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******** I wish all my Friends " Merry Christmas" ********

Moonrose Grid: Das wünsche ich dir auch Liebe Sylvia♥ 2 months ago
Möge diese wunderbare Zeit des Jahres von Liebe und Besinnlichkeit erfüllt sein.
Lasst uns den Frieden im Kreise der Liebsten genießen und die kleinen, kostbaren Momente mit Dankbarkeit feiern.
Gemeinsam schaffen wir Erinnerungen, die uns ein Leben lang begleiten.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch und euren Lieben ein herzliches Weihnachtsfest und ein neues Jahr voller Glück und Harmonie.
May this wonderful time of year be filled with love and contemplation.
Let us enjoy peace with our loved ones and celebrate the small, precious moments with gratitude.
Together we create memories that last a lifetime.

With this in mind, I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and a New Year full of happiness and harmony.

A merry and peaceful Christmas, with lots of love and joy...
Ein frohes und besinnliches Weihnachtsfest, mit viel Liebe und Freude, wünschen euch Emma & Mick 🎅🌲🌲

Strahlend, wie ein schöner Traum,
steht vor uns der Weihnachtsbaum.
Seht nur, wie sich goldenes Licht
auf der zarten Kugeln bricht.
„Frohe Weihnacht“
klingt es leise
und ein Stern geht auf die Reise.
Leuchtet hell vom Himmelszelt
hinunter auf die ganze Welt

ich wünsche allen frohe Weihnachten

May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas! From Andremus & Alchy

Lise: Joyeux Noël et bonnes vacances ! 2 months ago
**1 Year Anniversary of Starchild Shoppe: NEW LOCATION!**
1 year ago Starchild Shoppe opened its doors with a single furniture store. Since then it has expanded beyond what I could have imagined! I want to thank every single person who has crossed its door and has taken the time to thank the effort behind!
I have also heard your feedback, it is why I have consolidated all the stores into their own region with a central store (beauty) at ground, and then skyboxes reachable via the TP board. Super special thanks to Shan Naggins for making it happen! What was going to be just one new store, ended up being an entire mall set up with much more room for growth!

Sabrinastav: Aurora, simplemente...ESPECTACULAR !!! tienda está excelente. Felicidades...un trabajo impecable. GRACIAS !!! 2 months ago
=OUT NOW: Austin Skin FATPACK for EON Head=
Happy Sunday! Check out the latest face skin fatpack (for EON lel EvoX) head.
Comes in 10 skin tones match with Dali body skin.
Uber: hop://

Alex Leo: looks great. thanks. 3 months ago
=OUT NOW: HD Eyebrows for EvoX=
Some nice eyebrows in 3 tones + tintable and 3 heights.
Comes with material layers.
I have included a notecard with a video on how to apply them.

Uber: hop://

Here is a new update of the Horse & Horse Rezzer script v3.3. This is a bugfix release. Enjoy :)

Hicks: beautiful objects made with care, I like it a lot tank you . 3 months ago

One of the caves of 'The 11 caves Hunt'
The Hunt closes tonight, nov 3rd, at 23h59 SLT

This is one of the caves of 'The 11 Caves Hunt'
By the way, tomorrow NOv. 3rd. is the last day of the hunt

Where you will find some of my Halloween creations
To go there : either use the TP board at Welcome tent or
select destination # 17 of TP Buoy menu

Another cave that is part of 'The 11 Caves Hunt'
She saves all her potion recipes on the cloud !

No trick, this is just my Halloween Persona !

The first cave of 'The 11 Caves Hunt' : The cimetery of the Spirits of Halloween

includes notably a collection of not 1, 3, 7 or 11...
but a collection of 13 Halloween Animesh Characters !!

Chelsea Louloudi: NOVALE ...always a must do and always fabulous! The hunt is well worth this collection!! 4 months ago

You are officially a Winner and teleported to the 'Spell Island'
Where you can claim the 'Royal Reward'

Where Zombies take care of their Health
This is one of the 11 caves of the hunt

This place is situated in one of the Caves of 'The 11 Cave Hunt'.
I was there with my duster and my little candy bucket

GREENHOUSE DABICI's FIORI (close to the Marina, destination 1 of TP Buoy)
We are proud to showcase our collection of Carnivorous Plants
Most of them are copiable! Just be cautious with them :)

Gentle Dragonheart: It took a bit of creativity to get there since the TP buoy near where I landed was not working. But Popeye's boat tour got me to a buoy that did work and from there, I TPd to the Marina and found the ... 4 months ago

Note the Buoy floating in the river, there are many of them across the region
These are Teleport Buoys to many key Fall and Halloween destinations in Novale

To reach the 'Depth of Darkness' and participate in 'The 11 Caves Hunt'
Click the TP Boat in Welcome Tent to reach the dock for the ride to the Hunt
On the dock, click the bell, sit in the boat, click the boat and navigate !
You are on for the long journey to the Hunt Entry

Halloween at Novale: 1st suggested destination: The Haunted Valley
Call the boat ride at the dock near the welcome tent
Capt'n Popeye will bring you there

OUT NOW: Pack Scars v2 and Plastic Bandage add-ons for EvoX
Another two pack along with the vibe of the previous two.
A face scars pack for EvoX with 6 different variations
A plastic bandage pack compatible with BOM

Uber: hop://

Marpil Grafenwalder: con tanta cosa bella para chicos estoy pensando seriamente en cambiar mi avatar a hombre 4 months ago

Was für ein Megaevent. Nach all den unzähligen Trainingsstunden auf der Kart Bahn fand gestern das große Finale statt. 10 Fahrer aus 6 Grids sind an den Start gegangen und haben sich heiße Duelle geliefert. Auf den Tribünen wurden alle von den eigenen Fans in bunten Outfits angefeuert. Die Stimmung war einzigartig und zeigt, dass es auch gemeinsam Spaß machen kann. Die After-Show-Party im Anschluss sorgte für einen würdigen Abschluss dieses Events.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich ein ganz großes DANKE an das Pangea Grid aussprechen. Ich mag nicht wissen zu wollen, wie viele Stunden damit verbracht worden sind, nicht nur die Strecke, sondern auch das Drumherum so zum Laufen zu bringen. Karsten hat zusammen mit seinem Team Großartiges geleistet und das verdient meinen höchsten Respekt. Gemeinschaft und Erlebnis, Spaß und Freude so unter einen Hut zu bringen ist etwas Einzigartiges in Open Sim World. Danke Danke Danke
What a mega event. After all the countless hours of training on the kart track, the grand finale took place yesterday. 10 drivers from 6 grids started and had hot duels. In the stands, everyone was cheered on by their own fans in colorful outfits. The atmosphere was unique and shows that it can be fun together. The after-show party afterwards ensured a worthy end to this event.

At this point I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Pangea Grid. I don't want to know how many hours were spent getting not only the track but also everything else running like this. Karsten and his team did a great job and that deserves my utmost respect. Bringing together community and experience, fun and joy is something unique in Open Sim World. Thank you, thank you, thank you

📝 Men's Ballet "About Bees & Flowers - Die Wahrheit über Bienen und Blumen"

Start the men's ballet inworld by yourself or watch it on YouTube *** Männerballett inworld selbst starten oder auf YouTube ansehen

=OUT NOW: Bjorn Skin Overlay for EvoX (age marks)=
You have this addon available at the Starchild Shoppe: Beauty store.
Age marks overlay (does NOT come with the skin).
It comes in 4 different tones, and 25% or 50% for each tone:

Uber: hop://

MinordLoup: superbe, mais je n'arrive pas a utiliser le Uber, merci d'avance pour me faire parvenir le LM ou modifié le uber pour le plus grand nombre ;) 4 months ago
We are Ready to Race at Pangea Cup 2024

Pangea Go-Kart-Race 2024
10 AM SLT / 19 Uhr
Live Putri Solo
Aftershowparty mit DJ Marlon Wayne

JasonFlux: So sehn Sieger aus, schalalalalaaaaa :-))) 4 months ago
PANGEAGRID feiert diese Woche den 4. Geburtstag
FREITAG, 11.10., ab 20.00 Uhr Party mit DJ Marlon und Zoree Jupiter live ab 21.00 Uhr (
SAMSTAG, 12.10., Start 20.00 Uhr mit der Regenbogenparade
ca. 20.30 Uhr Männerballett "Die Wahrheit über Bienen und Blumen"
Im Anschluss Party mit DJane Loru Destiny
SONNTAG, 13.10., 18.30 Uhr - 19.00 Uhr WarmUp und Ankunft Zuschauer
19.00 Uhr GoKart Rennbeginn
ca. 19.50 Uhr Siegerehrung
danach Party mit DJ Marlon
21.00 Uhr Putri Solo live
!!! Das Fahrerlager mit den Renntrucks hat sich heute gefüllt. Alle Teams die am Rennen teilnehmen stehen Startklar und Fiebern dem Wochenende entgegen.....Das große Pangea Kart Rennen im Rahmen der Geburtstagsfeier.......SAVE THE DATE !!!
=OUT NOW: Chase Skin FATPACK for EON EvoX=
Happy Monday! Starting the week with this new skin fatpack:
Includes 10 different tones matching 'Jupiter' Body skins,
Comes with brow/browless options.
Includes head and brows shapes (check notecard inside!).

Uber: hop://

(**) Modifications and instructions on how to use on "READ ME" notecard!

Enjoy :)

Jimmy Olsen: I forgot to mention and its already on the notecard: Once one rezes the script inside, the lamps will glow all red for few seconds.. be patience and soon they will work perfectly 4 months ago
"Von süß bis schaurig – Hier findest du alles für dein perfektes Halloween !"
"From cute to scary - here you will find everything for the perfect Halloween !"
*** OpenSIM Grand Piano V2 (VERSION 2) UDAPTED RELEASE ***
Tired of not finding a decent piano? And when it`s found it plays any sound but the piano itself? No more!!
-02 kinds of low prims models! (BLACK and WHITE models)
- 40 completed classic musics on 03 hours, 35 minutes and 20 seconds of audio!
- WAV and UUID files included in case HG plays the "betch"

Available for FREE and FULLPERM at SOUND area (BOX 07).
Enjoy :)
1 AEOLIAN HARP OP.25 N.1 Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:02:40
2 APPASSIONATA SONATA N.23 3RD MOV Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:08:00
3 AVE MARIA Johann Sebastian Bach 00:05:20
4 CAN-CAN Jacques Offenbach 00:02:00
5 CLAIRE DU LUNE Claude Debussy 00:05:30
6 EINE KLEINE NACHTMUSIK (A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:04:20
7 FANTAISIE IMPROMPTU OP.66 Frédéric Chopin 00:05:40
8 FLIGHT OF BUMBLEBEE Rimsky/Korsakov 00:01:20
9 GRANDE VALSE BRILLANTE E.MAJOR OP.18 Frédéric Chopin 00:05:30
10 GUILLAUME-TELL OUVERTURE G.Rossini/Franz Lisz 00:03:40
11 HEROIC POLONAISE OP.53 A FLAT MAJOR Frédéric Chopin 00:06:50
12 HUNGARIAN DANCE N.2 Johannes Brahms 00:02:20
13 HUNGARIAN RAPSODY II Franz Lisz 00:12:20
14 LA CAMPANELLA Franz Lisz/ Paganini 00:04:50
15 LIBESTRAUM N.3 (LOVE DREAMS) Franz Lisz 00:05:20
16 MAPLE LEAF RAG Scott Joplin 00:02:50
17 MINUTE WALTZ OP.64 N.1 Frédéric Chopin 00:01:50
18 MOONLIGHT SONATA 1ST MOVEMENT Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:07:00
19 MOONLIGHT SONATA 3RD MOVEMENT Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:07:10
20 NOCTURNE OP.2 N.9 Frédéric Chopin 00:05:10
21 PATHETIQUE SONATA N.8 C MINOR OP.13 ,3 Movements Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:18:10
22 PIANO CONCERT N.1 B FLAT MINOR OP.23 Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:03:30
23 POUR ELISE (FÜR ELISE) Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:03:40
24 RADETZKY MARCH OP.228 Johann Strauss 00:02:20
25 SONATA N.05 G MAJOR KV.283 3 Movements. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:12:00
26 SONATA N.16 C MAJOR K545 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:05:00
27 SUGAR PLUM FAIRY (THE NUTCRACKER SUITE) Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:02:00
28 SWAN LAKE OP.20 I.Scene Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:03:30
29 SYMPHONY N.5 Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:06:00
30 TEMPEST SONATA N.17 3RD Movement Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:07:00
31 THE ENTERTAINER Scott Joplin 00:03:50
32 TICO TICO NO FUBÁ Zequinha de Abreu 00:03:10
33 TORRENT ETUDE OP.10 N.4 Frédéric Chopin 00:01:50
34 TURKISH MARCH (RONDO ALLA TURCA) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 00:03:10
36 WALDSTEIN SONATA N.21 1ST MOV Ludwig Van Beethoven 00:10:40
37 WALTZ A MINOR B150 OP POTSTH Frédéric Chopin 00:01:50
38 WALTZ N.2 (Variety Stage Orchestra suite) Dmitri Shostakovich 00:03:40
39 WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS (THE NUTCRACKER SUITE) Piotr IlitchTchaikovsky 00:07:00
40 WINTER WIND OP.25 N.11 Frédéric Chopin 00:03:40

Thirza Ember: Jimmy does it again... an Opensim hero! 5 months ago
Back to the carefree time .
Let's shout it out to the world
“Love, Peace and Happiness”
❤ WHO: DJ Nasti
❤ WHAT: ♪ 60's, 70's,
❤ WHEN: 10 SLT !!!!

♫ ♬ ♪♫ ♬ ♪ ♥ ♡ If you′re going to Tosca
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to Tosca
You′re gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to Tosca
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of Tosca
Gentle people with flowers in their hair. ♫ ♬ ♪♫ ♬ ♪ ♥ ♡


We look forward to seeing you

Alex Salamander: Wie immer war eine super Stimmung :-) 5 months ago

Heute um 11 SLT Party Time mit Dj Dark Wolf
Habt Spaß und feiert mit uns

Today at 11 SLT Party Time with Dj Dark Wolf
have fun and celebrate with us

Sooo...there he is, my cute ratzi !
Now avalable in ZZ's shop

Ankhsenaton: I found it !! ZZ Top ! ;-) 6 months ago

A new champ available now in ZZ-shop!

SilviaFrey: Que maravilloso loro, parece real y los otros objetos que encontré estupendos. He dado un grato paseó por su linda sim. Muchas gracias por los regalos y por ser tan amable. Saludos. 6 months ago
Wichtiger Hinweis - Important Announcement

Wir haben großartige Nachrichten für euch! Aufgrund der vielen Nachfragen und des großen Interesses gibt es keine Teilnehmer- und Gridbeschränkungen für die Teilnahme am Pangea Go-Kart Rennen mehr. Jeder kann ab sofort am freien Training teilnehmen und sich für das Hauptrennen am 13. Oktober qualifizieren. Die Qualifikation findet am 15. September statt, und die besten 10 Fahrer und Fahrerinnen werden dabei ermittelt.
Wir freuen uns, dass ihr mit so viel Spaß und Begeisterung dabei seid. Wir sehen uns im freien Training – tragt euch ein und fahrt los!
Euer Pangea Go Kart Team
We have great news for you! Due to the high demand and interest, there are no longer any participant or grid restrictions for the Pangea Go-Kart race. Everyone can now join the free practice sessions and qualify for the main race on October 13th. The qualification race will take place on September 15th, where the top 10 drivers will be selected.
We are thrilled that you are participating with so much fun and enthusiasm. We’ll see you at the free practice sessions—sign up and start racing!
Your Pangea Go-Kart Team

Star Ravenhurst: I am hoping my friend Mack can do this. He is from my grid and loves this sort of thing. This is awesome Marlon! 6 months ago
Infoabend erfolgreich Absolviert. Vorab einen Riesen Dank an die Organisatoren vom Pangea Grid. Mit viel Aufwand wurde eine echt starke Go Kart Strecke erschaffen die Spaß macht und viel Action bietet. Das fängt bei der Streckenführung an bis hin zur Boxengasse. Time Boards zeigen jedem an wie schnell die Runden absolviert werden. Bei diesem heutigen Infoabend wurde nochmals genau der Ablauf des Rennens welches am 13 Oktober statt findet erklärt. Anmeldungen zum Kart Event müssen bis zum 15.September erfolgen. Ab dem 15.September finden dann die Qualifikationen statt die gleichzeitig zur Startaufstellung erfahren werden können. Wer noch Interresse hat Teilzunehmen kann dies gerne in der Boxengasse machen. Jedes GRID kann 2 Fahrer Anmelden !!!!

Information evening successfully completed. First of all, a huge thank you to the organizers of the Pangea Grid. A lot of effort has been put into creating a really great go-kart track that is fun and offers a lot of action. This starts with the route and goes all the way to the pit lane. Time boards show everyone how quickly the laps are completed. At today's information evening, the exact sequence of the race, which takes place on October 13th, was explained again. Registrations for the kart event must be made by September 15th. Qualifications will then take place from September 15th and can be found out at the same time as the starting grid. Anyone who is still interested in taking part can do so in the pit lane. Each GRID can register 2 drivers!!!!

KarinBecker: Freu mich auf das rennen 6 months ago
The HG Safari group tours are on break for August (we begin again on September 4) but in the meantime, here are a few recent posts on the HG Safari blog:
Bink Draconia on Pangea *fabulous*
Digital art by film maker Saskia Boddeke, preserved in opensim
A bit of opensim history, revisited - see if you can find yourself in any of these vids
There's a RL/opensim crossover event today on Neverworld
Dereos is having an art show, details here
Also, thanks again to Satyr for removing The Box and its prolix vapidity out of the immediate line of sight of opensimworld users.

Thirza Ember: I'm not sure why Cyb thinks 'nothing is going on' in opensim... I've never been busier, covering upcoming events, refurbished grids, and preparations for anniversaries. 6 months ago