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Alice_Sheffield @Alice_Sheffield

The OpenSimulator Metaverse Offline

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We can handle dissenting opinions, but we generally object to bigoted fuckwits like you
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There's a lot you haven't heard of Glen, but that's because you're an ignorant prick.
Says the uneducated, emotionally disturbed, ignorant, racist, arm chair expert of nothngness wine mom that is one of 10 at a Biden rally, telling us that we have to pay reparations for something England brought here. I think you should stick to your The View, CNN, MSDNC propaganda shows and following celebrity bullshit and leave the rest of us INTELLIGENT people to handle the important topics. Now go get your 500th booster shot and STFU you constipated cunt Libtard.
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And, apparently, as in your case, massively increases the numbers of bigots.
Realism dear... word for this in english is REALISM! Learn this language after all please.
Alice never read a dictionary nor history book but just walks around like some self righteous goddess of wisdom. You cannot expect that dingbat to possess a large vocabulary or full command of her ONLY language. lol
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Zelenskiy is hardly a 'failed actor in a bad comedy'. If you'd seen the TV series 'Servant of the People' you'd know what a talented actor he really is, and as for failed? I don't call becoming president of a country as the result of a political parody failure. We are always talking politics, as that's all we can do when we are talking about people. There's no avoiding it. Trump, Putin, Biden and Zelenskiy DO matter, and the world would be a far better place if it didn't have to deal with the likes of Trump and Putin. I have no particular liking for Biden, and Zelenskiy has his downsides, but at least neither of them endangers democracy or threatens to impose a fascist authoritarianism.

Give your head a wobble!
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What utter bollocks! For a start off, Ukraine was not 'attacked by communists' (do you even know what a communist is?). Putin and his supporters are not communists. If American workers are spending 7 days a week and 12 hours a day slaving away machine minding, then it's probably high time they joined a militant union and fought for better working conditions, hours and pay and whilst they're about it, for universal healthcare like the civilized world.

You must be living under a stone, because if you weren't you'd know that the US economy has prospered hugely under his interventionist economic policies, and whilst you have inflation, it's coming down and is nowhere near as high as it is in, say, the UK.

It's very much in the interest of the USA that Ukraine wins this war. The US military budget is $1.7 TRILLION every year, yet only a very small fraction of that has been spent on aid to Ukraine, (less than 2%) and most of it goes to US contractors, who make the munitions and equipment, so it boosts the US economy. Also, many retired US military general supports the idea of US military aid for Ukraine, Gen. Petraeus, and Gen Mark Hodges have both presented strong arguments for US support for Ukraine.

If Ukraine loses the USA will face an even bigger problem, as it will then probably have to face up to an expansionist China, as well as an emboldened North Korea and a Russia that thinks it can just march in anywhere - including maybe Alaska.

If you're that worried about poor tax payers, maybe you should start to campaign to get the very rich taxed far more? What about taxing the likes of Bezos, Musk and Zukerberg as well as their sprawling corporations, along with Apple and Alphabet?

Get real, the cost of the Ukraine war is minimal in real terms, and certainly winnable, and would have most likely already been won had the west given Ukraine everything it needed to win the war once it became clear that they were going to stand and fight. As it is, Ukraine has fought Russia to a standstill on the front line, and also sunk more than a third of Russia's Black Sea fleet, despite not having a navy. Most of the Black Sea is no a no-go zone for the Russian Navy, Ukraine has been so effective.

Give your head a wobble and stop spouting Trumpish idiocy!
The Communist Party approves or selected each person for office. That's "Communism"
I'm not even sure what you're responding to there Fred. Equal could be said about the Trump MAGA nutcases, as they do exactly the same. Putin quite clearly isn't a communist, even if he once was, he is now far more of a right-wing authoritarian who has quite a lot of support from the Russian extreme right, as well as from gobshites like Trump.

From your comment, I would also guess that, at least from what you've written, that you don't have much of a clue what communism is either. Wikipedia has an article that serves as a useful introduction.

*To be clear, lest some suspect that I am, or that I advocate communism, I do not, and certainly not in the way that is was implemented in the Soviet Union, or its satellites. But neither do I endorse the fascism that is slowly, but seemingly inexorably creeping up on us on both sides of the Atlantic.
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You obviously missed reading that last sentence!
No, I didn't misread it. Because it doesn't apply. My intelligence is unaffected by my opinion and fact.
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Where is this item located? I couldn't find it anywhere in the shopping area there.
It is in a small shop just outside of the main entrance.