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As someone mention before I would like to know what does a ''Child Avatar'' look like because clearly a lot of Grids in OS do not know ''Fully'' on what actual children look like in some cases as someone mention. They see someone who is under 7 ft with a petite body which automatically makes you a Child Avatar? I bet Most Adult Korean Women are considered Children to you all? I guess all of us who are Female Adults must have Large Over-size Breasts, 7ft and Big Butts? I guess most women in real are like that!!! Maybe all Grids should have a poster in their Welcome Area then and put 7 ft and Over Avatars with Big Bazooka size Breasts (Give the Local Female Avatar Users and Visitors a Minimum Cup-size while you're at it), Big Butts, Extremely Tanned Skin to the point of looking like a Burnt Up Rice Krispy! and Couple Botox in the face looking like you just had a fight with a Vacuum Cleaner! I guess that what makes one become instantly an Adult Avi! Clearly, if you wear Blush or any form of Makeup, having a Petite Figure or have an overall cute or youthful face you instantly a Child, No! matter how tall you are! I guess we all skip different age groups. Either you're a Child Avi or your late 30's to 40's avatar. There is Nooooo in between! Since you all against ''Age Play''! How about you all put in your grids some Specific Guidelines on what you consider a ''CHILD AVATAR!!'' (Be Specific! Don't say 18 months to 18 years old! because you clearly see an avatar that looks older than 18 years old but once they wear either a cute outfit mostly pink, Lilac or something Overly Girly, has pale skin, Freckles or any form of blush on their face! Even when they are over 6ft they are still considered a Child! So, tell us!! What actually is a CHILD avi because is clearly more than just HEIGHT and Chest-Size! (Because it seems clothes also play a BIG FACTOR to it!). I would love to know what Grid/Region Owners or just anyone overall would tell us what is considered as an ''Adult Avatar''?!?! Let the Community be aware of what is Considered or approved of as an adult Avatar!
Lemme sum this up for your convenience.

Female avatar under 7 feet = maybe kid.
Female avatar under 6 feet = definitely kid.
Male avatar under 7 feet = kid.
Petite female avatar = kid.
Female avatar less shapely than an unmodified, out-of-the-box Athena shape = kid.
No fish lips on a female avatar = kid.
No long locks flowing down your shoulders if your avatar is female = kid.
Neither long rocker hair nor an undercut if your avatar is male = kid.
Blond, but neither Barbie nor Pamela Anderson nor Rutger Hauer = kid.
Skin tone lighter than the average Tamilnadu citizen = kid.
Male avatar with neither beard nor perma-stubble = kid.
Nude male avatar whose erect dick is smaller than his lower arm = kid.
Freckles = kid.
Wearing pink, and it isn't Biatchi-branded = kid.
Wearing purple, and it isn't gothic = kid.
Wearing bright colours in general = kid.
Female avatar wearing flat shoes = kid.

Tune in next time when I tell you how not to look like a geezer.
OK, but seriously now. It would take approximately 34,129 avatars, with the height of 7 ft., stacked end to end, to reach the moon. It would take many more avatars, with the overall average adult human height of 5 ft. 5 in., stacked end to end, to do the same. To make it easier for a stack of avatars to reach the moon, we need to mandate that the height of OS avatars be increased to 11 ft. The future of the faux-human race in OS depends on it. If we allow child-sized avatars in OS, we are doomed. Doomed, I tell you!
You have got to be kidding! Get it? Kidding? OK, I'll shut up now.
to make my answer short the biggest thing is a child avi will have no breast at all. there are regions that have child avi skins and bodies etc so that helps determine the factor too.

I will however say that some of the new adult bodies may look like its questionable even tho its not. honestly you really just have to ask and hope someone doesn't get offended for asking.
every REAL woman know that half of womans up to 20-25 years is FLAT without boobs! Silicone boobs is not for niclear power or starships!
About size - on my 63 year i'm 1,54m high, my 9 year daugnter is 1,65m, and is not absolute flat. Hmmm who of us two is adult?
Who is adult or who is kid? Look one of Bulgarian Rhythmic gymnastics...
YES!!! She is Adult!
Remember womans outside of anglosaxon world is not cow size!