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5000Seahorses @5000Seahorses

North America Offline

Hello out there! I just love virtual worlds and am avatar-crazy!


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This is so cute; I love it!
Thank you we have had lots of fun with this :)
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She used to work for Mtv in New York; how kewl is that?! I remember the very birth of Mtv and although it has changed over the years I still watch some of it especially the Mtv Video Music Awards!
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This is a picture of my main avatar JatrinaBauer Ruissatel from the virtual world Second Life. *smiles*
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Hello! I am having difficulty rezzing my NeverWorld Grid avatar Janae Tarr. I have tried eveything that I can think of to bring my avatar's image back. I have a bug called Horse. I think this problem I'm having is due to a couple of attachments that I can just not detach from my avatar. I had picked up these two items from another grid and had attached them to my avatar. I had apparently forgotten to detach them from my avatar when I was done with NeverWorld Grid at the time. I have not heard back from NeverWorld Grid Support, so I am wondering if anyone who's out there could please shed some awareness as to how I can fix this problem. Thank you for taking the time to read this! It is much appreciated.
Sent you a private message here and in world hope this helps
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Hello! Sometime ago I was browsing Opensimworld and I came across The Playground Mall or Darkhearts Mall where I saw a picture of DJ Marshall. Does anyone know where DJ Marshall comes from? Is he associated with a particular grid in Opensimworld? I had never seen him before so I am merely curious. Thank you for taking the time to read this!