben.Lasst uns gemeinsam einen unvergesslichen Abend voller Spaß, Musik und Erinnerungen erleben. Bring deine Freunde mit und lasst Sie mit uns die Tanzfläche zum Beben bringen!


Wann: Heute Abend 19 Uhr

KarinBecker: Danke den lieben Gästen aus allen Grids 2 months ago

May the Easter Bunny bring you all baskets of love and eggs full of positive surprises. Happy Easter!

Wish you all your Nasti

AleksanderDesousa: Frohe Ostern euch allen 2 months ago
🌟🎶🌙 Luna's Live Debut! 🌙🎶🌟

Dear friends,
You are all invited to the live debut of our talented friend Luna! Tonight, for the first time, she will delight us with her music and keep us company for an exciting hour of live performance.
📅 Date: Friday, March 22nd
🕒 Time: 2:00 PM
The event calls for casual or semi-formal attire.
So, put on your best outfit and get ready to enjoy an unforgettable evening with Luna!
Don't miss out on this special moment!
We look forward to seeing you all there! 🎉🎶

PrillLeon: Grandissima.....Luna ......bellissima musica !!!!! 2 months ago