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Alice_Sheffield @Alice_Sheffield

The OpenSimulator Metaverse Offline

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Glen is a victim.

Nico Kalani: Listen up fucktards. I am addressing this one final time, until I address it again. We need to treat Glen as he does everyone, as a HUMAN. People who like to dress like a Barbie doll and get fudge-pac... 9 months ago
Dear they Crabby,
I'm writing to you today to express my disappointment in the toxic and immature culture that has developed on this site. I am a creative person who enjoys coming here to share my work and connect with other creative people. However, I have found that the majority of the fire conversations on this site are focused on criticizing others and their work. This is incredibly discouraging and has made me feel unwelcome here.
I understand that everyone has different opinions, but there is a difference between constructive criticism and simply being mean. When you constantly focus on people's faults and short comings, you are not helping them to improve. In fact, you are likely making them feel worse about themselves, and it will also do the same to you.
I urge you to stop with the toxic posts and focus on being more positive. This is a creator space, so let's focus on creating! Let's share our work and ideas with each other and build each other up. Let's have fun and make this a place where everyone feels welcome.
If you are unable to be positive, then please log off. There is no need to spread your negativity here.
A Concerned Creator
P.S. I have linked to a website that provides resources for dealing with toxic behavior. I encourage you to check it out. https://cimhs.com/
I hope you will take my words to heart. I believe that we can create a more positive and welcoming environment here if we all work together.

Lastly, Set boundaries even if it creates guilt. When dealing with toxic behavior, knowing where to draw the line is critical. ...
1. Avoid getting drawn into the drama. ...
2. Talk with them about it. ...
3. Resist trying to fix things. ...
4. Limit your time around them. ...
*5. Above all, ditch the blame.*
