AdminCartabria @AdminCartabria

Cartabria I Offline


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Hello Friends! I have been busy working on my shop and have made this sweet stone house available. It comes with a stone wall you can use as well. I built it for Braewood Forest in The Land Of Xzar, so visit there if you would like to see it furnished with the things I made for it as the one at the mall is unfurnished. All should be copy if anyone wants, or ask me. I have included a kitchen you can place if you wish.
I have added a lot of landscaping items: planters with flowers, ground flowers and plants, and a beautiful collection of trees made with AI-generated textures. There are also some new water lilies to add to your ponds, as well as a wooden gazebo with a dance ball.
I make all of my content using sculpts and prims. The shop is full of decor and finishing pieces that help turn a house into a home.
Look for Star Ravenhurst Designs on the teleporter when you land.
Thanks for having a look! Big Hugs!! Al Kohav

Jared Seda: Awesome store! Really enjoyed visiting! Thanks for sharing your amazing creations. 8 months ago

Ich freu mich cshon auf das Rollenspiel mit meinem Kaiser Wilhelm in Cartabria :-)

Copper: Warum schreibt ihr nicht direkt von der sim aus einen post. Dann wäre die sim HG-adresse gleich dabei für einen Teleport in Karte kopieren. Nur ein Gedanke :-) 9 months ago

Umzug auf das Weingut Carpua
Ich freu mich drauf!

Copper: Wäre mal nich schlecht das von einer registrierten (beacon) sim zu schreiben. Es gibt ja auch keine sim im OS wo das sein soll :-) 10 months ago

Early morning harrow- or the early bird gets the worm.

Now the frost has gone and the days warm..

Ms Saucy Bargee chugs off into the new morning to pick up another load for her narrowboat.

Lone Wolf: One of my favourite places especially because I live on a narrow boat. 2 years ago

Autumn is finally on us

Lilly Pond: Great job, indeed! One of these days I will go there for pictures, to my flickr page. I hope you don't mind! Ty for the beauty! 2 years ago