Aeris Irides @AerisIrides

Gothic Euphoria Offline

Joined 2 years ago

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girls just wanna have fun

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girls just wanna have fun

OpenSimulator Version


Viewer Version

fs 7.1.11


the funnest

My Regions

0 2 0 Users
building an economy game in OS with trading, procuring, sales and warehousing. it will be free to play and other grids can participate. Starting on a sprawling 4096x4096 region with numerous island. players get a parcel to work from and enough credits to start playing the game.
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Sim Beach
2 0 Beach 0 Users
New grid I'm working on with a beach theme. I have an underwater club at my HQ island. I will offer regions for rent, you can choose to be connected by waterway or have a remote isolated island that is 256sqm, 512sqm or 1000 sqm. Podex exchange is in progress.
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Paz Serena
4 0 Serena 0 Users
Uma ilha romântica para beijar, abraçar e ficar com seu parceiro. Tome um banho na cachoeira, relaxe em nosso bangalô. Tenha uma sessão de beijos dentro do carro estacionado na garagem. Uma boutique está quase pronta para compras.
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Euforia Gotica
4 0 Gotica 0 Users
Bem-vindo à euforia gótica do Brasil. Acima, há uma tranquila floresta de neve. Bem no fundo do solo, abaixo, há um clube gótico escuro. Apresenta uma boutique com itens originais, um bar e uma cúpula de vampiro.
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Gothic Euphoria
3 3 Euphoria 0 Users
A cozy place for romance, chat, and dance. Perfect for sunset.
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Hidden Alcove
3 0 Alcove 0 Users
building a fun place
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Getting the venue set up for our white party

Aurora Starchild: Love it! I made a script for the tiles to light up on collision if you want it (it does require a script on each tile tho, so might be a bit laggier) 1 month ago
I made a slot machine and lucky spinner game as a way to get gold for the Tradewinds economy game. They work now and you can accumulate gold, but the Tradewinds game is not totally ready yet. :) getting there!

We are out at Kitty Hawk trying out my new girl flyer. You can ride your friend through the air like an airplane. I'll put it in the shop soon in case anyone wants it.

Hicks: do it work with ex wives ? .... i joke 1 month ago
Introducing my new “Princess Ballerina Box”! This enchanting music box is the perfect way to spend a relaxing evening in your luxurious mansion. Simply settle into your cozy chaise, place your sub or wife inside, and enjoy watching her gracefully spin to the authentic music box tune for hours on end. Trust me, it never gets old!

Adorned with sweet “Princess” lettering and pretty pink lighting, this piece adds just the right touch of magic. There’s even a spinning key for extra charm... no winding needed. Best of all, you can pick it up *gratis* in our Tradewinds Welcome Center shop. (Please note: certain details in the photo are pixelated to meet OSW guidelines.) Enjoy!

Full perm so you can adjust as needed.

Marianna : @DebbieEdwards and @ferdfrederix created a really beautiful mini ballerinia they give at their Outworldz grid, I love these 💗 1 month ago

Happy New Year! at Eternity Night Club such a great venue.

Game HUD is coming together hope to have the game ready by the weekend.

All ready for NYE !

Frank Hurt: "How much did you have to drink tonight, ma'am?" "Jus' one glass, occifer!" *hiccup* 2 months ago
How to create "i" icon on map (InfoHub/TeleHub)
I was curious to know how to show "infohub" on the world map. In the viewer this is set by the "Extra2" parameter in a map data object (OpenSimulator always hardcodes this to "0" which makes an object a "TeleHub" instead of an actual "InfoHub" - but it's not particularly useful for anything in modern times besides putting an "info" icon on your map!). *First* select/edit a prim (such as the OSW beacon), then hit Alt-R to bring up estate manager, on the region tab is TeleHub button to the right, click to open that dialog and hit "connect". then you will see an "I" icon on your world map. Not super useful but maybe someone will find it helpful.
I figured out how to generate a map of the sim. we've spent a day or so building and there's much land still to explore. At the concept it was going to be like a 9 square grid with 4 lands and 5 waters lol. But on a 4096x4096 I realized that would take weeks if not a month to create, so I tried different things and finally figured out how to randomly generate islands on the whole sim. The concept is people can have an island in the game, or part of it - a parcel. This isn't a typical square island sim but different and interesting so far. the economy game will be ready soon, it's going to be free to play.

Aeris Irides: I put the grid map on a 5m x 5m prim and anywhere you touch you are teleported to that area. Obviously we have a map in the viewer lol. But With the dynamically generated map i can display the parcels... 2 months ago

big ship arrived

Dance Party with DJ Risk Sunday 11am SLT

Get ready to kick off your sandals and dance the day away at the TradeWinds Beach Club! Starting at 11am, the bright sunshine, gentle ocean breeze, and DJ Risk Chaser’s electrifying beats will turn the sandy shoreline into your personal dance floor. Gather your friends, feel the energy soar, and make unforgettable midday memories under the warm coastal sun!

Last Minute Shopping for Christmas! VR Headset, BT Headphones and HyDef Webcam great stocking stuffer.. Full Perm

I made a "Sia" wig and bow today while listening to her Christmas album :)

I hired a Banker to handle customer service for the new Podex Exchange installation.. Podex isn't 100% set up but should be today I suppose. Mister Banker is a ChatGPT AI you can chat with in local, have fun!

Stop on by Sim Beach for your free Christmas Drone and controller. Get ready for the upcoming drone race in New Jersey!

Standing in line for open call auditions for a christmas production... it looks like it's going to be hard to get the part though, everyone matches the specs in the casting call and we all look the same. I guess it must be won on personality alone. i had to get my nails taken off to look like a peasant, now my fingers look like i've been digging dirt with my bare hands my whole life. Salon day tomorrow!
Wanderers beware: the forest at midnight is no place for the living.

In the heart of a sprawling, overgrown forest, where the trees loomed like ancient sentinels, a dark gothic Victorian mansion stood in eerie defiance of time and nature. Its silhouette rose sharply against the midnight sky, jagged turrets and gabled roofs clawing at the heavens. The air was thick with fog, shrouding the clearing in a spectral gloom, but the mansion’s presence was undeniable, a monolithic monument to forgotten eras and whispered horrors.

The mansion was a paradox both a sanctuary and a trap. Its grand doors were always open, inviting any soul brave enough to enter. Visitors were welcomed warmly, offered fine wine and decadent meals by Melanie and Hana. Aeris herself would greet guests with a charm so disarming that few realized they were prey until it was too late. The coven entertained their guests in the candlelit parlor, where shadows danced like specters across the walls, and music from Camille’s phonograph lulled them into a false sense of security.

But as the hour crept closer to midnight, the house revealed its true nature. The fog thickened, pressing against the stained-glass windows like curious hands. The air grew colder, and the laughter of the hosts took on an unsettling edge. One by one, the guests would realize the danger they were in. By then, it was far too late.

I went shopping for vintage furniture today and found this watch in the drawer... anyone know a place that sells watch batteries? It's stuck on stop watch mode.

LeonitasLionheart: even the watch stopped to watch Aeris... 2 months ago

sky's turning red

A boutique da loja de presentes será inaugurada em breve

É uma casa pequena, mas supermoderna e aconchegante. Tenho um aplicativo na minha mesa para segurança e controle de temperatura. Energia 100% solar.

Uma nova piscina demoníaca, venha dar um mergulho kkkk

Micawood: mas é uma pena não permitir gente de outros grids 3 months ago

I had the moving crew drop off our wedding reception tables over by the entrance, there are plenty of free gifts and still some champagne and cake left. Have fun!

All ready for the Di$ney party tomorrow, snow white wasn't an option.

Aeris Irides: It's a birthday party so for my gift I made a water pistol that you can squirt in mouse-look mode, and also plays "it's a small world" midi version in an infinite loop while attached. lol i'm going to... 3 months ago

such an amazing day

come dance with us at One Heart

hop:// Love Beach Club

The midnight hour...

Several free gifts will be available during/after reception :)

Come celebrate with us.

Trick or Treat!

I'm out at the beach riding my new seahorse thank you Passion Jumanji.

rayne: that is beautiful! i am looking for a good quality horse (rideable, not avatar) if anyone knows where to find one, please message me. thanks! 4 months ago

Trick or Treat!
I'm doing Indiana Jones today

Trick or Treat!

Safinemahoe2: Awesome outfit Aeris! 4 months ago

Trick or Treat!

Dancing at TGIF ! I'm doing Queen Nefertiti for Halloween this year, yay. Come dance with me -->

up late working ... on Xdemineur lol.

Free Forceps give-away at Hypnotic Euphoria

NoraCola: Those look cool but the grid I use is banned so I can't go there to get them T_T 5 months ago

got my press pass ready for the OpenSim Worlds Fair meeting tomorrow.

I made an NPC of myself dancing in a cake, perfect for your bachelorette parties and such. Come get it while supplies last.

I added these freebie Copper Pails, perfect for cut flowers or waste bins for your bathroom. Stop by and get yours while supplies last. Made in OS.

It's a great day to shine!

Wendie Blackthorn: oh the shimmer of liquid lust 6 months ago

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No upcoming events

My Reviews

Big City Life

It's so much fun alot to explore! I even found a job dancing at the Burlesque club.


Great venue! great music and dj! ~~~~~~~~recommended~~~~~~~~


beautiful grid, enjoyed my visit

Tierra De Volcanes

Amazing sim. love it! such a great collection of items.


amazing store, love it. so great


"Viewer is banned by region owner" Cool VL Viewer 1.32.2. it's the only viewer that seems to work with OpenSimulator and Debian 12. (FS no worky). It's strange to me a person would take the time to list their sim on OSW only to ban everyone with some odd ball "viewer restriction".

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