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Sheila Devonshire @13535


My husband and I have a home in Virtuality grid called Southern Oasis. Come by and visit anytime. Construction is still underway but we are working constantly to create a beautiful vista with horse trails with cuddle spots, even a sky ballroom for romantic evenings. Pandora region is now in the works.

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Monentes Jewelry has lots of turquoise jewelry Free/Full Perms! We also have bloodstone, onyx, emeralds, rubies, diamonds etc If you would like a piece created exclusively for you please IM anytime. continuum.outworldz.net:8002:Monentes Jewelry

rayne: these are gorgeous !!! thank you so much for sharing the things you take so much time to create... it is very much appreciated ! 3 years ago

"Wake the kids and phone the neighbors!"
Grainger Village is back