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JessicaR&B @AikaYu

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I traveled many grids..

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For all you Xara/LaraX wearers come check out this new collection of Gowns
6 Different Style in Animal, Sequins, Florals, and Pastels.

or have your picture taken with Santa.. up to 7 people can sit on this

and Ice skating for all connected to the dance floor. Skates are in Athene, Ares and Apollo.

Freebies for you to pick up, not only 4 sizes of mens wear but Athena for woman, as well as decor items for your home

Kiss your loved one under the mistletoe

take a train ride with your loved one, or all your friends holds 6 people

First Wedding on TwoHearts Island was Adani and Essensual's Wedding
so who is next??

PinDeluca: Congratulations - hope your life together is filled with love and light ! 1 years ago
Beautiful Store To Showcase Your Designs
2 story with beautiful central stair case
easy to walk up
2 Large Display Windows In Front
(window texture enclosed in building)
Very Well Lite inside
Neutral Colour Palet to Make Your Designs Stand Out
all you need to do is add your designs
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