[TTG]Twiztid Timez Grid @Abbey_Normal

Twiztid Timez Grid Offline

Twiztid Timez Grid Owner

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I am excited to roll out premium housing in our new Roads sims. These parcels are 10,000 meters or up and have waterfront views of Little Willow Bay. The parcels are on named roads, in a neighborhood, and connected to thousands of kilometers of connected roadways, including Cloudburst Roads, Rouge Vineyards, and the Neverworld National Forest. These homesites are available to Neverworlders ONLY, so you know your neighbors all live here full-time.
Parcels are free.
Each parcel comes with house rezzers of upgraded design. You are welcome to decorate your home and parcel as you wish in keeping with the coastal theme. Generous prim limits and an amazing opportunity to join our exclusive Roads community. You must join the Never Riders Group to obtain a parcel. It is a closed group... if you are not a member just ask any admin and we will send you an invite.
Hop to the private community of Little Willow Bay
hop://hg.neverworldgrid.com:8002/Little Willow Bay/670/726/22

Crazyposeidon: Great regions, great performances, we use as our holiday destination, the best road system I have ever seen virtually, great places to discover, breathtaking mountain routes, great landscapes, outstan... 3 months ago

Xmas Market 2024 @ Eternal Ice

FinjaFlux: Let's have some eggnog at Bink's Xmas Market! Cheers! 3 months ago

Note: Novale's uses GMT (or UCT) as reference Timezone
Info: Click the huge bauble for info
Good Luck !

Faith Fromund: Thank you so much! Beautiful Region and the Advent Hunt is fun. =) 3 months ago
The Dinkies Advent Calendar is now Active, Every day leading up to Christmas, a new surprise awaits for you Dinkies in the Advent Calendar. The first day had arrived, ENJOY!!!
Located at: hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies
(Once landing at the Resort, click on the big Christmas Market board (you can not miss seeing) and it will take you there :-))

Bink Draconia: I've grabbed the 1st gift - it is soooo cute!!! Thank you very much!!!! 3 months ago


Community Meeting today all welcome - even if you are not on Wolf Territories Grid - 11AM Community Hub Region

The Hub Grid is our new Secondary Grid and its run by the fantastic Una of Masala Estates.

This Grid will host most of our public lands, but many of our rentals will stay where they are. The private land rentals will remain on E, and a few of the large sims will remain there too, if they have rentals already.

Please update your landmarks for some of our best lands now, on The Hub! :)

The Snowfall Expanse
you start the experience by crossing the region, have fun!
teleport Dreamscape Area

Die drei winterlichen Sims sind ja schon das Jahr über "geöffnet" - die Adventszeit naht - und an jedem der Adventsabende im Dezember gibt es wieder eine Lesung mit Rubeus in den Märchenzelten. Abwechselnd auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Dorenas World und in Rubeus`Santas Winterwunderland.
Ab 20:00 gibt es dann eine runde Stunde Geschichten und Musik zur Adventszeit zu hören - davor gibts auch schon ein wenig "festliche Klänge" zur Einstimmung. Am 1. und am 3. Advent treffen wir uns im Märchenzelt auf Dorenas Weihnachtsmarkt
und am 2. & 4. Advent gibts Weihnachtsstimmung im Märchenzelt im Winterwunderland
dorenas-world.de:8002:Santas Winterwunderland
Vorher und nachher könnt Ihr dann in aller Ruhe die Marktstände und Geschäfte auf den Weihnachtmärkten durchstöbern - da gibts bestimmt etwas das Euch und anderen Freude machen kann.

Mein Weihnachtsmann in der Toscana hat schon einen Glühwein zuviel :))

My Santa Claus in Tuscany has already had one too many mulled wine :))

Wishing you all a happy pre-Christmas season. :-)

Tainted Angel: Wishing you a very Merry Christmas season! 3 months ago

********* New Release*********

Funsize Dinkies getting ready for todays Roadtrip...

RemmyRavenhurst: Adorable 5 months ago

Funsize Dinkies Road Trip to hg.osgrid.org:80:ETZEL

A fun Halloween Festive Region with so much to see and buy for this Season.
The Dinkies give their Paws Up for a great Explore.

Dinkie Greedy@The Camping Area~Funsize Dinkies
Dinkie Greedy - Starting at 8:00am - 10:00am

Open invite to all Dinkies on Opensim.

Join us for a couple of Dinkie Greedy Games and meet other Dinkies around Opensim in one Resort.

A Great Resort to hangout with all the Funsize Dinkies.
Location: hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies

See you Over there!!!

What: TWO IN A ROW Sunday's
When: Sunday's 2pm - 4pm SLT/PST

Come join us EVERY Sunday afternoon for some music and good times! Everyone can be a star at the shit show! Sing on the HOUSE KARAOKE STREAM or sing on voice in LOCAL. We also use a KARAOKE QUEUE BOARD for singers to sign up on so everyone knows who is next! Sing Two songs and pass the mic to the next person! Instructions & Stream Details are in the EASEL on the Stage!

Hope to see you there!
hop://hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602/Wicked Waves/564/540/26
Starting at eight o'clock this morning like no other Fashion Show on Opensim, check out the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies.
Outfits after the show will be available for purchase in the Dinkie Marketplace and some even up for grabs for free!

Bring your Biggies and Friends on over to enjoy the show at
hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies

(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie sizes only)

hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies


Fashion is all about expression, and the FUNSIZE Dinkies are turning heads with their unique style!

Join us on Friday, August 9th, starting at eight o'clock in the morning, Pacific Daylight Time, for a Dinkies Fashion Show like no other.

You'll see the latest trendy outfits created by the FUNSIZE Dinkies, and after the show, these fabulous looks will be available for purchase in the Marketplace, with some even up for grabs for free!

Don’t miss out on this chance to embrace fresh fashion and discover what these trendsetters have in store!

hop://hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies
(Anyone can come over to watch the show, but the clothing is strickly Dinkie only)

What: TWO IN A ROW Sunday's
When: Sunday's 4pm - 6pm SLT/PST

Come join us EVERY Sunday afternoon for some music and good times! Everyone can be a star at the shit show! Sing on the HOUSE KARAOKE STREAM or sing on voice in LOCAL. We also use a KARAOKE QUEUE BOARD for singers to sign up on so everyone knows who is next! Sing Two songs and pass the mic to the next person! Instructions & Stream Details are in the EASEL on the Stage!

Hope to see you there!
hop://hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602/Wicked Waves/564/540/26

GAMES without BORDERS (Archery)
Always a Good Laugh and much Fun with all of the Dinkies at

GAMES without BORDERS (Sack Races)
Dinkies always having FUN together on

GAMES without BORDERS (Paddle Boat Races)
Always a Good Laugh and much Fun with all of the Dinkies at

Beginning with the SOAPBOX CAR Race

This is a open Event for watchers and take parters
Location: hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies

"Games without Boarders" at Funsize Dinkies World Resort - Today (28th June)
Be on the Resort by 8:00am for debrief as its all Go..go.. go.. at 8:15am

Do you love to have fun?? The Funsize Dinkies spent alot of Sweat and Time building their very own Soapbox Cars for this BIG Event...

Soap Car Races, Archery, Sack Races, Duck Races and more Relay Games in "Games without Boarders" Event today.

A Great Resort to hangout with all the Funsize Dinkies.

Location: hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies

Come Join in the FUN or Come and Watch for yourself
See you Over there!!!
Join the adventure on the Funsize Dinkies World Resort ROADTRIP; the excitement begins every Wednesday at 8:00 am sharp. The bus departs at 8:15 am on the dot towards our thrilling destination. Immerse yourself in the joy and wonder that awaits at Funsize Dinkies. The journey promises endless fun and unforgettable memories. Don't miss out on the excitement that a ROADTRIP with the Funsize Dinkies brings. Pack your bags and get ready for an epic Ride!!
hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies
Funsize Dinkies World.
A place where dreams come alive and imaginations run wild.
Join the Funsize Dinkies community as you begin a journey filled with endless adventures, laughter, and new friendships.
It's a place where neighbours become lifelong friends, sharing unforgettable moments and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
This is a place where every day is a new chapter in your Dinkie Story.

Funsize Dinkies World Resort
hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies
Funsize Dinkies World Resort has moved over to Twiztid Time Grid and is opening its Resort to All Dinkies on Opensim.
Join us all at the usual time Friday at 8:00am - 10:00am
Meet us at the JOINT to discuss happenings and more in Open Chat.

Location: hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Funsize Dinkies
See you Over there!!!
Putri Solo will be singing live @ Twiztid Timez grid hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Twiztid Timez Welcome Area
Saturday 24th February 2024
9pm - arrive early!
This is a great opportunity to visit the newly created Twiztid Grid, enjoy good company and wonderful music with Putri and to celebrate the amazing Faith Fromund's birthday! It was a surprise but the cat is out of the bag now and she is thrilled.
Ok it's official now and the cat is out of the bag! What is to be a surprise birthday party for my amazing and treasured friend Faith Fromund is now public.
I told her to come dressed in business attire for an official business meeting - laughs! Also asked her to stay out of an area of her own sim! Can you believe it? damn lucky she knows I am bossy at time when determined to get something done!

On Saturday 24th February 2024 @ 9PM - we have organized for the talented and amazing singer Putri Solo who will be singing live for Faith's birthday party.

Everyone is welcome to come along [the more the merrier]. On arrival - grab your party hats, balloons and cute little animated balloons and celebrate with us for Faith's birthday!

Come early but be sure to take the taxi here:
hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Twiztid Timez Welcome Area

The event will be held on the Twiztid Timez main grid - you won't miss the color on arrival at the welcome center.

Please don't take the OMG LM - I will place a notice for those that go there by mistake.
But you want the Twiztid Timez Welcome Area grid hg.twiztidtimezgrid.com:8602:Twiztid Timez Welcome Area
Coming Soon! The talented Putri Solo will be making a surprise appearance for someone very special. All will be welcome to come along and celebrate with us as we dance the night away to the fabulous voice of Putri!
Details TBA - keep watching!

A new little cafe outside the Art Gallery is just the spot - my good friend Mal couldn't resist a spontaneous dance with me! Thanks Mal.

Little piece of farmland in Italy. Farmer Guiseppie is up at the crack of dawn. Mamma Maria and her sister are still passed out from the night before in their chairs. Freshly baked bread made the night before is slowly being eaten by the crazy chook who is running wild in the kitchen! With farmer Pappa with his back to the vegie garden the madcow is eating all the vegies. Never a dull moment at OMG. Vineyards, sunflowers and treck up the hill to little Tuscany!

OMG Art Gallery - collection of artwork by CL. This is only one of several Art Galleries located at OMG. Drop in grab a champagne and listen to some classical music played by the talented Pia Concerta. The beautiful Black Winged Goddess proudly takes center stage at the Gallery.
Darkness cannot survive in the LIGHT! Please shine a LIGHT on the evil that is permeating and destroying our lives and this world.
Visit AWAKENING and collect your own Light Bearer Lantern along with all the links and please share far and wide.
Collectively we can dismantle this evil and restore PEACE on Earth. It starts with each and everyone of us.

Are you vaccine injured? Help is available, visit Awakening for links for assistance whether that be legal, medical or just to meet with people in your situation.

RemmyRavenhurst: I had a post deleted from this thread so am going to try to repost it here. The gaslighting and coercion that occurred during covid was disgusting. The emotional manipulation was disgusting. The gover... 1 years ago

My apologies to the people who have visited. I just realized that I had not set the GIFT for sale for you. Please do come back and collect your gift.

The Prayer Garden or Reflections garden is a quiet sanctuary for visitors to retreat to after viewing Awakening Art Installation. A perfect place to watch some of the links or simply to pray in whatever way is relevant for you.
Confronting and shocking but the truth needs to be shown. Use Media if you wish to listen to any of the videos - there are a few videos for viewing.
You can click on objects for notecards with links

A gift is located [use the teleport] along with a box of all the links to do your own due diligence.

If you have lost a loved one recently or you are injured due to mandates, AWAKENING will no doubt trigger you - that is understandable. There are a few displays that may be too difficult for people to see, especially if a loved one has been lost.

There are gardens to relax in, to pray, to take time out and just be.

Please know there is a global community out there waiting for you - reach out and open up and please know you are not alone.

United as One Humanity ♥