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Gentle Fire Grid is now Open for Visitor and for community , Friendship , Land for sale , and customize region for those who Just want to Move in and enjoy. Freebie Mall and A university for class, meeting for those that like to teach and share what they have learn over the years.

Liked posts

Danke für eure liebevollen Worte und Gebete. Danke allen, die in dieser schweren Zeit mir beigestanden und unseren Rudi das letzte Geleit gegeben haben. Danke auch für die vielen Blumen- und Kranzspenden, mit denen ihr eure Anteilnahme und Wertschätzung gezeigt habt.
In tiefster Dankbarkeit

OtterLandMGM: 1 years ago


Zeus2485 Anton: thanks share nice avatar and beautiful shop stuff 1 years ago

Mudyblues: Auch dem Soul ein frohes Weihnachtsfest 1 years ago
A stunning render of Fantasy Land, a quaint and whimsical village of mushroom houses. The scene features adorable, colorful houses with mushroom caps, each with unique architectural details. An inviting pathway winds through the village, leading to a cozy-looking central gathering spot. The soft, glowing sunlight creates a warm atmosphere, and the surrounding forest is filled with vibrant flora and fauna.

SilviaFrey: Donde se puede visitar? 1 month ago
Möge die Weihnachtszeit euch eine Pause des Alltags schenken und euch Zeit geben, die wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu schätzen. Inmitten der Hektik des Lebens ist es diese Zeit des Jahres, die uns daran erinnert, was wirklich zählt: Familie, Freunde und die Liebe, die wir teilen. Frohe Weihnachten allen !!!
Eure Nasti

AnKaBi: Euch allen ein schönes weihnachtsfest 4 months ago

When a new year begins at midnight, you know how fast time flies. I wish you love, success and happiness - only the biggest piece of everything!

The Soul-Grid wishes all a happy new year

KikiBaily: Frohes neues Jahr wünschen Kiki & Wollex 1 years ago
Kaum zu glauben, aber nun liegt das letzte Neujahr schon wieder ein Jahr zurück. Heute ist schon wieder Silvester. Das Jahr ist geradezu an uns vorbei geflogen. Es kommt mir so vor, als ob das letzte Neujahr erst gestern gewesen wäre. Aber nun steht das neue Jahr schon vor der Tür. Ich wünsche euch, das ihr heute einen wunderschönen Abend verbringt. Habt Spaß, feiert das vergangene Jahr und kommt gut in das Neue. Für das neue Jahr wünsche ich euch, das alle eure Träume in Erfüllung gehen, das ihr die Vorsätze, die ihr euch vorgenommen habt, umsetzen könnt und das ihr gesund bleibt. Alles Gute für das neue Jahr!
Eure Nasti

thedeeferry: Thank you, Soul Grid. The best wishes for you and yours. 4 months ago

à retenir
et voila

Jamie Wright: Bonjour Falene:) This pic makes me hopeful you're soon to open one of your amazing regions again:) Whatever the path, all the best to you:) 1 years ago

Wir wünschen allen ein schönes Osterfest mit viel Sonnenschein.

Soul-Grid : Vielen Dank dir Kiki :) 1 years ago

Brilliant appearance on new year's eve

Concetta Outfit _ Maitreya and Reborn
in any Colors
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

TailorNova: Würde ich selber nicht anziehen aber bei einer Frau sieht das bestimmt Super aus 6 months ago

NEW!! Kelly Outfit
Hud driven Top/Thong
Happy Shopping:))

I believe I have asked this before, what is the big deal about traffic report ranking? Is there a cash prize, an award ceremony, a trophy cup, a free pro-version of

All this fussing about rank and ratings for what?

♥ Enjoy and you're welcome ♥

Pagane: Oh yes Suzan, i'm the only problem for fake peoples from fake society and fake ranking.... Continue with your fake orgasms from ranking in top10 and don't worry about me! 8 days ago

----- NEW OUTFITS -----

Ellen: such cute clothes!! thank you! 5 months ago

KEAKY Outfit
Reborn and Maitreya
Belt- Jumpsuit -Hells
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

I am old :) I don't care! So I really don't care what you think :) I may not have seen "attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" but I've seen and done some stuff that doesn't involve sitting and whining in a text box. So have your pale fun or wake up and make a POSITIVE difference :)
Love to all

Arielle: Getting older is mandatory but getting wiser is optional. 2 months ago
I secured a prestigious and coveted job in the Mayors' office in the village on Black White Castle sim. I am so excited and busy all day long! I am in charge of voter registration.
“Monochrome moments, timeless memories.” -- no idea who actually said that.

Suzi_Avonside: Get them all signed up to vote Dee, democracy depends on it... 4 months ago

Call me stupid, I just do not understand why objects on sims for free sale are not full perm? What part of free don´t I understand?

Johnny Rebel: bIghel'a'? tIq rIHtaHghachwIj. :) jatlh = Ahh, you are a Trekkie to? haha! :D Live long, and prosper. :) "smiles" & waves" 2 years ago

----- NEW OUTFITS -----

Jeannie and Angelina wishing you a season full of light and laughter. Enjoy our place with free shopping and fun. Jeannie und Angelina wünschen Euch eine Zeit voller Licht und lachen. Genießt unsere Region mit free shopping und spass.

KikiBaily: Wünsche Euch auch eine schöne Adventszeit :-) 5 months ago
This wonderful combat system has been masterfully scripted by Ares Halostar. It let's you set up a game on your land in your woods, where avatars can fight vampires, spiders, werewolves, and more! Not only this, but healing fairies and magical spirits fly to your aid to heal you! The entire system is FREE and is a massive amount of work. If you always wanted a complete roleplay situation this is it from A to Z. It's Amazing! :) It's at Village It is well worth the trip! He has put some heart & soul into this system! Enjoy!

Marpil Grafenwalder: wow sounds interesting!!! I want to try this 20 days ago


Ellen: So cute!!! Thank you!!!!! I love your clothes! 5 months ago
Xinashi Is Taking a New Direction.
I've stopped work on Xinashi and have taken all the builds back into my inventory. The CopyKat Collective hub region has also been packed up.

Here's the deal. I've been working on 20 Xinashi sims for about 3 years now. In addition, I've assembled 160 outfits for the oh HELLO shop in the past year alone. I'm finding it is all too much work. The fact is that less than half of the Xinashi sims have been fully set-up in all of this time. And, since the CopyKat grid closed and the loss of my inventory, I have been unable to assemble new outfits for the shop.

So, I'm sharpening my focus. Xinashi as a whole will be on hold for now. My work in OS will be devoted to assembling new outfits for oh HELLO and working with the CopyKat Collective team on a new project. You might want to join our discussion about the Collective's new project on our Discord server:

Nano Bikini NIKA
Trikini LENA
Mikrokini SONA

Comes all with Color Hud -Athena Body-



Wir wünschen euch allen eine wunderschöne Adventszeit

KarinBecker: Draußen vor dem Haus sieht alles schon ganz festlich aus. All die Girlanden und die Kerzen erwärmen unsere großen Herzen. Mit warmen Düften in der Luft überbrückt sich eine jede Kluft. So freuen wir u... 5 months ago


Arielle: Super cute looking outfit but I couldn't find it. :( 5 months ago

Skay Outfit
Belt-Boots-jacket-Shorts -Top
in white and Black/ withe
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

Arial view of Dragonspire. All of my region, The Land Of Xzar, is parceled, even the rivers so the places in the novel can all be named. Enable shared environment, though I keep messing with the skies. I can't make up my mind. Oh! And have your sound on. Though there are still silent pockets through the land. It all takes time...still building the last of it.
There are two entrances directly to Devil's Fork, the back way in, from Dragonspire, through the mountains, or down a lovely path to a gate. So after your visit to Dragonspire, (the house and gatehouse are my versions of a similar house built by Kismet in SL and I am slow at furnishing it, so mostly empty) take a stroll over to Devil's Fork, explore my little town of mostly my own builds in prim and texture, and have a drink at The Grande Phoenix or my favorite dive, Charlie's Bar. ;) See you soon!

BTW a lot of folks are visiting, no one is commenting or reviewing. Even if it is a bad review it would be appreciated.
Thanks for reading this long azz post! Much Love and let's spread it around!! It will come back to you. Promise.

MartyFeldman: ... no regions found with that name 9 months ago

----- NEU NEU NEU -----

Copper: Wäre noch von Vorteil eine sim mit Gridadresse dazu zu schreiben um in die Karte zu kopieren ;-) 5 months ago

After now when Region is "ready" many Aestian NPC-s are also ready to travel the world and find new places. Here they are at outpost.

The future
beacon on full graphics shared environment on.

Wolf Territories Grid: Brilliant as usual! 11 days ago

Dark Sparrow Outfit
Boots-jacket-belt with Chain
Have a nice time and enjoy my creations
Yours Karin Becker

All are me: Lagniappe grid, Genesis grid, and Neverworld grid. I can't believe I didn't crash. How many of your avatars using the same Firestorm viewer can you put in one place? I have a couple more I think I might try to get in as well. Yeah...Ima a risk taker. :)

Pagane: you look stunning! kiss:) about how many avatar in one firestorm..... i see up to 8, even make sim for this - "Best fake sim" but peoples not like to see snapshots with twins:) 9 months ago

UNO-ON-THE-MOON! COME JOIN US!! NEW! AWESOME GAME! FANTASTIC FUN! monday,tuesday, & thursday nights at 8pm EST (5 SLT).

Thirza Ember: Happy hour ! 1 years ago
***** NEW RELEASES *****


Both outfits include 6 solid colors and 6 patterns
All pieces can also be worn seperately,

Pants in 6 patterns, Sweater in 6 solid colors and Platform Shoes in co-ordinating colors
!!!NOTE: This outfit is for Athena & Legacy ONLY

Dress in 6 patterns, Jacket in 6 solid colors & Shoes in co-ordinating colors
This outfit is available for Athena ,Petite, Legacy & Perky

Early Happy Valentine's Day

Enjoy Shopping


Thirza Ember: fabulous! great trizzy 3 months ago
The "I have an idea" post was created to stimulate discussion about ideas. I give myself a fail for that idea. Thanks to the few that commented and those who liked it. I have deleted said post.

Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend! ♥
We have entered in the month of OCTOBER and October brings Halloween. me and my husband have done many things through the years in SL, AND HAVE DECIDED TO SHARE SOME OF THEM WITH YOU.

I will post when we put things out and everything we do put out is our creations. We hope you get a copy of the items and enjoy them and put them in your stores on your land. I have added 7 seats on the pumpkins.

If I see anyone take them back to SL AND try to sell them I will set charges of theft on any of our items.

Please enjoy the items we will set out for you all. Enjoy and happy OCTOBER :)

You don't need a band to do hip-hop; you only need to be at the ZEE Lounge 😘

Brenden Joseph: Just visited, nice looking club, said hello to Poppy, but she must have been afk. 11 months ago