Valeria's Avatars 2


You can't buy the avatars, you can only look at them. The Sim owner uses her own avatars to boost her superfluous and pointless Sim's ranking. Really silly. A visit is not necessary.

2 months ago - mark as helpful (9) - report

Alex Nova
hahaha You are so pathetic that you have to evaluate yourself with your own acc's just to push out those who have seen through you and rated you poorly! Sure your work is good but it doesn't change the fact that you fake your traffic with your own fake and show avatars. I just say Radegast or Metabolt client. So don't talk nonsense here and pretend that without your fake traffic your region would be unknown because you would be in the lowest ranks!!

1 month ago - mark as helpful (7) - report

even the second sim is a must see.. some people dont get it..its not about the deco stuff, the avatars are awesome

11 months ago - mark as helpful (5) - report

In this shop you will find beautifully designed avatars for women and men. You can take a closer look at the avatars beforehand by viewing him as an NPC. Once you have decided, you have to send the creator Valeria Rossi a message with the name of the avatar you want or ask an employee in the shop and the avatar will be sent to you immediately.

12 months ago - mark as helpful (5) - report

Great avatars! Saves hours of work setting one up, they look fantastic. Recommend highly!

1 years ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Me ha encantado el lugar. Avatares especiales y diferentes. Valeria es una persona súperamable, atenta y maravillosa.

1 years ago - mark as helpful (4) - report

Ciao Valeria, questi avatar sci-fi sono uno spettacolo davvero molto belli, Complimenti e grazie del tuo lavoro

16 days ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Visitando la tua base spaziale, non ho potuto che ammirare i tuoi Avatars sono davvero stupendi. Ho visto che il cartello che spiega come fare per poterne avere una copia lo hai incorniciato di Rosso. Spero davvero che le persone imparino a leggere tu sei una persona meravigliosa e paziente anche con chi non lo merita e critica perchè non capisce e non legge

16 days ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Fantastici avatar quelli fantasy sono superbi, un negozio bellissimo un abiente di amici Alfa, Coral; Valeria e tutti gli altri nella vostra sala da ballo sommersa è stata una bellissima festa. Grazie ancora per tutto il vostro lavoro, Valeria è una persona molto buona lavora gratis e regala i suoi lavori, Brava!

19 days ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Vielen dank für die tollen Avatare, wir sind total begeistert!
Liebe Grüsse Sea und Pablo

20 days ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Ho visitato la tua regione, sono rimasto veramente colpito dai tuoi lavori sia di avatar che di fantasia di arredo, a Valerian's acatar 2 troverete avatar inediti uomo donna e fantasia unici , molto lavoro e generosamente offerto gratis GRAZIE!

1 month ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Una parola a questi due la devo proprio dire, sia Alex Nova che KimTenuto, Siete solo dei poveretti perchè l' invidia è marciume alle ossa. Alex non ti ha detto di no per le tue esibizioni come DJ, ma solo perchè a Valeria non ci sta la discoteca, certo da come parli meglio perderti che trovarti. Vedro di farlo sapere ai miei conoscenti. Per la Kim è solo una ragazzina stupida e ignorante perchè se avesse letto i cartelli avrebbe capito come si ricevono gli avatar a valerian e dalle sue recenzioni guasi tutte negative si deduce che non gli stia bene niente e nessuno....

1 month ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Jerralyn Franzic
The avatars are awesome to behold! I'll admit, once I add them to my inventory I try to wear the clothes for myself, rather than walking around as the avatars taken. In any case, these are fun to have around and I can't say enough about how much work Valeria puts into crafting them.

8 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

This is a wonderful idea to create NPC's to see what the avatar's look like. The perfect solution for people who struggle with being able to create their own look. I am happy with my avatar, but really was impressed with this concept and visited for a friend who has no clue how to create an avatar. Once he comes online I will be bringing him to Valeria's Avatars 2 so he can select his look. I am sure he will be impressed. Such a wonderful concept.

8 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Beautiful avatars, really well done! Congratulations, the system for 'gifting' them to users is a bit complex... why not make them obtainable right away? Furthermore, in all this beauty, there's one thing I don't like at all, full of 'dummy' avatars that generate traffic, this is bad Valeria, very bad! Someone could report your region!

12 months ago - mark as helpful (3) - report

Valeria, are you so desperate that no one comes to your region? Not only are you faking the traffic, now you're also rating yourself so that you can be seen?? this is so cheap...shame on you!!oh and not to forget!! Attention... anyone who dares to ask why there are fake avatars around will be banned!!

6 days ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Chelsea Louloudi
When i go looking for something, I'm not concerned about *traffic*
It appears some are going to criticise the setup rather than get some of Valeria's fabulously created avatars...which is the whole point of...
Valeria's Avatars.

2 months ago - mark as helpful (2) - report

Your work is fantastic, but what's the point to display your avatars, if they can't be bought nor copied? Opensim spirit is usually, what we make and others are interested in, we share it, or sell it if it's a money based grid, you should state that they are not available to purchase, or copy.

25 days ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Michelle Hartley
Can you explain to me and everyone else in Opensim what the point of you creating a room and filling it up with all the avatars you have made. Is it so people can just look at them when you rez them ? No-one can buy them, no-one can copy them. What is the darn point of this ? Not worth the effort of visiting. Waste of time.

25 days ago - mark as helpful (1) - report

Avatar unici bellissimi Valeria è una grande artista buona e gentile aiuta tutti, la sua terra è bellissima una riproduzione del Film Valerian veramente superba anche lo staff è veramente squisito, Alfa e sua moglie il piccolo figlio Wrex e tutti gli altri, quando vai nel loro negozio ti senti in famiglia. Grazie davvero a tutti voi

1 month ago - mark as helpful (1) - report
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