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Lost World is only a name not the address. Its now
well that may be a diff scenario now. when you own lost worlds url my grid was banned and last i heard still was. maybe after u sold it, its no more. guess ill have something new to check out now.
Not sure what that means, But from my end you where never banned.
well ill check out the region later. but i heard you sold the lost worlds address or whatever it was cold. but it was the region that has portals to all ur places. awhile back when i tried to get to it, it said my grid was banned. but hey ho thats the past and this is now so ill check out the region later.
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Prolly need to stop pointing fingers, Makes people think less of you. Just sayin
You need to know that I do not care. I point fingers at nobody, I only speak facts. Do you know what it is to ASS U ME things? I dont think you do because you just did it.
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Very nice :) nice textures I'm not one for the use of spec map to much but nice never the less.
Thanks Joe :-)
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Hey the Vaccine works, I only got the Covid 3 times.
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Exactly no politics or Nazi Sympathizers
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Hey Jimmy Nice region you have there :) Looks like Isil Designs from SL? Is it the same..
yes it is:) how are u btw? long time last talked to u
Lazy I'm very lazy :)
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I think its all nonsense, Who?? Police's what is sold on Kitely.
No one polices it and i personally think that's partly why people rip the creators off on kitely. opensim is not connected to the marketplace in sl but its connected to kitely marketplace in some form or way. I dont get why people would want to rip creators off in kitely, and yes i know they have done it with sl copybotted stuff. But some of us pay good money for things we buy on kitely.

but we al know no one really polices that stuff or its happened so much they get tired of it.

However if people keep ripping off creators, eventually those creators wont make anything new and we will be stuck with old stuff.
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So that's where they went, The lack of Humans must of ran them off.
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To get to the other side? Alternative answers are "''cause" or "why not?" Maybe I don't understand your question.
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Of course you are Ellen
Merry Christmas Scrooge!!!!
Same to you Ellen Doolittle
haha I like it!
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The whole fun about opensims is the ability to explore if it wasn't for that its just boring. Most if not all grids have places to shop. I would not suggest one grid rather than the other for Items of need.
sure, but do you agree with what Lyr said? that's really the question.
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Walking and chewing seems to give some people problems :)
yes it gives me that knee-jerk reaction lol
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Lots of effort, Good Imagination.
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I have had Thousands of USD sent to me via Paypal for more years than I can count. Paypal works always :)
Same however, the past 2 years they have been going a bit crazy with legal changes. I recommend searching for an alternate like I did Joe. You will be blindsided one day and it's one reason the IRS is now arming their agents with .40 cal sub machine guns and buying 5 million rounds of ammo past 2 years. Minimize what you have pass through your bank accounts or you will be put through audit hell and probably at gun point, in the not to far future at this rate.
How easy is it to set it up?
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Most of women avatars in opensim don't use voice because there actually Dude's why ruin the fantasy. Honestly does it really matter in the virtual world of make believe.
Ummmm I think i would rather know TBH ... No judgement - Each to their own and all that ... But Not that keen on that level of Deception. What is wrong with coming clean!
That old trope about virtual world women being men... I'm sure there are some in Opensim /Second Life who play as a sex other than their RL sex, but as you say, what's the issue? However your basic premise is somewhat false as anyone can use voice morphing technology to change their voice.
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The fact that there is free speech is perfect for any platform. If one has issues then by all means let us all know what to expect or not. You can't please everyone there's issues everywhere. I run 2 grids myself I also been in opensims like forever :) Personally I find DreamGrid to be a perfect solution to solve all the drama of grids owned by others who may think there better than the rest. Over pricing I do find horrible way to take advantage to us poor folks who can't afford SL prices. Servers are cheap enough out there, No need to have 1000 regions LOL unless you have the bodies to fill them. Open space of vast land in moronic at best, False advertising with claims things work perfectly is also a thing that should never be spoken. Blocking people for voicing opinions on a grids performance is profound. Anyways good luck to the parties concerned..
and that's exactly the point, I want to remind you that I am not biased, but I have shown that both technically and knowledge-wise I know enough (how many here knew that Fred has his own dedicated page in the SL wiky and I think this page is still there? and he is a former Linden contributor? that says a lot about his enormous experience).

I am not biased, I mean, DreamGrid I prefer it albeit in its limitations, because a program in VB.NET that starts one C# cannot be the pinnacle of perfection, but it is egregious work, and Kubwa's work is also good however only German as an end user language, DreamGrid is more complete, but they are similar products and both good. (I would not use them for me personally but I appreciate them and they are good).

I understand that maintaining a grid has HUGE costs for those who use proprietary or leased servers, but if you ask me for $50 a month, making me believe that you have the best grid just for a full control panel, and if you put me 200 EMPTY VARs to do territory, and you don't hold them up with the virtual servers you have created, well, you are not offering me a good service, you are taking a lot of money away from me.

The argument is that it seemed to me, excuse me for quoting it, that I was reliving the time when Avitron was writing similar nonsense in HGBusiness... "The Best Technologically Advanced" and then $35 contabo servers, now I don't know how they are doing Avitron doesn't give a damn, but before contabo vps had and sold regions... shoddy.

So yes, if I cannot pay even one region in a good grid, I will use private regions in OSGrid or Other similar grids or DreamGrid.

That's the way I think about it.
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No honor amongst thieves.
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We don't read books anymore, Just go and see the movie :)
Hey now...I read books!
Yea, Your old school
lol or listen to Audible! hehe
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Land of the Giants :)
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The closest thing I found is this
The horns are that of the Sabbatic Goat, A large skull is inside the temple.
One would think its demonic but it is not. That I know of lol :)