Paradise Adult

Added by :
Milly Money
Created :
11 months ago
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Come live in Paradise, the beautiful Islands are yours to call home. Get the Residents Group at the arrival. Several beach homes and small islands available, pick one and find the rental box.

Enjoy the incredible scenery and swim or boat on our Caribbean Shores!

ALL WELCOME except child avatars, this is an ADULT Community, thank you xx

Adult Sim, NO Child Avatars or Bots allowed!

View of a Big City skyline from your Hi Rise Skybox, 1000 meters high above the Resort of Paradise.

Come live in Paradise! Get the TP from the Board at the arrival area. 500 prim allowance.

NO child avies or NPC's allowed here or any of our adult regions.
Still many islands and homes available on Paradise. Adult Region.

It should go without saying, but NO child avies or NPC's allowed here or any of our adult regions.

No tolerance on this point, we ban for this.

There are new Skyboxes added now as well, at the 1000 meter level. You are responsible for marking your own Skybox, we don't have teleports to each one on the ground for your security.

The rental boxes are usually on top of the skybox!

Still many small Islands and huts available to rent!

The rental box for the islands is located at the top of the cones on each island. The Residents Group giver is at the arrival area to Paradise, you'll be able to rez your stuff and set up! Enjoy :)

There is a club and a place to dine, as well!

We'd been having some issues with the TRG Residents Group Giver not allowing new joins ...

the error is fixed, you can pick up your Group membership at the Arrival zone here at Paradise, its good for all TRG rental lands!

It's a group giver right there, as you arrive, just click and join at the link in local chat!

Come live in Paradise, the beautiful Islands are yours to call home. Get the Residents Group at the arrival. Several beach homes and small islands available, pick one and find the rental box.

For your convenience ~ the Residents Group giver is right there at arrival now :)

Enjoy the incredible scenery and swim or boat on our Caribbean Shores!

A close up view of the little free Island you may rent at Caribbean Shores!

A sweet little tropical getaway, you get 500 prims to play with.

Click the rental box at the top of the cone, then message MK Scott in world for the Residents tag to rez!
Come live in Caribbean Shores, and enjoy your own little Island! 500 prims allowed, choose a tiki home or an island, and rent. Rental boxes for Islands always on the top of the cone. Then message MK Scott In World for the Residents tag.

Paradise has its own restaurant and Club!
Come live in Caribbean Shores, and enjoy your own little Island! 500 prims allowed, choose a tiki home or an island, and rent. Rental boxes for Islands always on the top of the cone. Then message MK Scott In World for the Residents tag.

Paradise has its own restaurant and Club!
Dining is so much more fun when it actually works. Our lovely tables feature a nice menu and silverware is available as well. Be sure to hover till you find the 'click here to sit' prompt, then just sit and enjoy, you'll get the pop up menu!

The gorgeous Caribbean views are there to enhance your meal.

Come dine at the Cove!

Come live in Paradise, the beautiful Islands are yours to call home. Several beach homes available, pick one and find the rental box, then message MK Scott in world for the Group! Enjoy the incredible scenery and swim or boat on our Caribbean Shores!

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